John's Wicked New Grow

Glad the plants will live. Who knows? Veg them a little and they may surprise.
I think those plants will pull through. I dropped a drill on a flowering White Widow that looked worse than that...split the main too.

I saw one grow a couple years back where the girlfriend flipped out and ripped the plants out of the pot, supercropping them in several places, and they turned out well.

So, go for it. Just keep cat out.
After looking at them today I'd say you'll be fine. Lots of buds going to form. The plant has a few chewed up leaves but leave them on. They are still feeding the plant right now. I agree if you want to veg them a couple of weeks longer. Transplanting should help as well.
Sorry to see what the cat did to your girls...but in the long run
it won't even matter- in 2 weeks, they (and you) won't even remember it.(well ,maybe a little)
Think of it as a unscheduled,disorganized defoliation-a mere bump in the road....
And props to you for not throwing that cat out the window;)
Man went through the thread now. Haven't been online for a while now. Was very busy. Damn it sucks that cat destroyed your babies. Luckily I do not have that problem with my cats. Sad indeed!!
Today's work.
Chopping two untrained LBA's today. Going to try my first bud washing in 3 gallon buckets, 1/2 cup of each lemon and baking soda.
My concern is drying, they both are very compact and solid buds. I'm going to try Mr Sauga's "slow dry method in the reefer.
Any advice of how I should chop these super dense buds would be appreciated. I'm afraid of the molding after I bud washing because there so dense.
The centre bud is super thick and measures 9"x4".
Also will be uppotting the two cat plants and two solo cup plants. Busy day ahead.
Please send good vibes my way.
Thanks good people.


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New idea in the battle against the killer cat.
I'm going to set up a 48" x36" wire dog kennel to put them in outside.
I want to give the cat plants some extra light outside.
Morning Ms. V, how's the tooth thing coming along?
I hope you're out of pain and your body is peaceful again.
I sent a prayer your way for health and happiness yesterday. :green_heart:
@Preston9mm any ideas on how to chop these super dense buds?
@Preston9mm any ideas on how to chop these super dense buds?
If you have a place with good RH to dry it, I'd cut it whole and hang it. Trim up sugars after it dries a bit.

If you have humidity issues, I'd break those big colas down to smaller buds for drying so you don't risk mold

Good news, my new tablet arrives today! Too hard to write with this tiny
A-zon fire tablet. Things are looking up. :thumb:
If you have a place with good RH to dry it, I'd cut it whole and hang it. Trim up sugars after it dries a bit.

If you have humidity issues, I'd break those big colas down to smaller buds for drying so you don't risk mold


After I let them dip dry for about four hours in my 28" x28"x5" tent with a 4" online fan on the top with a fan inside and passive venting on the bottom.
After that, I was going to use Mr Sauga's slow dry and put them in a paper bag and put them in the fridge, because I do have a humidity issue that would be safer in the fridge. Any thoughts?
Gotta go feed, be back later.
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