Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Beans are here!! Attitude rocks!:cheer::cheer::cheer:
The freebies are beautiful...the Nirvana beans look great as always.:Namaste: ...... The Haze beans from Barney's are white seeds I'd toss out when collecting my own. They sent 10 regular Master Kush instead of 5 fem ones. With the 6 perfect free ones from Buddha and Emerald...they make up for it. All 6 are 14 dollar seeds.....gonna get all Diesely and Kushy around here.....with a side of Medusa. I can smell me already:slide::slide: 13 days to Fla.:high-five:

the 4/20 order is ready, my alarm is set for 3AM....I'm getting in on the TGA ace of Spades release ;)
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Hey Blue if you are still trying to figure out your auto water when your gone take a look at this.

This kinda how we used to plumb hot tubes to insure equal flow to all the jets.

Sorry so sloppy. Right hand not working to well today.lol
Hope you can see it. I tried several times to upload a larger version of this (900k should have worked) it just wouldnt upload. If you cant see it let me know and I will try to load it again.
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Hay BD, I'm using 1/4tsp/10gal... or a pinch per gal :grinjoint:

Hay Horse that sounds hauntingly familiar :)

I hope it does it's thing, it went in this morning after sitting in the water overnight. Do you stir it up to get some of the stuff that's on the bottom? I wish I knew more about how that stuff works... take care my friend!

Spending my first 35 years on a working farm, and being raised by a Grandma that is a gardener has it's benefits. My grandfather even worked the garden plot with a pair of mules. We had plenty of machines, tractors, and even horses....but man he loved working those mules. Left, right, fast, slow, stop,go....all were vocal commands, he'd rarely did more than hold the reigns in his hand. The farm ran by gasoline...the garden ran on Poo:tokin:
*the grandma even said, "Weed grew everywhere in most vacant lots (in Phila and NYC) when she was young" (1910's& 1920's) They gave it to her for asthma attacks. Apparently it was widely used before the ban...something I never realized. This conversation came about when she smelled me smoking a bone when I was about 13... I knew my dad was a "Beat" and smoked regularly in the 50's and 60's. But learning your grandpop was burnin' down the house in Panama during his Navy time in the 30's, and grandmoms is ripping 'em in 1920 or so hahahahaha Revelation!!
Explains why my brother and I were always allowed to burn....well, allowed is strong....we weren't ever stopped is more accurate. Pills and powders would get your ass worn out.....raised by freakin wolves :)

Man I can't imagine my grandma tokin up but she came of age in the 20's in NYC so who knows :smokin:

I'd love to see mules pulling a plow some day. That would be sweet.

Blue, I do use H2O2 both in my res's with my other nutes, and when watering the hempy's. I've been using straight tap water. So, about 24 hours before res changes/waterings, I fill up some containers with the tap water, add about 2 tsp. per gallon of water, and let that sit overnight. The next day, before res changes, I just add my nutes and PH as usual.

As a side note, the primary reason I decided to use an H2O2 regime is that I'm doing hydro and regularly run temps above 75*F. So, I was concerned with possiible root rot. I've found that the combination of H2O2, DM Zone, and regular res changes has made and kept the roots nice & healthy.

Hey Mr. Krip! Do you store your h2o2 mixture under pressure? That article made it sound like that was important.

I retaped the bottoms of their 2L's as best I could to eliminate any light sources, and gave them another shot of h2o2 this morning. I didn't mix it in advance though, do you think that matters? I added it to the tap water, ph'd and gave it to them. I plugged the hempy hole for maybe 15 seconds, and to my eye the runoff looked a little greenish, hopefully dead algae :cheer:

Of the 5 remaining WW's I'd say only 2 still look critical, one almost looks good.

That re-taping of the 2L's included all of them, but I haven't given the healthy plants any of the h2o2 as of yet. I think I will do as you described for their next feeding, there is definitely algae in several of them.

Thanks again my friend.

Beans are here!! Attitude rocks!:cheer::cheer::cheer:
The freebies are beautiful...the Nirvana beans look great as always.:Namaste: ...... The Haze beans from Barney's are white seeds I'd toss out when collecting my own. They sent 10 regular Master Kush instead of 5 fem ones. With the 6 perfect free ones from Buddha and Emerald...they make up for it. All 6 are 14 dollar seeds.....gonna get all Diesely and Kushy around here.....with a side of Medusa. I can smell me already:slide::slide: 13 days to Fla.:high-five:

the 4/20 order is ready, my alarm is set for 3AM....I'm getting in on the TGA ace of Spades release ;)

Hey Chopper! I want the full list, sounds awesome. Was the Master Kush deal a screwup or were they out of the fem'd? Were the freebies because they screwed up?

I have no idea what your last sentence means lol :lot-o-toke:

Hey Blue if you are still trying to figure out your auto water when your gone take a look at this.

This kinda how we used to plumb hot tubes to insure equal flow to all the jets.

Sorry so sloppy. Right hand not working to well today.lol
Hope you can see it. I tried several times to upload a larger version of this (900k should have worked) it just wouldnt upload. If you cant see it let me know and I will try to load it again.

Hey Inda that looks really interesting but I really can't see it, my eyes ain't the best anymore. If you can't upload the bigger file pm me, we'll figure something out. Thanks so much!

Hey thanks for the Krylon tip guys it comes in lots of colors. I was going to just have blue hempies, but then I started thinking... there are many colors in the rainbow why limit myself lol.


I'm out there painting, and the blue 2L's were turned upside down drying, and now the hole is towards the top. This bee lands on the 2L and crawls right into the hole!

So now if anyone asks me why I have 24 color-coded 2L's I'll explain about my bee research project :high-five:

Last night I thought it looked like a second bean was sprouting but I was wrong, so still just one on day 7. I put 4 afghani specials into water this morning, I have little hope for the remaining seeds at this point.

My 3 ak clones are on day 3 in the bubbler, the sog is now on day 35 of 12/12 for the oldest. The AK & AG mothers look fine, but the Bubbleicious is still very small I hope she gives me some clones. I may transplant her to soil & see if she likes that better, plus I'm dying to try some soil! I got some epsoma tomato tone today and now I hope I'm all set.

The new light mover has been running very smoothly and quietly. There's some vibration noise in the middle of the run, I can fix that with a truss if I need to but it's minor. If it was anchored into a ceiling it would be virtually silent.

Take care and thanks for visiting!
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Bees don't like yellow as much?
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Blue, you don't need to store the H2O2 under pressure, but you need to store it in a container that can handle the slight pressure that builds up from the release of gasses. It's kinda like soda. You don't need to pressurize the bottle when you store it, but it can't be stored in a bottle that would burst/explode from the pressure that builds up from the release of the CO2 in the soda.
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Bees don't like yellow as much?

No! They like my in door CFLs! :) The love em, course they kill themselves bouncing of the reflectors! Thank goodness!:)
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

"I have no idea what your last sentence means lol "

Attitude is open from 9AM till like 7PM or something. This 4/20 they have a special promo, but a Cali grower, (a GOOD one) TGA Subcool, is releasing a new seed exclusively thru Attitude. They are in England so I have to get up at 3 AM to get my order in @ 9am their time. TGA's Ace of Spades will likely sell out before the day is out, but they'll be busy all day. I want my order in and out before the west coast rush even begins :) Ace of Spades....some Sour OG....some Super Skunk, and a few others to be determined. (Plus a butt load of freebies):cheer::cheer: Time to store the seeds.....I've caught OMMitis....or is it an osis?
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

BlueDog's very own rainbow!:hug:


..thanx for the reps....just water as normal with the h2o2..

Hey ss well deserved reps my friend, thanks for the info and dropping by!

Bees don't like yellow as much?

Preliminary findings my friend. I think I need to run the test for a few years... now I'm wondering if having plants in the bee homes will affect their behavior, I might have to try that too :cheer:

Blue, you don't need to store the H2O2 under pressure, but you need to store it in a container that can handle the slight pressure that builds up from the release of gasses. It's kinda like soda. You don't need to pressurize the bottle when you store it, but it can't be stored in a bottle that would burst/explode from the pressure that builds up from the release of the CO2 in the soda.

Thanks Mr Krip! That's what I meant, store it in a closed container. I happen to have a bunch of 2L's and gallon water containers all over the place so I think I can rustle something up here :high-five:

Nice colors Blue! Now that's fun! :party:


No! They like my in door CFLs! :) The love em, course they kill themselves bouncing of the reflectors! Thank goodness!:)

OMM get one of those bee traps you put sugar water in, they work great!

"I have no idea what your last sentence means lol "

Attitude is open from 9AM till like 7PM or something. This 4/20 they have a special promo, but a Cali grower, (a GOOD one) TGA Subcool, is releasing a new seed exclusively thru Attitude. They are in England so I have to get up at 3 AM to get my order in @ 9am their time. TGA's Ace of Spades will likely sell out before the day is out, but they'll be busy all day. I want my order in and out before the west coast rush even begins :) Ace of Spades....some Sour OG....some Super Skunk, and a few others to be determined. (Plus a butt load of freebies):cheer::cheer: Time to store the seeds.....I've caught OMMitis....or is it an osis?

I thought it might be something like that... how much for the Ace of Spades beans? Doc is growing a Subcool strain right now and he's blown away by all the trichs.

Blue nice color coding. Where you having algae grow through the green colored 2 liters?

Hey PB thanks! I haven't dumped a green one yet but I can see algae forming by it's hole too, so I'm not taking any chances anymore... they all get painted :cheer:

Is this a good price? $8.95 for 1.5 cf of the Sunlight Organic Potting Soil? It seems like awesome soil but all I have to compare it to is the MG Organic stuff they sell at Lowes, which is full of long strips of bark or something, nothing like this stuff. Looks like it came right out of a peat bog.

Still just one sprout from my 5 seeds, I'm planting the 4 afghanis when I get home tonight. :peace:
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Hey Blue! Finally got caught up on your journal - things really move here. :)

I have a thought as far as ongoing rootzone health - Dutch Master Zone - it's a great product, and if you dig around on here you'll see that a lot of people are using it and swear by it. I've used it since day 1 and take it for granted, but I know a lot of people are swearing it's made a big difference for their roots. Just a thought!

I've never used H2O2 yet, but it sounds like a good thing to do when things go bad. Doc always has good advice that way.

Love your new set-up, btw - nice and clean like others have mentioned. :thumb:

Thanks for the review on the light-mover. Overall it sounds like he took pretty good care of you, but definitely should be more consistent with his communication style. I appreciate you taking the time to give a thorough review, because there is an awful lot of shite to beware of out there, and it helps to know who you can trust, and who not. I may be in need of a light mover later this summer, and this helps!

Hope all else is well my friend! Thanks for helping to keep my journal moving while I was gone. I loved that I had to get caught up on my own journal upon returning from my little vacation. Nothing but the best to you brother! :high-five:

P.S. ---> DM Zone product info from their website:

"Gold Range ZONE has been specially formulated by our Plant Physiology & Biochemistry scientists for use as a full time maintenance program outperforming everything in its class and is your frontline tool of choice for the ultimate root zone environment! Don’t leave your root zone in the hands of just any product. Choose the one trusted by thousands of growers worldwide. Choose Gold Range ZONE!

Gold Range ZONE is designed specifically for use with all growing media and its high performance action performs equally well in any grow system – truly universal! Try it today and see just how important your Optimised Root Zone is when looking for that bumper crop!"

I added the emphasis because I wasn't originally certain if it would work for Hempie/OC+, but it seems like it should?
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

TGA is usually about ten bucks a seed. My brother came here with some Jack The Ripper from Subcool...... Stoned me like a Biblical whore...right before the big Christmas family dinner. Inlaw family dinner. a-hole:)
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Blue, Sorry to keep harping on the H2O2, but the storage container needs to be light-proof (note those brown plastic bottles they sell it in at the stores!). It will break down when exposed to light. Of course, I know you have some experience in making those 2 l. bottle light-proof! :tokin:
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Hey Blue... fyi, when you store that H2O2 be certain it's in a totally light-proof container as it breaks down very rapidly in the presence of light. ;)

Sorry, I didn't see WnF's post before my last one! :Namaste:
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Hey Blue! Finally got caught up on your journal - things really move here. :)

I have a thought as far as ongoing rootzone health - Dutch Master Zone - it's a great product, and if you dig around on here you'll see that a lot of people are using it and swear by it. I've used it since day 1 and take it for granted, but I know a lot of people are swearing it's made a big difference for their roots. Just a thought!

I've never used H2O2 yet, but it sounds like a good thing to do when things go bad. Doc always has good advice that way.

Love your new set-up, btw - nice and clean like others have mentioned. :thumb:

Thanks for the review on the light-mover. Overall it sounds like he took pretty good care of you, but definitely should be more consistent with his communication style. I appreciate you taking the time to give a thorough review, because there is an awful lot of shite to beware of out there, and it helps to know who you can trust, and who not. I may be in need of a light mover later this summer, and this helps!

Hope all else is well my friend! Thanks for helping to keep my journal moving while I was gone. I loved that I had to get caught up on my own journal upon returning from my little vacation. Nothing but the best to you brother! :high-five:

P.S. ---> DM Zone product info from their website:

"Gold Range ZONE has been specially formulated by our Plant Physiology & Biochemistry scientists for use as a full time maintenance program outperforming everything in its class and is your frontline tool of choice for the ultimate root zone environment! Don't leave your root zone in the hands of just any product. Choose the one trusted by thousands of growers worldwide. Choose Gold Range ZONE!

Gold Range ZONE is designed specifically for use with all growing media and its high performance action performs equally well in any grow system — truly universal! Try it today and see just how important your Optimised Root Zone is when looking for that bumper crop!"

I added the emphasis because I wasn't originally certain if it would work for Hempie/OC+, but it seems like it should?

Great having you back xlr8 but it sounds like you got some much needed r&r with your buds.

I'm loving the light mover now, it's running quietly and flawlessly,
and wish I had a 600w to hang on it. This hobby keeps doing that to me lol. Then I'd have the second mover with the 400w... hmmm.

If he asks for it and takes care of the shipping I'll send it back to him, but I doubt I'll hear from him again.

Thanks for the info on the Root Zone, I'll check it out. If it works in all growing styles I think it would work great in hempy. I wonder if it kills algae?

I'll never use an unpainted 2L again. That was the real problem. :peace:

Hey Blue... fyi, when you store that H2O2 be certain it's in a totally light-proof container as it breaks down very rapidly in the presence of light. ;)

Hey WnF thanks. I'll bet a painted 2L would do the trick what do you think? :peace:

TGA is usually about ten bucks a seed. My brother came here with some Jack The Ripper from Subcool...... Stoned me like a Biblical whore...right before the big Christmas family dinner. Inlaw family dinner. a-hole:)

Haha I can relate to being way too stoned for the family functions Chopper! But that's the way I like them best :)

Good luck getting your beans. I'm going to try a subcool strain sometime too I hope. Smoking up some Lucy right now so I'll probably start getting chatty... take care bro!
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Blue, Sorry to keep harping on the H2O2, but the storage container needs to be light-proof (note those brown plastic bottles they sell it in at the stores!). It will break down when exposed to light. Of course, I know you have some experience in making those 2 l. bottle light-proof! :tokin:

And I must say a royal blue 2L looks a hell of a lot better than the brown ones they sell it in :high-five:
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