Gtrmike's Crown Royale CKS Grow: Round 2

Well... All in!!!
577g of nice buds. 87g of loose, worthwhile popcorn. Total of 664g, or 23.71oz. Plus over 7 g of rosin from my trim. Made my goal!! I'm thrilled!!. I know, however, that had I been able to reach everything and properly maintain them, it should have been 750. That being said, 1.1g/watt? Can't complain!! VERY happy ....
My guess. Fuely and spicey.

Close man. Not so much on the fuel, but earthy and spicy for sure. Much smoother then my last run. I'll credit that to the change in nutrients. As for effects? I can feel it in my eyelids, cheeks, and my ears are hot. Lol! Instant smack. Definitely on the hot side of the trichs. Good stuff!!
Well... All in!!!
577g of nice buds. 87g of loose, worthwhile popcorn. Total of 664g, or 23.71oz. Plus over 7 g of rosin from my trim. Made my goal!! I'm thrilled!!. I know, however, that had I been able to reach everything and properly maintain them, it should have been 750. That being said, 1.1g/watt? Can't complain!! VERY happy ....
Damn Mike !
Good job , you deserve every gram for all your hard work and efforts .
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