High Brix Kit 4 Strains QB 288 & 132s With EOD & Emerson Lights In A 6x4 Sealed Room

I did a lot of calculating from spec sheets n stuff, and with CO2 you can run the Samsungs at about 40 watts per sq foot, with 2 feet of headroom. That will get you about 1200 umols.

So I can go by wattage of the system as a whole? 6x4 is 24sqft 1000watts 41watts a square . I should put the lights at 24inches? 1200 would Be my target. Thanks in advance for the help greytail. I can literally just use my kilowatt to check this? The pic is lights a couple of fans and CO2 meter.
I did a lot of calculating from spec sheets n stuff, and with CO2 you can run the Samsungs at about 40 watts per sq foot, with 2 feet of headroom. That will get you about 1200 umols.

Since they're white mid-power Samsungs, we know the spectrum numbers and can make calculations. It will depend on the efficiency of your system -how many watts per diode, etc, but 40 is a good ballpark number. I have a very efficient system and could get by with 35. I figure I get 1000-1200 umols with 670 watts at 2 feet in a 4x4. I'm running 4200+ diodes in that space.

The numbers are very rough, but you definitely have enough light. :thumb:
I think you'll be happy with the increased headroom. :thumb:

Whenever I back a plant away from strong light, it starts to do better. 16 inches is a bit close.
To review up to this point. Humidity has to be watched and controlled!!!vpd definitely hurt
Me. Not calculating ppfd hurt
Me. Lights l too close too often bleached or burned leaves several times. As for the kit. No pHing water watering twice a week spraying twice a week. That’s the easy part! As far as results these plants are
Much much bigger than normal. Taller bushier. Healthier. Leaf size should increase now that I’ve guesstimated my ppfd better. Stems are as thick as
Some when you harvest. There going to be tree trunks!! No defoliating except the bleached or vpd killed sobs. Which is way way less than my norm. I usually strip
The plant bare at least once. I’ve even done it in bud and they explode in growth. But we will
See what happens with lots of leaves. Pics later.
This isn’t from Thursday. I forgot to post it. Airpump got unplugged. Ugh. Shows how much they help though. 3 were fine but still had water in them when they should be dry Ish. 1 was literallly floating. Bobbing like a bobber. Which was killing it. If it’s not one thing it’s another


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Which makes sense with the schedule. Growth ionic drench 2 weeks in a row during stretch to make nice strong stems. While it’s still
Cut 1 down. But one of the pots was a 2 beaner. I didn’t have the heart to kill it. So 3 pots 4 stems. One is a tree . They spread out to fill the net. One has yellow leaves. But I think the growth ionic drench solves that. trunk
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