Im Looking To Start Growing

Re: Im looking to start growing.

Looks like your girls are doing very well. Nice and green! +rep for all the hard work! Im in, and pulling up and cumfy chair to watch :popcorn:
Re: Im looking to start growing.

Yes they do seem very very happy in their new home! lol I am too!!

Hi Girl. I just read your journal to here and you are doing great:cheer:
Kinda glad you were gone for a while gave me time to catch up with your grow. After reading to here, I think your plants have a storng survival instinct :grinjoint:

Your excitement is contagious I love and know the feeling:nicethread:
I'll be :peace:
Re: Im looking to start growing.

Im going the natural way... its a weed and I have no clue what nutes are or anything and really im ok with not knowing for now. Its growing great without adding anything extra. lol... I am sorry my journal couldnt be more exciting but its exciting for me to even have come this far into my grow because I had no clue what I was doing lol... I still don't but I know more now then I did when I started, thanks to everyones help throughout my journey!! :thanks:

Bay Area congrats on a successful move, happy looking girls. They didn't seem to mind the trip.
Re: Im looking to start growing.

Very nice Baystoner,I had pretty good luck with safe soap I picked up at the local nursery. I only used before flowering and shut lights off for 24 hrs after soaking. Didn't taste any residue in the end.. I love your frog, He must be eatin something if he stays around?? I had a gaurd frog in my 07' grow. Sometimes I would see him 6' or 7' up sittin on a big fan leaf. This year i have a couple alligator lizards hangin and feasting on them ******* bugs.. I found 1 of the picts.. of Mr Greenjeans...


Re: Thanks and Updates!

Hey Tricome... Thank You for the positive energy!! Its greatly appreciated! I am happy with my success with my plant... I didn't think it would make it this far! But it did so I am blessed and very please with my progress and the joy it has brought me to have the oppertunity to meet and greet such nice people from around the world. I'm glad that I accidently came across this site and the fact that it has brought me to where I am right now! :woohoo: lol


SO like I said too.... I will be entering this beautiful plant in a future Plant of the Month Contest so future nominees watch out for my creation! lol... Readt?? hehehehe! I will be! lol jk... kinda... well not really hahahahaha!

OH! ANd I almost forgot to mention... I will be bringing in my plant when the weather starts to get chilly and I will be using I believe a 150w light. Maybe 2? Is that enough? Hmmmm.... *thinking* the space I am going to be using is about 5 feet tall, 3 feet wide and about 3 feet back... sorry I don't know how to write that in demensions for ya lol....


Dimensions are expressed in this fashion Length X Width X Height so urs would be expressed 3'x3'x5' (' = foot/feet, " = inches). As far as the light goes. The sun has a more full and intense spectrum than the average indoor lamp. I suggest going with 400W-600W in that space with good ventilation U'll be cool. Especially since the seasons are changing IMO. Keep it up and post some pics.
Re: Im looking to start growing.

I just discovered your journal today, it's great haha..I dig what you're saying about the friendly environment; it should be fun.

Your plants are awesome and make me wish I could grow!!
Re: Im looking to start growing.

you are doing an awesome job,the plants have nice color green that means they are happy and healthy its your rosy personality rubbing off on them.:surf:great job fellow grower.:goodjob:
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