HID Grow - Revenge of the Kittens

Re: CriMson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

planted 2 more seeds this morning.. pics when they sprout.

Also, the big one is up to 9".. she seems to grow about an inch a day.
Re: CriMson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

Got 2 more seeds planted yesterday, and this morning I had 2 new seeds crack and are showing about 1/8" of root. Hopefully when I get home they will be ready to plant. If all goes well with those two, I will have 8 plants on hand. I think that's enough for now, until I find the males and get rid of them.

I'm thinking about cloning Zena in a couple of days to sex her.. She is a strong plant and I would love to take clones of her before she flowers.
Re: CriMson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

or you could wrap a branch with something light proof, to simulate 12/12, and once sex is known, reveg the branch. this way it takes a week or so out of the process (clone rooting and whatnot)
Re: CriMson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

yeah i think i might give that a try.. heres a few pics as of this morning..

anyone know why this first one would be drooping and have curling leaves? She looked okay last night before watering, and this morning she seemed a bit more droopy.. could I be overwatering?






Re: CriMson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

Ok, so i think I addressed the issue posted above.. I let them dry out for an extra day and the droopiness stopped and the plant picked itself back up.. I think the curled leaves were due to a little heat stress.. I had a fan blowing on them to help reduce temps, but I have a feeling my light was still a bit too close. I bumped the light up to 16" above the tallest plant, which is about <= 24" above the shortest plant. They seem to be liking the new distance, they all picked up and the curling leaves has stopped.

The little seedling in the cup was transplanted into a 3 gallon pot yesterday and is loving her new home, and I have 2 more seedlings that broke soil.. I'm waiting on one more to break soil and then I will have 7 plants.

I thought about covering a lower branch on the big plant to sex it, but it's growing so compact and I don't really think it will work, so I might just let it grow out for another couple of days and then attempt to clone it. I still have a good amount of time to veg the new sprouts so I have time for it to root and then show sex. I like the way this plant is growing, I'll have to take a picture of the main stem, but it kind of kinked towards the top, and is actually growing 3 tops instead of just the one.. It's very interesting considering I haven't topped or LST at all.

I know I'm a huge LST advocate, but this batch I just want to grow normally and see what the results are with the HID before I train them.

I will snap some pics in the next couple of days to show their growth. Zena is up to 10" tall and is bushing out like crazy. I really hope she's a lady.

What do you guys think about the plants? It looks like Zena is a sativa/indica mix, but the 2 smaller ones are showing much fatter leaves, so they seem to be indica dominant.

I like growing bagseed cause you never know what you're going to get
Re: CriMson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

it is a indica dominant strain, if not pure. But most bag-seed these days are hybrids since hybrids are enhanced to produce extra yield for commercial growing and what-not.

I know what you mean about bag-seed, i used some seeds from random mid-grade pot mixed up. This is one of the pics..


hope your kitty revenge is going full force, just yesterday i was fixing the shelf in my cab and my can bit a leaf off. wanted to choke her. anyway take it easy.
Re: CriMson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

nice bud man, you harvest that one yet?

I took a few pics this morning before I left.. Check em out.

The new sprouts



This is the one that was drooping really bad and showing a lot of leaf curl. She's doing way better now


The newest transplant, showing a little transplant shock, on the oldest leaves, but the rest is going strong.


This one is Zena, look closely at the tops, she is forming 3 tops, very interesting since I haven't topped it or done any training. The main stem has a kink in it, and the other 2 shoots are coming out straight up.


I need to cut some new pvc pipe to modify my grow box.. I had 2 things to hang lights from since I was running 2 shop lights, so now I need to modify it so it only has a center hanger point so I can hang the reflector directly in the center to maximize my light output. I might do that tonight.
Re: CriMson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

you got some greeeeeeen green there. I think thats my new fav color. Kitten Revenge Green. :yummy: :welldone::bravo:

But yea, i harvested that bad boy last year. got around 33g from that plant. (cfls) Some of the best smoke, to this day, i have ever smoked.
Re: CriMson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

nice dude, I can't wait until I can smoke my own bud again.. It's definitely a rewarding experience.

I need to figure out what to do about when to flower. I have about 3 stages of plants each about 2 weeks apart. I figured I would wait until the 2 bushes are at 12", but Zena is almost a foot tall, and then I have one new seedling. I guess I'll play it by ear and see how they respond the next couple of weeks. If i start flowering mid March, that will give Zena and her 2 sidekicks a total of 6 weeks decent veg time, and the newest seedling a month to fill out.. Hopefully in a month, the smallest will be 12" tall, but Zena will probably be around 2ft with another month of grow time. I have about 4-4.5' of vertical space taking into consideration a foot between the plants and the light. I can always relocate to the other side of the room where I have a bit more headroom. Bigger plants are always better, I just don't want to get over my head and have a problem on my hands. If the plant only doubles in height during flower, that will put her at around 4'.

We'll see how things go. If I do have a 4' female, I will have enough bud to last me all year!

If only we could speed up time :bong:
Re: CriMson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

I just gave my new sprouters a view of your journal, trying to give them inspiration
Re: CriMson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

nice dude, I can't wait until I can smoke my own bud again.. It's definitely a rewarding experience.

I need to figure out what to do about when to flower. I have about 3 stages of plants each about 2 weeks apart. I figured I would wait until the 2 bushes are at 12", but Zena is almost a foot tall, and then I have one new seedling. I guess I'll play it by ear and see how they respond the next couple of weeks. If i start flowering mid March, that will give Zena and her 2 sidekicks a total of 6 weeks decent veg time, and the newest seedling a month to fill out.. Hopefully in a month, the smallest will be 12" tall, but Zena will probably be around 2ft with another month of grow time. I have about 4-4.5' of vertical space taking into consideration a foot between the plants and the light. I can always relocate to the other side of the room where I have a bit more headroom. Bigger plants are always better, I just don't want to get over my head and have a problem on my hands. If the plant only doubles in height during flower, that will put her at around 4'.

We'll see how things go. If I do have a 4' female, I will have enough bud to last me all year!

If only we could speed up time :bong:

It it were me, i would lst the largest set, maybe a little on the middle set, and none on the youngest set. Keep your canopy even and the height down.
Re: CriMson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

It it were me, i would lst the largest set, maybe a little on the middle set, and none on the youngest set. Keep your canopy even and the height down.
yeah i thought about that but I wanted to stay away from training this time around since I LST'd all of my plants last time. If i end up running out of space, I can always move it to a different area.

I don't really want to wait another 2.5-3 months until I can smoke my own herb, but sometimes you just have to be patient.. I know the final product will be much better if i give them their time.
Re: CriMson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

thanks bro!

So I was talking to my girl about my flowering dilema, and we came up with a solution. If I flower Zena early by taking her out of the grow box for 12 hours a day once she's 12" tall, that way I can veg the others for longer. Zena would be flowered under the MH for probably 2 weeks, and then I will switch the HPS bulb in there, and start flowering the rest. I've seen the general talk about flowering with MH is that it will increase resin production, but the buds will not be as dense. I don't really think I will have a problem flowering for 2-4 weeks with the MH as the buds fatten up towards the end of their life, and they will be under the HPS then. Hopefully the first coupe of weeks of MH will help to boost resin production and make a more potent plant than the HPS only ones.

We will see..
Re: CriMson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

so I checked on them just now and 3 plants are showing some sign of deficiency.. It looks to be a calcium deficiency as some of the older leaves are starting to show yellowish brown spots and the tips are turning yellowish brown.

I'll snap some pics to show you guys, but I think I need to finally hit them with some nutes.

I was planning on using grow big during veg, and I read it contains calcium nitrate. If it is a lack of calcium, do you guys think the grow big would take care of it? I've never nuked my plants before so I'm not sure what exactly to expect, but I want to tackle the issue before it gets worse.

I also read using dolomite lime helps. Is this available at Home Depot or is it typically found in hydro stores?

I might run to HD tonight and take a look and see what i can find.
Re: CriMson's HID Grow- Revenge of the Kittens

Here are the pics I took last night, and then I took another set of them this morning to show their recovery.

I still had some MG Quick Start mixed in some distilled water from my last grow. It was mixed at 1/2 strength, so I mixed it with some more water to get to 1/4 strength.. It doesn't have calcium, but I figured the extra N and Ph would maybe help stop some of the discoloration and help pick them up. Well, for once I was right and this morning, Zena had made a remarkable comeback.

16oz of mix per plant

I also noticed they hadn't really grown much in the past day or 2, and before that, they were growing about an inch a day. Zena had topped off at 10.5". This morning I measured her and she was just breaking 11".

Pics last night:







Pics this morning






I'm going to pick up some grow big hopefully before next week so I can start feeding them the good stuff.. If the deficiency continues, I'll add some Cal-Mag into the mix.
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