Help Required


420 Member
Hello all,

I have 4 x Stardawg plants in a 4ft x 4ft tent growing in soil using Canna products. Lighting is an HLG 550 V2 R Spec. Today is day 23 of veg and, for a variety of reasons I have been unable to top these ladies until now. As you will see from the attached images, they really should have been done by now however, as you will see, the plants are not symmetrical as per normal. I wonder if some of you guys could give me some advice as to where I should top each of these plants to.

Many thanks in advance,



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i would top them all the same hight. on your second image i counted six nodes and thats where i would cut, but wait for others to say something
what did you guys see that i dont?
Damn spell check...was supposed to be “revegged” lol

What I was referring to, is clones cut from a flowering mother.

If you look at the node spacing, it is tight low down, then quite stretched in the new growth with staggered nodes. You also see fewer blades per leaf on the new growth compared to the old growth lower down. These are all signs that the clones were taken from a mother in flower.

This won’t hurt anything, and is likely to produce a thick, bushy plant as she grows giving you more bud sites than the mother had. Lots do this intentionally for this reason and if I am not mistaken, is referred to as Monster Cropping.

You can still cut and train her, but you have to treat her differently than a young seed plant due to the offset nodes if you are looking to make an even canopy. Super Cropping will help with that but as I don’t use that technique, I will leave it to others to explain how to do it :)
They don't look like they are not in full veg mod to me. My clones often look like that because they are typically a bit odd shaped in the beginning and I make too damn many of them and let them go too long before I tend to them again.

I just chop them where I want the new canopy to be, use the material for more clones! I sometimes supercrop them but I find that it often still leads to uneven tops later on. I'd say clean the little crap up at the bottoms and chop the tops till you get something close to what you want. You have nothing but time in veg.
Thanks guys for your advice. Based on what I'm reading, I'm going to let them grow for another 7 - 10 days before topping. That said, can I take a few nodes out when I cut (you may notice that virtually all nodes carry just the one stem and not the two you would normally see) I don't want to leave it too long as the plants will be getting taller. Is it OK to top at a node with just one branch?
Thanks again guys for your help,
Hi Enr0n,
Temp 25dec C, humidity 75%. Lighting is down to lowest output though I am using an 'attic' tent which doesn't give me too much headroom.
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