KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

I add Earth Juice Rooters Mycorrhizae that has 11 species of beneficials to my soiless mixture. I have looked at many different company's formulations for their own mycorrhizae blends and most are represented at a low cost to add to the soiless mixture.

CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING NONPLANT FOOD INGREDIENTS:pisolithus tinctorius, Scleroderma citrinum, Scleroderma cepa, Rhizopogon luteolus, Rhizopogon fulvigleba, Rhizopogon villosulus, Rhizopogon amylopogon, Glomus intraradices, Glomus aggregatum, Glomus mosseae, Glomus etunicatum. earth juice rooters mycorrhizae
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Thank you for that answer. Does cannabis respond to all of the varying variety of fungi? I read somewhere that cannabis only responds to one form of mycorrhizae and that was Glomus intraradices. Maybe one day everything will get sorted out and the science behind growing cannabis will be set with terminology which matches the rest of horticulture and some baselines which can be an anchor.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Different manufacturer's of mycorrhizae powder and granules use different species of beneficials and different strength of propagules in their formulas and I am not sure how many may have conducted specific testing to see which strains of beneficials can benefit cannabis.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Flower Day 62

The last time I sprayed Snow Storm Ultra as a foliar spray 1 hour before the lights went off for the plants and noticed a light burn on many leaves directly under the Lush Lighting Dominator 2x, I will only spray Snow Storm Ultra just before the lights go off for the darkness phase of flowering. All plants were given a foliar spray with 5 millilitre per gallon of Snow Storm Ultra just before the darkness phase of flowering.

Snow_Storm_Ultra.png emerald triangle snow storm ultra qt
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

I am using natural sunlight, but this winter when i do use indoor lighting, this will be my manual. Thank you
KingJohnC for your informative and aesthetically pleasing journal, and urybody elses' input as y'all make this site what it is- a place where cannabis growers of all levels can bask in the knowledge and love that makes our community as sticky and potent
As it is. Happy Growing Y'all!
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Thank you kindly! I am very happy you have enjoyed and will use my KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal and Review as a guide for your own grows!
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

lmao...have you ever worked in NASCAR KJC? You got the whole name of the journal in your response. Meh, a true fan would have gotten in the quarter-panel sponsors too.

WD bro. I've made a few notes O' my own as well.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Good Munchy-day to the King & subjects :peace:
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Loving the journal KJC!
By the way I've been trying to help new grower Raiven with his first grow, but I can't quite tell whats going on with his smallest (and now his middle sized) plant, could you come take a peek? Raiven's 1st Indoor Grow - THC Bomb Auto - 2014 I'm sure you'll know better than I! Thanks!
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

lmao...have you ever worked in NASCAR KJC? You got the whole name of the journal in your response. Meh, a true fan would have gotten in the quarter-panel sponsors too.

WD bro. I've made a few notes O' my own as well.

Took me a second to get your joke, but then i LOLed, funny stuff.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Loving the journal KJC!
By the way I've been trying to help new grower Raiven with his first grow, but I can't quite tell whats going on with his smallest (and now his middle sized) plant, could you come take a peek? Raiven's 1st Indoor Grow - THC Bomb Auto - 2014 I'm sure you'll know better than I! Thanks!

Thank you SoilGirl for letting me know that Raiven was having problems with his plants and growing conditions, I have replied to his Grow Journal and his Frequently Asked Questions thread as well.

Have a Good Day!
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Flower Day 64

I inspected the plants today and on 1 AK48 #3 I found the beginnings of a female pollen sack forming. "Bolting" is the term for when a plant late in flower develops female pollen sacks as a self survival mechanism in an attempt to self pollinate.




I removed the female pollen sack from the AK48 #3 with a pair of sharp Fiskars Micro Tip Blades Pruning Snips. The female pollen sack growth protruded 3/8" long.

re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Flower Day 64

A 4' Florescent light that holds 1x 40 watt 6400 Kelvin Daylight Florescent and 1x 2700 Kelvin Warm White tubes was added to Grow Bay #1 to facilitate taking photographs with a more nature light.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Are you only going to turn it on for picture taking?

Believe it been mentioned before, but you can always use custom white balance on camera or a photo processing program (free one is GIMP) to do a white balance under colored lighting.
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