How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

I definitely ain't going nowhere. I'll be growing till the day I die, and I've had nothing but good times here and met a lot of great people. Of course I started out just to grow for personal smoking habits, but now I'm in it to try and help save a life, and still smoke of course. Hopefully my karma is right. And yeah, waiting for harvest always crushes me. My HGK Flux started forming trichomes, so I got even more excited today
fghtsmallcell It was an very interesting article. In regards to the salve that I make, I have used it for a lot of things. The worst was my neighbor got the shingles all over one side of her face and neck. Very nasty looking. She used the salve and within five minutes the pain went away and by the end of the day the redness was way down. The sores healed in a couple of days. It took care of the symptoms but the shingles still lasted for way to long. I have put it on burns, but the main thing I use it for is sore muscles and pain. But I have not used it in a situation like your husband. To me it a safe product but I have never had it lab tested. I have never had it mold in the tubs. I still have a tub of the first batch I made over 2 years ago. I have made a lot. I have 7 patients that use it for arthritis Coconut oil is very effective against a variety of infections due to its antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties so it's a great oil to use with our herb. If it was for myself I would do it but I can't say do it.
fghtsmallcell sorry I got carried away up above and didn't think about our husband and the ordeal he is going through let alone what you are going through. You have all the good vibes that I can send your way for you and your loved one.

I'm still working on a good way to dose for a blind man. tough one.
Thanks Beemerbill, You did not get carried away. You gave me a good answer. I have had shingles, I could have used some of your salve. Also I am allergic to antibiotic ointment so it would be great to have some around. I have silverdene for burns, it works wonderfully but you need a prescription for it. I WANT SOME!!! So do you just make the oil and then add the coconut oil to it?? Motoco has told us about adding grapeseed oil for salves. So I am wondering if this is along the same lines as that.

Someone came up with the idea of using flat toothpicks for my blind friend. That would be super simple to put 1 dose on end of each toothpick. Then he can just get one each time he is ready for a dose.

Thank you for those good vibes. i can almost feel them.

fghtsmallcell sorry I got carried away up above and didn't think about our husband and the ordeal he is going through let alone what you are going through. You have all the good vibes that I can send your way for you and your loved one.

I'm still working on a good way to dose for a blind man. tough one.
I definitely ain't going nowhere. I'll be growing till the day I die, and I've had nothing but good times here and met a lot of great people. Of course I started out just to grow for personal smoking habits, but now I'm in it to try and help save a life, and still smoke of course. Hopefully my karma is right. And yeah, waiting for harvest always crushes me. My HGK Flux started forming trichomes, so I got even more excited today

YEAH TRICHOMES!!!! I am on my first grow. I also started just to save money for my husband's needed habit of smoking. When I found out about the oil I was tickled pink that I had been working on a cure for him and did not know it. I am about 5 weeks into 12/12. I have an unknown strain so have no idea when I get to harvest. I also have 2 lemon haze plants in there right now. I think they go about 10 weeks but will have to look that up again. But of course will monitor those beautiful trichomes anyway. Remember that old catsup commercial with the song "Anticipation, it's making me wait". I never waited!! i used a butter knife in that bottle and got my catsup out. Wish there was a way to speed up our medicine plants!!
The only way to speed up production I've seen is autoflower plants. I know I'll be ordering some soon that way I can grow my big photo medicine plants and get heavy yield autos for smoking. 60 to 70 days germ to harvest
They need money and lots of takes boat loads of money to police the world. Also it takes a lot of quan to line a lot of pockets.

Hey Peyton, While your waiting for your harvest maybe get an ounce or two, make some oil and get started. A month waiting for your harvest is a long time, considering that is about a 1/3 of the treatment time (on the norm with high grade). Also this would allow getting acquainted with learning to 'tack' and adjusting/learning how to use the oil. Keep in mind planning what strains you need also so if need be you can add to your harvest what you don't have. If you have everything you need when its time to start treatment it makes a world of difference in the healing process. You should consider learning this yourself (tacking/using oil). Nothing better than the caretaker knowing exactly how it works.

Best regards

Yeah, it's a lot of big scientific words, but it sounds exactly like what you guys have known for a long time. So they can't patent the plant, but they'll try to patent the process. Why can't the government just leave it and us alone?
Good morning everyone. How to speed things up is something everyone would like. But if you do any defoliating don't throw them fan leaves out. If you have around a baseball to softball amount, throw into a pot with a couple glasses of milk and simmer for a couple of hours. Cool and drink. It's so good for you and you get a very nice feeling. Not a stone but a good feeling. OR juice them. Very good for you.
Yes smallcell, grape seed/coconut oil is basically preference. I like grape seed because it is odorless, tasteless and clear. I use my full on extract and add just enough to make it pliable/spreadable (oil when thick will tear off scabs). Always take a small dab, rub it in really good, then I put it on a little thicker and put a waterproof band-aid on (if applicable) for 3-4 days and changed then, repeat till its gone.
I love the smell of the salve in its natural form...exotic if you will, lol. Drives people crazy in the summer :) hahahaha

Thanks Beemerbill, You did not get carried away. You gave me a good answer. I have had shingles, I could have used some of your salve. Also I am allergic to antibiotic ointment so it would be great to have some around. I have silverdene for burns, it works wonderfully but you need a prescription for it. I WANT SOME!!! So do you just make the oil and then add the coconut oil to it?? Motoco has told us about adding grapeseed oil for salves. So I am wondering if this is along the same lines as that.

Someone came up with the idea of using flat toothpicks for my blind friend. That would be super simple to put 1 dose on end of each toothpick. Then he can just get one each time he is ready for a dose.

Thank you for those good vibes. i can almost feel them.
Good morning motoco. I have never done the thinning of the oil. Good idea. My wife uses the harlequin oil for skin cancer. She gets small skin cancer spots and puts it on them. Same way with a bandaid. Some times it takes 8 to 10 days but it's gone. Thinning it would make the application much easier. Happy Shatterday
Morning everybody. I would love to get him on the oil now 420motoco, but I can't afford to buy any. Where I am is 400 an ounce, and no bulk discounts. Being a stay at home dad don't pay well unfortunately. He just started the chemo a couple days ago so he isn't feeling the full effects yet. After this harvest I have a pineapple chunk ready to go to flower, and I know that has high thc and 1.1 percent cbd, so that should be good meds I hope.
Welcome back Motoco. Hope yesterday went OK. Please tell Mo hello for me. I never did update you on what happened to the bump on my husbands arm. I just put full strength oil on it. Really globed it up and cover it for 4 days. At first look it did not appear to have changed at all then I noticed the skin on top was thinned and almost opened. We messed with it to see what would happen and in the end did a little home surgery and removed it. It was a mostly hard mass with nodules in it. Like fatty tissue but harder. It also seemed to have roots that were trying to grow down into the arm. It was still mostly superficial. It starting healing fast after that and it looks good right now. We don't know what is was but was interesting experiment. I will keep close eye on it to see if any comes back. The other spots are completely different and are not growing. But I will treat them also when I have enough oil.
Morning everybody. I would love to get him on the oil now 420motoco, but I can't afford to buy any. Where I am is 400 an ounce, and no bulk discounts. Being a stay at home dad don't pay well unfortunately. He just started the chemo a couple days ago so he isn't feeling the full effects yet. After this harvest I have a pineapple chunk ready to go to flower, and I know that has high thc and 1.1 percent cbd, so that should be good meds I hope.

Yep, our favorite herb costs the same here. My husband was smoking $100 a week and getting worse. Hence my indoor garden. He was not on board with me growing at first. I planted a seed and he just watched. He is afraid of getting me in trouble. When I could not get enough info from him on how to grow I turned to the web. He is still nervous but is really getting excited now that he is seeing flowers. He is thinking of all the great smoke. I keep telling him it's MINE!!! And maybe he can have some. lolol He knows I am kidding him. I keep telling him that is his healing garden. I don't smoke weed. But growing it became an addiction very fast and now I am addicted to making the oil.
I love the salve - I use grapeseed oil as a thinner for things like moles or applications where I want it a little thicker and then I have a thinner concoction that I make with organic virgin coconut oil which is great for larger areas. My SO grabbed a stinging nettle with her bare hand last year and nothing we tried would work, this year she rubbed up against one with her leg and we used the coconut oil salve and the pain subsided instantly and she only needed the one application.
As for defoliation, I won't be doing it until harvest from now on with the exception of picking off leaves that are more than 50% dead already. My logic is that I'm shooting for highest quality and you can't win the race by pulling the gas tank out of your car. Sure, yield will improve with defoliation, no denying that but the trade off will be lower quality. I'll probably pick off some of the popcorn in moderation but not the sugar machines.
not to crash this thread but, we are days away from harvest @ day 63 flower or day 130 from germ. running 13gal RDWC

ice,white rino and white widow.

i've read and searched and all i've seen mentioned is "dry" bud, with no mention as to why

is it best to make RSO with dried and cured buds or would it fine to use the green mature bud?

Dry is best because water is not your friend when making the oil and achieving a timely decarb. Also, remember we are freezing the bud and carrier for 24 hours which will increase cellular damage to the buds if frozen when still wet. I generally dry (6-10 days) and cure at least 7 days before making the oil.
I just set mine out a few hours on a cookie sheet covered with paper towels (keep the light off of it) after the bud is cured to make sure. If the stem of the bud snaps cleanly and doesn't bend your set. The drier you bud, the quicker the decarb as budnoob has mentioned. This is the reason for having your flowers dried, less moisture. One thing about having dried flower, you can always add moisture (for smoking) but your screwed if its moldy. Even when vaping flowers it recommends completely dried bud to rid of the moisture.

A excellent tip smokedareefer; The responses you are getting is from people experienced in making the oil and using it correctly. Get your intel here and spend more time learning how to use it correctly. Saves a lot of time and you will have the correct knowledge which saves time and a truckload of money because there is not much trail and error.

Many folks always ask; is my oil good? If you start with good bud your going to have good oil. If you start with excellent bud your going to have excellent oil. Trust in the 'gang' here on 420 Magazine, we make the journey a productive one. This is why we help people, awareness and direction so they do not have to waste time, materials and start healing as soon as possible.

Welcome to 420 Magazine!

not to crash this thread but, we are days away from harvest @ day 63 flower or day 130 from germ. running 13gal RDWC

ice,white rino and white widow.

i've read and searched and all i've seen mentioned is "dry" bud, with no mention as to why

is it best to make RSO with dried and cured buds or would it fine to use the green mature bud?

Dear 420 Motoco,

I asked this question on another page but don't think you are seeing it for some reason.
How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

As per your recommendation, we purchased the Vollrath 59500P Mirage Pro Countertop Induction Range and the Cuisinart CFO-3SS Electric Fondue Set but the fondue maker does not sit directly on the burner. What do we do now, can you help?

Hi Fred, the fondue set is for the first phase of evaporation and the induction range is for the decarboxylation process. Are you following the guide at the beginning of this thread? Substitute the fondue set you have for the rice cooker in the instructions and the induction top for the portable range in the decarb steps. Hope this helps.
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