Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

That’s pretty cool, you can see it reaching for the lights
That version was about 4 minutes long but in the original version, I recorded at 1:2000 that is about 1.5 hours long they seem more lifelike.
Over 25 years old now pushing 30
OMG!!! I had no idea you were going to say nearly that long. That is freaking awesome. Have you ever seen a pic of it? The trunk must be massive.
Very cool vid she turned into a monster what strain was the1:20?
That 1:20 was from Dr. Seeds but last time I checked they didn't have it.
Caught up as I'll ever be! Plants are looking great and I don't think there is anything to be gained comparing your buddies bud of one strain to yours of another. Or even the same strain! All you can ever do is the best that you can do (which you'd be striving for anyway), or just give your buddy all your seeds to grow for you ;).

Love the droop and lift of the leaves in the time-lapse!

Thanks for finding that Homer! Great info.
Hey Shed. I appreciate you dropping by knowing how busy and stressed you are. Good to see you. Hope things are getting back to normal in your world or do soon.

I have like comparing because I can learn from those who are growing better weed than me. :)

Yes, I was happy to read that info about how commercial operations purify their washes. I think I am about as clear as I am going to get with amateur equipment.
Thanks, cr8grow. I think you are being a little generous in your opinion because I think my buddies strain is frostier but I am fine with that; just shows I have room for improvement. I got some kind of filtered toker as a prize so tomorrow being Friday I am going to give my buddy's bud a test. :headbanger:
If its the perfect pipe I am enjoying...found no need to use the screen if packing some bud bits. The filter does make a difference...swap out after each couple packs and its pretty clean and tasty.
That's the one I have just got it recently so there back in stock. Now I am really excited about those seeds!
There are so few high CBD almost zero THC strains I think it is unreasonable to expect killer plants especially considering forever mankind has been trying to get max THC. What I am saying is 1:20 isn't perfect but considering what kind of strain it is I think it is pretty good.

It was a good healthy plant big plant but I only got 6 oz out of it so it is not a big yielder but in ever other way it is a winner.
Both sets of yours looked good to me! As I mentioned, the only issue with some lipids and chlorophyll in your tincture is it's a little less strong/ml than the tincture without that stuff. And the slightly green taste!
Yes, I am still experimenting to see what the best method is for my tincture. I have samples evaporating so I will know in a few days what I will change if anything. My first tincture batch I didn't strain more than 80 microns and even with that, I couldn't taste the green stuff much but I am not smoking it. I can see why smokers like to squish because that seems to come out amber.
If its the perfect pipe I am enjoying...found no need to use the screen if packing some bud bits. The filter does make a difference...swap out after each couple packs and its pretty clean and tasty.
Yes, I couldn't remember the name. I really don't like to smoke much because of my worn-out old lungs but I won the damn thing so if I'm going to smoke occasionally I might as well filter it. Appreciate the tips.
I have one I use from time to time, my lungs won’t take smoking anymore. Mostly I vape with my Solo II
Just smoking one every few weeks I am starting to cough so I am not going to smoke much; my lungs are shot too. It would be really convenient to know how long I was going to live.
Wow! I'm really not learning or finding anything anything interesting here. I see what you mean Homer. :thumb:
Oh god, imagine if you got GJotM! ;)
I know... I guess I let the cat out of the bag how this journal is Dullsville. I appreciate all the pity visits. Very kind. :hug:
I’d say right medication and a little excersize and you could make it a good while.
Being in lockdown it is pretty easy to veg a lot. If I did know how long I would live the last few years I would really indulge in everything. :headbanger:
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