How to grow in Coco: Feed schedule

always use nutes in coco as it keeps the coco conditioned.

i flush 10-14 days water. the plants finish better and they are forced to use up stored energy. the leaves will go light coloured and yellow but thats normal. buds will be dense and clean.

I'll give it a try, now u realize how much trust Iam putting in u doing this with baby girl lol . but if I find it works better I'll do it from now on but gotta try some time might as well be now. Just changes my feed a week earlier then planned .
A quick question for The Cultivator and/or other 420ites -
I have 2 x 600W HPS and 1 x 600W LED for the bud tent (that is 4sq/meters) so I believe I need one more light. Especially given my LED is not a quality brand. Should I buy a half decent (~$450) LED to even it up? Or another HPS because they are good with flower stage and more bang for a buck?
Oh and 1 more question; Can I move some plants into the bud tent BUT continue on veg light schedule (for 1-2 wks) until I'm ready for the flip? i.e. Will the plants be ok going from LED Veg to HPS Veg?
i personally would go hps. cheaper to buy and guaranteed results. there are some good leds about now but i just prefer hps.

yes you can go from led to hps with no problems.

if the flower tent is on 12/12 it will initiate flowering but if you mean using that tent to veg then flip the answer is yes.
Thanks very much, Cultivator. My veg tent is getting a little too crowded and the pre-flowers are only just beginning to show on a few. I'd like to cull as many males as possible before the flip. The nice, new, larger space is girls only. Like one of those lesbian night-clubs.
May I clarify some things please? So, my tap water ranges between 250-340ppm. So I then put a half tsp of Epsom salts. Then Coco A & B nutes, then 5mls of Seasol (seaweed/kelp that supposed to help roots, foliage, flowering etc). After that it's 750ppm. I then pH it to 5.8
Is that O.K.? For 3-4 weeks veg? I sprinkled Great White in root zone when transplanting. And watered some into the ones I've not yet transplanted. Is this correct?
Now, the Ionic Coco Bloom - only for after flip? Or a week before flip?
And I'm interested in the new SolarSystem 550 LED's. They have a remote controller which you can customise the light spectrums. e,g, have a red flash to mimic sunset at the end of the light period which puts the plants to sleep immediately...rather than over 2 hrs to get to sleep. Although - they do cost $1,400. I could get a double ended HPS 600W for $450! Perhaps after a couple of SUCCESSFUL grows I'll go the SolarSystem one!
May I clarify some things please? So, my tap water ranges between 250-340ppm. So I then put a half tsp of Epsom salts. Then Coco A & B nutes, then 5mls of Seasol (seaweed/kelp that supposed to help roots, foliage, flowering etc). After that it's 750ppm. I then pH it to 5.8
Is that O.K.? For 3-4 weeks veg? I sprinkled Great White in root zone when transplanting. And watered some into the ones I've not yet transplanted. Is this correct?
Now, the Ionic Coco Bloom - only for after flip? Or a week before flip?
And I'm interested in the new SolarSystem 550 LED's. They have a remote controller which you can customise the light spectrums. e,g, have a red flash to mimic sunset at the end of the light period which puts the plants to sleep immediately...rather than over 2 hrs to get to sleep. Although - they do cost $1,400. I could get a double ended HPS 600W for $450! Perhaps after a couple of SUCCESSFUL grows I'll go the SolarSystem one!

You should also look into 315W CMH!
Very bright, cooler than HPS and LED, if the LED exhaust into the growing area, and cheaper to run.
May I clarify some things please? So, my tap water ranges between 250-340ppm. So I then put a half tsp of Epsom salts. Then Coco A & B nutes, then 5mls of Seasol (seaweed/kelp that supposed to help roots, foliage, flowering etc). After that it's 750ppm. I then pH it to 5.8
Is that O.K.? For 3-4 weeks veg? I sprinkled Great White in root zone when transplanting. And watered some into the ones I've not yet transplanted. Is this correct?
Now, the Ionic Coco Bloom - only for after flip? Or a week before flip?
And I'm interested in the new SolarSystem 550 LED's. They have a remote controller which you can customise the light spectrums. e,g, have a red flash to mimic sunset at the end of the light period which puts the plants to sleep immediately...rather than over 2 hrs to get to sleep. Although - they do cost $1,400. I could get a double ended HPS 600W for $450! Perhaps after a couple of SUCCESSFUL grows I'll go the SolarSystem one!
that ppm range is perfect.

add ionic coco bloom when you switch to 12/12.
I think a lot of people over complicate the process.
Guilty! I need to remind myself - K.I.S.S.
Thanks for the help, Cultivator. I've been checking out a few of your journals and you seem to be a very relaxed grower. I could definitely take a leaf from your book!
I have a question for you Cultivator , it is about preparation for fertilization. Because I am from eastern Europe an because it is not available to order I must search for replacment for these product's...Buddhas Tree Flower Burst,
Buddhas Tree Advanced Metaboost ,Roots Excellurator. So my question is is there something from HESI product to replace these three things?(can HESI root complex exchange Roots Excellurator?) HESI is available in my region.
Hope to get your answer vary soon and thank you that you shared your golden expiriance...respect.
I have a question for you Cultivator , it is about preparation for fertilization. Because I am from eastern Europe an because it is not available to order I must search for replacment for these product's...Buddhas Tree Flower Burst,
Buddhas Tree Advanced Metaboost ,Roots Excellurator. So my question is is there something from HESI product to replace these three things?(can HESI root complex exchange Roots Excellurator?) HESI is available in my region.
Hope to get your answer vary soon and thank you that you shared your golden expiriance...respect.

I would look at the labels of those products and compare them to the HESI products and do the best you can.

Just saying, '

Hey Cultivator and 420ites
The other night some fuckwitted assholes (Kids I'm assuming) broke into my studio out the back and ripped up my biggest plants in my veg tent and took the 300W LED (left the 2 x 600W LEDs). So infuriating. I've moved the remaining ones inside my main house to the bud tent. And the plant bags they ripped the plants out of which are still full of Coco, I've used to transplant a few potted ones in to. I pulled any root balls out but there are still some strings of root throughout the Coco. If I add Sensizyme to the nute mix, will that suffice in breaking that root matter down? Or have I made a foolish mistake by not discarding of the whole lot? Canna Pro Coco Mix bags have to be ordered and delivered a week (or longer) later here cos I can't just go and buy it. That's why recycling the Coco was so tempting! What do you think? Thanks
Btw; sorry about the long post!
Thanks Cult. That's a relief. Fortunately, they left my 10 BigBud xxl feminized seedlings that are up to their 4-5 nodes now. And a few of my BigBud that are 3 weeks veg and I'm beginning a bit of LST (well, a beginners attempt!) and defoliation.
I was amazed by the effects of defoliation on my biggest plants (stolen now) and how bushy and thick with tips it made them! I'm a big fan of it now. Anyone have any experience with it? Have you tried it on a strain ever that reacted negatively?

Oh and I finally received my AN Micro, Grow, Bloom. Could you please advise: Should I start using them now daily during the rest of veg? All 3 in equal parts? Then pH to 5.8? And Sensizyme every day or weekly and for the recycled Coco only? Or on everyone? Thanks, Cultivator. You're so helpful!
Hi cult,

How do you prepare your mother plant for cloning? Is it necessary to flush for a few days first?
What's​ the solution made up of until they root?

Thanks man
Have to say the plants are looking great following your schedule
you should feed everyday in coco. if you only feed every 3 or 4 days you are not getting the benefit of growing hydroponically and therefore should grow in soil. feeding every few days can actually have a negative impact when growing in coco as it means you get ec and ph spikes.

you cant over water coco but there is an optimal amount to water. you have to build it up as the root ball grows. i never feed to run off. my plants only get run off when i flush them. thats not to say you cant do that.

if hand feeding once per day is enough. give enough so that the pot is light to lift but not completely dry 24 hours later. that way you arent attracting fungus gnats by having constantly wet coco and you will not get lots run off each time you feed.

however you do it you must feed daily for best results. dont listen to anyone who read it in a book or has only done a few grows. they can have an opinion but they dont have the experience to say do this or that. No experienced coco grower would tell anyone to feed only every 3 or 4 days. That is soil growing and its a completely different thing.

good luck.

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Hi cultivator I'd like to ask you a question if that's ok? Your theory on allowing the plants to become a little rootbound in flower to allow for easier feeding and watering, does that also apply to soil? My plants are nearly rootbound and due to be uppotted before going to flower but after reading your theories on flowering and budding not being diminished by a rootbound container I'm wondering if In fact that may be the way to go for me in soil? Would it work out or would I get ph issues and sign of deficiencies and most importantly will the buds still form as densely and heavily as they would in a pot with more root space left? Any feedback is appreciated.
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