Im Looking To Start Growing

Re: Im looking to start growing.

looking good outdoor usually is bigger if you put them out at the beginning of the season it's a lil late now but it should go directly into flowering and be all bud no lumber
Re: Im looking to start growing.

I don't mind lumber cause it comes along with huge fat buds
Re: Im looking to start growing.

Cant wait to see some pics of your little girl, im sure she's doing just fine. Remember its just a weed! Haha
Re: Im looking to start growing.

you're having a lot of fun with your grow, (barring the ocassional tense moment). Thats what I like to see, especially from us noobs.

Altho a few more pics would be nice. <--poke poke
I don't have a journal but I'm torturing a couple of ladies under a led just to see if they'll smoke. Scary how tough they can be.

continued good luck.
Re: Im looking to start growing.

Looks like a girl to me. But it is a little early. Looks great, you're gonna be gettin some fast growth now. Girl is gonna take off.
Re: Im looking to start growing.

Yup Yup, she'll grow really quick. I don't mean to hijack your thread, here's one of my plants as an example. In just 8 days she grew from this:

To this:
Re: Im looking to start growing.

What are those white spots on ur leaves? Check under them, could be bugs. Kinda looks like a little powdery mildew on a couple pics. Look at how it looks dusty along the veins on a couple pics. From my observation, it begins that way and spreads. Could just be burn from spray, or just dust. Maybe nothing, but check anyway. We wanna c this one thru.
Re: Im looking to start growing.


i think its still too early to know if it is male or female. at least from the pics you put up, i can't tell yet.

during veg, it is perfectly appropriate to foliar feed. in other words you can spray down your plants with some water and a bit of nutes. they will take it in through the leaves and it will help it grow bigger and faster.

it isn't a good idea to do that during flower though because the excess moisture will encourage mold and mildew. not may people foliar feed during flower. I wouldn't at least.

loking good thogh, just a couple months more. lol. waiting sucks.
Re: Im looking to start growing.

I have a question and I need an answer so I can either shut myself up or shut my other half up coz we are having a debate over who is right lol... are u supposed to get water on your plant?? or just in the dirt?? lol

Good pics, was curious about those white specks myself.
I'm no expert but things look fine to me. Altho I'd be careful about tnder young plants and cig ash, nicotine is poisonous and maybe doesn't combust completely.

re water on the leaves if you are grrowing on your balcony don't spray em down when the sun is on them, the droplets act like little magnifying glasses and can cause burns. Foliar feeding can be useful even when budding but shake off excess moisture or maybe just spray the undersides of the leaves staying clear of the buds. Mine are in flower and I still spray em every so often but have a fan on them 24/7 so they don't stay wet very long and humidity is a little low. High humidty might be a good reason to not spray at all. Not as if you must.
Good luck with your grow and don't keep knocking your plants over,lol.
Re: Im looking to start growing.

if the specks are there still then I suspect a problem.
specs are not typicaly due to nutrient issues rather than bug issues.
Re: Im looking to start growing.

Amazing what some real sunlight will do that doesn't have to penetrate the marine layer of fog. Glad they are perking up.
I like what I'm seein here

Yes they do seem very very happy in their new home! lol I am too!!

U truly have some of the more desirable qualities of a cannabis warrior. I love it. I just wish u'd better protect urslef girlie. I ain't tryna put u on blast but I think u know what I'm sayin. I'm glad the saga continues. Was the box closed the whole time? Was it ever open to breath? How long was the drive? Were they in darkness the whole time?
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