Im Looking To Start Growing

Re: Im looking to start growing...

A 3 gal pot should work fine. To take your plant out of its current container, make a vulcan peace sign with your hand and put the V around the stem. Now using 2 hands, turn the plant and container upside down and wiggle and pull the container UP off the dirt. Then you carefully place the plant in its new home and water well.
Re: Im looking to start growing...

How big is the pot it's in now? Lol how big is the pots pot ;)
Transplanting is easy, I did it for the first time in my own journal. You just pick up the pot and slap the sides to loosen any grip it has on the dirt, turn it upside down and tap the bottom untill the soil/rootmass comes out nice and solid. Have the bigger pot ready w/ new soil and a hole to fit the rootmass/soil in. Then water the new soil with the plant in it and your done :)
Pics, lol just take a picture of the plant itself so we can get an idea of the leaf discoloration. Oh and a future FYI, try to take pics of the roots when you transplant, they look cool :)

Sorry for my slow response I'm high
Re: Im looking to start growing...

Transplanting 1 handed is doable, just a little tricky. Make sure you have everything laid out and in its correct place before you take the plant out of its old pot. Don't do it when the dirt is too wet or dry, it has to be right in the middle.
Re: Im looking to start growing...

hahaha omg i forgot about your arm. Sorry for laughing but really it's funny and I'm high . Your plant will be fine for a few days. My plant had roots coming out too for a few days before I transplanted. You should be fine w/ the discoloration as long as it doesn't spread. ;)
Re: Im looking to start growing...

Hi Bay area,

Your looking good for your first grow, keep it going. The basics are really easy to learn if you have good advice, and really easy to mess up if you don't know what your doing or get bad advice.

one thing is don't over do it. a lot of new growers get over zealous trying to make it perfect and end up doing more harm than good. but you aren't doing this obviously since your plant is looking pretty good.

as far as the pot size goes, how big are you planning on growing this plant? a good estimate is usually one gal for each foot tall. so if its going to be 3 feet tall get a three gal pot. etc.

admittedly i haven't read your journal yet, so maybe you said already. i need to look and see what kind of light your using, etc. or outdoor, i dont even know. its not that long yet, i can still go back and read it. ill do that now.
Re: Im looking to start growing...

yea just start with the basics, read as much as you can and work your way up. When I started growing for my first time I looked at it as an experiment. You try and make the least amount of mistakes and then correct yourself along the way. The next grow will get better and so on if you pay attention to what your doing. Take it east and have fun with it. The reward at the end is like no other imo. :grinjoint:
Re: Im looking to start growing...

Bay Area, your plants are looking great! Looks like your getting alot of help here as well. This is the #1 site in my book, the people are really knowledgeable and helpful. But I'm looking forward to seeing some good come from those little ones you have going. I'll keep an eye on this grow!
Re: Im looking to start growing...

Q: Why is it that I look at peoples grow journals and their plants look so much bigger then mine; even tho they are the same amount of weeks or days? Is it because of the time I started?

Well isn't it true that other's always look bigger than our own?!? ;) As they say "The grass is always greener..."

Several factors can come into play.

Starting from seed tends to be slower than starting from rooted clones.

Seed vigor based upon their mothers health can be the difference of health versus sickly.

Soil temperature; cooler soil cools the plant which slows its metabolic rate so root develop slower which slows leaf and stem development.

Soil aeration to support good microbe colonies that assist roots in transporting the soil nutrients to the root surfaces and to fight bad microbes that cause rot.

Light: Once plant gets set into its environment, it will take all the light it can get right to 24 hours a day. For efficiency, the plants seem to make best use of 18 hours a day.

Light Intensity: Light from the sun or a high intensity lamp like a HPS (high pressure sodium) or MH (metal halide) will put many more light rays onto a leaf than a fluorescent or incandescent bulb will.

Light Spectrum: Red light is of a lower wavelength than blue light. Light sources that give more blues will tend to shorten the spaces between where leaves and branches come off the main stem (internode distance). Plant will not grow tall as quickly but that is because the plant is happy with the high energy light it is getting along with the reds. You will have more leaves and budsites per inch of growth.

There are more reasons but as you can see, it will come down to really one thing, experience. You claimed it is often your teacher and it will be here as well.

Q: What is the biggest difference between an indoor and outdoor grow? I thought outdoor grows; the plants would be bigger? But my little "moon dust" aka "dancing lady" looks so small compared to others I have seen for her age.

Outdoors can have a great light source, but it helps if it shines every once in a while! Living in South Bay, how many days of sun do you typically see. Also, the sun will only be out for so long. It can be supplemented if you grew in a greenhouse with supplimental lighting to run at night.

Many people start their youngins' inside, then transplant them outdoors when they get bigger. See 420fied's grow for how his two ladies did outdoors.

Q: When will I be able to tell if my babies are males or females; meaning; how old do they have to be before they start letting me see that they are male or female; if its a male at what age will i see seeds start popping out?

I will need to defer this to other's with more experience, but I think you let them grow to about a foot tall, take a cutting or two of each plant to clone them. Those clones are forced to flower by making sure they are in complete darkness for 12 hours straight each day. Within 2 weeks, they will show their sex. Males tend to show first. Females come later (yeah I know) and show their sex with two tiny hairs that show between where a branches form or at the tips. They are pistils and are covered in sticky resin. All it wants is some pollen from the males sac which look like little hanging bananas.

i learn by doing. I know its silly but it makes sense to me lol..


Yep but learning from others helps you to not have to reinvent every wheel. So, do read. Just do a little bit at a time. The internet is great for getting little bits of knowledge!
Re: Im looking to start growing...

^ Amazing Munki! What great info! Sorry, babe, I gotta spread the love...

You should be able to tell sex within 4 - 5 weeks of vegging. I don't know your daylight hours where you are, but that will be important for you to understand what schedule your plant is on. ;-)
Re: Im looking to start growing...

MMMM, spreadable love! Sounds yummy!

(does it taste like cannabutter?)
Re: Im looking to start growing...

Good luck on your journal bayareastoner,i am watching this journal from now on... :) You have a great plant there...Keep it green and bushy..Glad to answer in any of your questions...We're are here to help everyone on earth with growing that amazing plant :) Lol i am so high right now...:bongrip:
Re: Im looking to start growing...

the sunrises at 6:24
am and its sets at 8:03pm. the plant itself gets direct sunlight on my balcony from about 9am to about 6:45-7pm. so almost 10 hours of direct sunlight but it get 13 1/2 hours of natural light from sun up to sun down... does that sound ok? lol... or i mean does it make sense haha!
That sounds great for outdoor vegging stage.
I think your plant is small because of the amount of light it gets, the soil it's grown in, and since it's outside you can't have a perfect environment all the time. That being said, don't get discouraged. Outdoor plants always taste better for some reason.
Just be patient with your baby and 'she' will return the favor :peace:

Sorry if I missed it earlier in the thread, but... What kind of soil are you growing in and are you still planning on taking em' inside when they mature?
Re: Im looking to start growing.

hey bay,

why do you think your plants are smaller than they should be? can we see a pic? different strains grow differently, you are probably doing fine.

munki gave you some good advice, only, male plants wont grow bananas, thats what females do when they are stressed and get male parts. on a male plant you will see a little ball on the end of a stalk that will grow in the same place a set of pistils would grow (at the node) on a female. You will not see this naturally on the plant untill it has been in flower for a couple of weeks, and it wont go into flower until the days are short enough if its outside. make sure it isn't getting any direct light during the dark periods. that will mess up the flower cycle.

one last thing. what are you feeding it again? are you feeding it every other watering? are you letting the soil dry out almost completely between waterings?

these are the most important things in soil. I always cut my soil with perlite to help the roots get oxygen and help the soil dry out faster.

pics would help us see your progress ;)

Re: Im looking to start growing.

BAS - You should be OK on the hours of sunlight but I haven't got the outdoor grows under my belt to tell you for sure. You did start late in the year though. I think outdoor grows more typically start in April/May for the Northern hemisphere. Maybe the plants will just be smaller at the end.

WoF - Thanks for the correction. Once I do some work from seed, I'll be up close and personal with them.
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