Icemud Goes LED - Featuring Top LED Grow - Cherry Pie GSC/OGiesel/SFV OG/UVH OG

Re: Icemud Goes LED: Featuring Top LED Grow: Cherry Pie - GSC - OGiesel - SFV OG - UV

Nice i suggest dropping lights a little the area of light penetration is low on leds only need 2.5-3 feet off crowns. Scrog is best method for a grow tent keeps canopy tight and even. Where you get your strains from ? That cherry pie looks good for indoor.
Re: Icemud Goes LED: Featuring Top LED Grow: Cherry Pie - GSC - OGiesel - SFV OG - UV

Nice i suggest dropping lights a little the area of light penetration is low on leds only need 2.5-3 feet off crowns. Scrog is best method for a grow tent keeps canopy tight and even. Where you get your strains from ? That cherry pie looks good for indoor.

Yeah I left the lights up for now because I went from the plants having just the 144x3w to having 3x 80x5w so I wanted to give them a little time to adjust to the more intense light before moving them closer. Also tomorrow I will be installing the scrog screen so I didn't want to have to move them down and then back up until after the screen is in place. Last grow I ran the Mars II about 12" from my tallest cola's and they loved it! :)

I can't wait to scrog again, it takes me back to my very 1st grow about 3 years ago. I was getting much larger yields with the scrog vs just growing them tall, so I can't wait to see what happens now that I have LED instead of 1000w of HID. :)

The strains were from a local genetics lab/clone distributor but they are no longer in business. This will actually be the 3rd generation of the clones of these strains, and I plan on cloning them again in the next few weeks :) The Cherry pie is amazing, but so are the other strains, its so hard to pick a favorite :)
Re: Icemud Goes LED: Featuring Top LED Grow: Cherry Pie - GSC - OGiesel - SFV OG - UV

woohoo more buddage soon :thumb:

I can't wait, I would say it probably will be about 3 more weeks before flowering, but it all depends on how fast they fill up the screen :) going to be a fun grow this round!
Re: Icemud Goes LED: Featuring Top LED Grow: Cherry Pie - GSC - OGiesel - SFV OG - UV

cant wait Happy Thurweed day Ice :thumb:
Re: Icemud Goes LED: Featuring Top LED Grow: Cherry Pie - GSC - OGiesel - SFV OG - UV

Alight everyone!! So the flowering tent is all set up (still in veg) and the Scrog screen has been put together and installed into my tent. Its been a while since the screen has been used so I am excited to pull it back out and see larger yields.

I chose the positions of the plants based on their growth traits. Since the OGiesel and the Cherry Pie are more tighter bushier type plants with less tops and shorter internode distances, I put them in the middle. OG's are always the tallest lankiest plants so I put them both (UVH OG and SFV OG) on the left side of the tent and on the right side I put my GSC (thin mint) since they also are more lanky and larger internode growth traits.

Other than putting the screen in, the plants are just starting to reach the screen. It will be about 2-3 weeks before the screen is full and ready for flowering. I gave the girls another foliar treatment of PRG and Amaze with added ADV Nutr Carboload, cold pressed seaweed, and Adv Nutr Organic B as well as fulvic acid. I sprayed the girls and they really seemed to like it. I have not watered them since the transplant since the soil was still fairly moist, I want to encourage a solid rootbase for this grow and so I will be spacing waterings out more evenly, as well as doing full drenches less often, and smaller more frequent waterings inbetween.

Other than that, I am still running the Gas Lamp Routine with the Mars II lights and so far they have adjusted rather well to the change in lighting.

I also got some seeds going in a wet napkin, a total of 9 seeds and in 2 days so far 2 of them are showing their taproots. I put the seeds into premixed soil about 1/4" down into the soil and hope to see them pop through in the next couple of days. The 2 seeds that sprouted are the DNA genetics purple (test strain) that I was gifted a while back, really don't know if its feminized or what but should be interesting. Also one of the "purple steve's" popped that I was gifted in Sonoma county when up there a few months back. I believe it is a GSC x purple trainwreck x something else... this one is not feminized either so we will see what happens. fingers crossed.

Well here is the tent and the screen all set up :)

Re: Icemud Goes LED: Featuring Top LED Grow: Cherry Pie - GSC - OGiesel - SFV OG - UV

Happy Sativaday Ice :thumb:
Re: Icemud Goes LED: Featuring Top LED Grow: Cherry Pie - GSC - OGiesel - SFV OG - UV

Ah yes...Now this is an Icemud grow, looking forward to them blooming bro. I miss watching the V fill, this will be a fun grow to watch :high-five:

Thanks Curso...I guess the V-Scrog is my signature grow :) I definitely enjoy doing it this way, makes for large yields, a clean canopy and seems to me the plants love it too :) I can't wait to see how much I can get out of these GSC, it kills me waiting for my new harvests being I love the GSC and only have been getting like an OZ per plant... cant wait to bump it up this grow with 2 of them scrogged out!
Re: Icemud Goes LED: Featuring Top LED Grow: Cherry Pie - GSC - OGiesel - SFV OG - UV

Icemud, looking awesome, man...

Getting back in the groove, looking great Ice, sub'd

Looks great, sub'd.

Screen looks great!

Thank you everyone for the kindness!!! Stay tuned because this one will definitely be an exciting grow. Bringing back the V-Scrog and with the new addition of the TOP LED and the PGR, Amaze and Bloomit sprays, I can't wait to see what happens!!

Happy Sativaday Ice :thumb:

Hey Cronic!! Happy Skunkday to you!
Re: Icemud Goes LED: Featuring Top LED Grow: Cherry Pie - GSC - OGiesel - SFV OG - UV

Just a quick update of the tent and progress over the last few days. I fed the girls yesterday their bubbling compost tea that has been going for the last few days. Today when I opened the tent they definitely looked happier and healthier almost as if they were thanking me for the feeding. It will be about a week or even more before I water them again, I really want to get them stretching for the new soil and developing nice thick rootballs. When I transplanted the roots were definitely thick and almost to the point of circling. I think this grow should be promising.

Other than the feeding yesterday, not much else to report besides the leaves are really starting to look shiny and the plants really seem to love the transition from the reflector light in my veg tent to the Mars II lights.

My seeds have not yet popped through the soil but I feel that any day now they should be peeking out. So far 3 seeds out of 8 cracked open and showed the taproot with the paper towel method. I took the seeds that cracked, put soil in red solo cups and used a pencil to poke down about 1/4" into the soil, placed the seed in and covered it up. I read last night that I should have pointed the tap root upwards to allow the seed to do a 180 degree spin which would help with better success, but its too late now, but will take into consideration for future grows.

Either way I am happy the seeds cracked and hope that something pops up and I will have a new strain to play with :)

I also have 2 of the TNB naturals CO2 bottles that I won in a monthly contest a while back. I added one to the tent now to help the plants move through late veg and early flowering and will add the other one mid flowering. I can't really tell if they products help or not and with my tent being small and with constant venhilation going, I think it only may help slightly.

Well here is the photo's for today:
Re: Icemud Goes LED: Featuring Top LED Grow: Cherry Pie - GSC - OGiesel - SFV OG - UV

Very Nice Ice Happy Munchday :thumb:
Re: Icemud Goes LED: Featuring Top LED Grow: Cherry Pie - GSC - OGiesel - SFV OG - UV

Hey everyone, quick update. Didn't take any photo's tonight since not much has changed over the past few days besides the screen slowly filling up. I would say I only have about 10% of the screen full at this time so there will at least be another 2 weeks of veg, possibly 3 before flipping over to flowering.

Today I gave the girls a preventative foliar spray for pests, even though I don't see any signs of them and my plants are looking rather healthy, its better to be safe than sorry and I figure since its still vegging, what can it hurt. I gave them a spray of a organic product called end all which I only had enough left to spritz the tops of the leafs with a very fine mist so I followed up with my SNS Mite spray and hit the rest of the plants and the undersides of the leaves as well. I haven't seen anything like I mentioned but would rather prevent any pests from even wanting to mess with my plants.

Other than that, daily I have been taking any branches which poke through the screen and redirecting them horizontally to create the auxillary branches to shoot upward to produce tops for the scrog. The soil is fairly dry but I am going to hold off watering until I see slight sagging leaves and then I will feed them because I really want the roots to dig into the new soil and develop a solid root base before flowering.

I ordered myself some new products in which I will be using this grow and also future grows if I like them. Since many have had good luck with the T and J Enterprises Tea, I decided to pick some up as well as yucca extract since they seem to be the only supplier I could find online that didn't add preservatives. I also picked up some 50ppm Collidal silver in which I plan on forcing my other OGiesel to create male pollen and I want to collect it and use it in the near future to fertilize some plants, creating feminized seeds and even possibly crossing some to see what happens. I figured picking up the Colloidal silver pre-made was cheap since I would have to buy silver, battery, electodes and wires if I wanted to do it myself, the cost was cheeper to get it made already. I also picked up 2 colbalt spray containers made of glass so that I can pour little amounts into the sprayers, and the cobalt glass will keep light from destroying the product. I eventually want to make feminized seeds of all the plants I have going now, so I can keep the genetics without the room needed to keep mothers. This will allow me more space to possibly breed my own strains and experiment with others.

As far as my seeds, only the 3 that were put into soil had cracked, the other 5 even after a week and constant spraying and keeping the towels moist, the others did not crack. As for the seeds put into the soil, all of them are still growing and one has poked through the soil showing the green leafs, the others I imagine any day should also be doing the same. :)

I will take some photo's most likely tomorrow that show the progress in the scrog tent.
Re: Icemud Goes LED: Featuring Top LED Grow: Cherry Pie - GSC - OGiesel - SFV OG - UV

Subbed. I joined this forum to keep an eye on this grow. Definitely interested in the light's potential and the effectiveness of your v-scrog.
Re: Icemud Goes LED: Featuring Top LED Grow: Cherry Pie - GSC - OGiesel - SFV OG - UV

you sound Busy there Ice Happy Weednsday man :thumb:
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