Herbie's Beans - Black Widow And Super Skunk

you are probably headed for harvest time soon aren't you?
Not quite there yet, all 3 girls have hit flowering with the Frozen Black Cherry the closest with maybe 6 weeks or so to go. I don't want to rush it as then it'll all be over for another year but what's not to love about flowering!
Not quite there yet, all 3 girls have hit flowering with the Frozen Black Cherry the closest with maybe 6 weeks or so to go. I don't want to rush it as then it'll all be over for another year but what's not to love about flowering!
Right on👍
My handle..... SOG😎 2 Plants 1 end of the bed✌️


I work for a insulated wall panel company who services Grow room facilities for their building needs and many other industries i bought some scratch and dent panels for my gro room i plan on building a whole area when i move they are the cats ass for this! Those are 3" thick panels with an r value of 23 closed cell foam and they lock together to keep the elements and mold spores and bugs out when built



Nice score on the panels! When you move are you going with insulated heated floors?
That's a good idea i was thinking about heating the floor with boiler heat when we pour concrete we will probably do something along those lines I have to finish this nitemare first there have been 5 past different owners at this place and each one has their own little short cut for fixing things 😕 and such and it was built in the 60's if that's any indication of efficiency
We do roof panels as well The panel thickness goes from 3" up to 6" or 8" thick i think for things like cold storage ice cream and such we also service the livestock and agriculture industry, as well as homes so thats the path we are going to take when we sell this place and move, gonna get property and build a house im going to build a separate place for my grow but that's the tentative plan anyways but you know life you think you're doing good then "BAM" something pops up!
Topic change, with spring around the corner for some,its time to consider the pollinators and beneficial insects so here goes
about how pollinators are facing threats similar to many wildlife species, including habitat loss, increased pesticide toxicity, disease, competition from nonnative species, and climate change.

And even though pesticide regulations are designed to reduce harm on humans and wildlife, they are not intended to eliminate all risks and ecological damage.

It's those gaps in regulation that fail pollinators and other beneficial insects.

But here's the good news: We can make a difference! By choosing not to use pesticides at all, we can turn our gardens into safe havens for pollinators
PLEASE HELP this cause as much as you can and put your comfort aside and help those critters that depend on us , they have no control over their environment like ppl do so PLEASE take these guys into consideration the next time you spray pesticides in your garden i like to have freshh fruits and vegetables wo having to pollinate my vegetable garden with a little brush and think about this, bad bugs can't build an immunity to being eaten like they can with pesticides and we sure as hell don't need any super strain of steroided up thrips or something ✌️
That's a good idea i was thinking about heating the floor with boiler heat when we pour concrete we will probably do something along those lines I have to finish this nitemare first there have been 5 past different owners at this place and each one has their own little short cut for fixing things 😕 and such and it was built in the 60's if that's any indication of efficiency
If you want to discuss heated floors I'd say @Bill284 is your guy. He built a highly insulated "grow hut" up in Canada with heated floors. As a matter of fact that's what made me think of it!
If you want to discuss heated floors I'd say @Bill284 is your guy. He built a highly insulated "grow hut" up in Canada with heated floors. As a matter of fact that's what made me think of it!
Cool i might just hit him up @ some point 🙏

Anything you need let me know.
I built custom homes for a living, in floor heating was popular.


Anything you need let me know.
I built custom homes for a living, in floor heating was popular.

Cool @Bill284 appreciate it and 🙏
Cool @Bill284 appreciate it and 🙏
No problem my friend.
Have a look and see if anything interests you.
I can break down any aspect of the construction process.
It's more expensive and more work during installation.
I kind of overbuilt the facility as is my want. 😂
But it's so well insulated the radiant is economical in the long run.
It's a really nice way to control temp.
Stops temp fluctuations.
Good for our purposes. ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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