Jon's Sneak It In Auto Grow

Platinum Mimosa Cookies
Day 74

Incredibly, this plant is ready whenever I want to take her. As the most sativa plant in the tent by far, my plan was (and is) to take her at all white/little to no amber. This is peak thc, and peak sativa effect. By taking the ultra sativa at the height of sativa-ness, (knowing the strain well…) it will be so racy it’ll bind you up in the chest a little and force you to get over the hit. Oddly, I dig that. After you pay the price it’s like getting shot out of a cannon. So now you guys know the plan, and with that in mind, check out the trichomes. These pictures are from every level of the plant.

Note: check out in the last picture the vertical little threads that span two parts of the bud. I can tell you for sure this is not a camera effect. So are these tiny spider webs? I highly doubt that. I’ve never had a single spider, ever. Dog hairs? Nope. Way too small. Any theories on what these might be? Oh and the point of the verbiage above = I’m taking her probably tomorrow with the Gorilla Zkittlez.





I have no idea what those strings are if there was spider mites you would see the spiders I would think. :circle-of-love: 🍋
So I have the PMC out of the tent in the sun (pictures to follow shortly), which opens up the tent a ton. I think this looks pretty good - almost as if someone kind of knew what they were doing.

Here’s a wide shot and then pictures of each of the three plants in frame, 1 Dos Si Dos and 2 Watermelon Wedding Cakes, in that order.




So I have the PMC out of the tent in the sun (pictures to follow shortly), which opens up the tent a ton. I think this looks pretty good - almost as if someone kind of knew what they were doing.

Here’s a wide shot and then pictures of each of the three plants in frame, 1 Dos Si Dos and 2 Watermelon Wedding Cakes, in that order.




You have some nice plants Jon. :thumb: 🍋
Platinum Mimosa Cookies

Now that I see her totally clearly, she has more days left than just tomorrow. Close, not quite. This is one of the frostiest plants I’ve ever grown, and I’ve grown a few frosty ones. I’m salivating so hard.



Platinum Mimosa Cookies

Now that I see her totally clearly, she has more days left than just tomorrow. Close, not quite. This is one of the frostiest plants I’ve ever grown, and I’ve grown a few frosty ones. I’m salivating so hard.



I forgot the art shot for you guys. Here’s some buds reaching for the sky!

They’ll do Jon. They’ll do.

Those left in the tent, wow- wee!

Agreed on both counts. Lol! I feel like I’m being a jerk showing them a lot, I guess I’m an over poster. But isn’t the whole point of all the work you put into your journals so that you get to share the payoff at the end? Hell, I’ll bet my last dollar you guys would rather see too many pictures versus too many of my dumb words. Heh.
Agreed on both counts. Lol! I feel like I’m being a jerk showing them a lot, I guess I’m an over poster. But isn’t the whole point of all the work you put into your journals so that you get to share the payoff at the end? Hell, I’ll bet my last dollar you guys would rather see too many pictures versus too many of my dumb words. Heh.
If I grow those I'd be posting a lot of pics also, very impressive grow all your plants look top notch
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