Landrace Genetics 101

Due to my poor pollination practices I may be in luck as at least three of my phenos are pregnant by a chocolate Thai x red point.

Can't find any herms and that was the male I used for attempted selective pollination, and was apparently careless. Was bummed/panicked, and then I was happy. I love the way these red point crosses grow. Hoping for more phenos like this.
This is 10 weeks from seed
Greenthumb PR (1).JPG

These are 2 Greenthumb Panama Red plants about to be harvested. 12 weeks flower under 9.5 hours lights on cycle.

Strong buzz, mostly in the head but some body too. Very trippy. Time distortions, can make you feel rolling waves, shroom effect can happen, visually can make you see things in blocks or snapshots, instead of a smooth continuous view, heightened colors.

The Snowhigh PR is about the same high and taste too Snow got his PR from Breeders Choice Organization, whoever the hell that is. Zamalito was with BCO but I do not know anything specific.

The Snow Original Haze x Lambsbread is an intense trippy high. Had visual distortion. It needs another 2 weeks and a cure. Hope it mellows a bit, it was too intense to enjoy.

The Snow Acapulco Gold had a great pheno. Good potency, great euphoria, nice trip effect too.
Smeegs! That Rooibaard sounds so interesting! How cool. And that Swazi looking plant does have a sort of funky look to it, huh? Beauty.

Cheers mr.Fish, hope I get lucky... you wouldn't say that plant come from a seed found in a haze auto..

My understanding is Rooibard is very difficult to source these days.

I can only cross my fingers and trust in LadyCanna...... but if it's true, gonna get excited up in here.
Skunks used for what it can add or take away from a plant, not because some want to appease the almighty... Most wouldn't know it's been added, untill some grandkids come out looking like nan and pop...

I was thinking about this tonight looking at my GT x Thai Stick plants. Because looking at them I was reminded of the Mama Thai x Thai Stick crosses I made. Similar leaves.

Thai Stick was one of those 16 week type plants.
But @nivek grew some MT/TS plants and had at least one finish flowering in around eight weeks if I remember right. I grew a couple of those MT/TS seeds out and they both finished earlier than the Mama Thai. Like 10/11 weeks or so.
So at the time I just chalked it up to gremlins and forgot about it, but it seems like that weirdness could only indicate some sort of throwback to a short flowering strain, like that dirty ass Skunk.
I cut one of my Durban bubble x red points. Quick dried some buds and vaped them. I've haven't had anything this potent in years. Sticky, stinky, makes my scalp tingle and everything becomes outside of myself, yet I feel that vibration just under my skin... It's gotta be that red point. Durban never did that to me. I am very excited for the rest of my crop
Took samples of the Cambodian x Thai or Golden Dragon by Snow. Two phenos or plants. They look alike mostly but one leaned Cambodian or more stony. The Thai one was visually trippy with almost tracer effect from moving objects and quite the energy surge. The other is less visual with more euphoria and stone with some paste you to the wall effect if you smoke too much. hehe
Very groovy plants friends,, lovin the sativas. oh so interesting.

JJust to clarify,, for clarification sake,, i also grow sativas, as Weaselcracker stated,, i am currently growing mama thai/Thai Stick. these plants run anywhere from ninety to a hundred days flower. I may have harvested earlier when I first,started growing this strain but now days a minimum of 91 days to a max of around a hundred,, probably dependant on what I have ready in the veg room to replace the harvested

I am also currently attempting to grow a golden tiger,, but this plant is totally attempting to grow itself right out of my flower room,, what a racer this one is

CCheers friends,, Heya weaseley
nivek, I have been growing sativas for a couple years now and keep them under 2 feet tall. White light preferably high Kelvin, over 6400 K close over the plants, supercrop most everyday. I go in to the tent and pinch and bend over all the plants that are getting too tall. They grow a bit sideways but I keep them in the vertical height I want.

The plants need to be well watered before you bend the stems. Also pinch the stem till it collapses before bending. I have broken a few stems, mostly cause I failed to pinch hard enough before bending, but used tape to repair the break and have lost only a couple tops so far.
Hey Nivek, do you have the older Golden Tiger or the new one they just released?

heya penny,, cheers,, well,, i would have to guess a bit to answer your q,, but i think i can safely assume that the tiger i am trying to tame is an old version,, it was from a gifted seed and its history is only hear say,, least i heard weaseley say that

so,, is there a dif between new and old that you can tell us??

nivek, I have been growing sativas for a couple years now and keep them under 2 feet tall. White light preferably high Kelvin, over 6400 K close over the plants, supercrop most everyday. I go in to the tent and pinch and bend over all the plants that are getting too tall. They grow a bit sideways but I keep them in the vertical height I want.

The plants need to be well watered before you bend the stems. Also pinch the stem till it collapses before bending. I have broken a few stems, mostly cause I failed to pinch hard enough before bending, but used tape to repair the break and have lost only a couple tops so far.
Hey Nivek, do you have the older Golden Tiger or the new one they just released?

heya yesum,, cheers to you and nice to meet you,,

thank you for your tips and tricks,, which i will put to use. i have never been a fan of super cropping whilst in flower but i have read a couple of posts today, including yours, suggesting of the value of supercropping these beasts whilst in flower,, so i will put the theory to the test soon as i find the necessity

which will be soon,, cheers
The GT Nivek has is actually a cross. The same GTx Thai Stick I’m growing a couple of at the moment. The GT mom was from a seed I got a little over two years ago. It was grown in a one gallon pot and grew one large cola- very Thai leaning in the effect and smell. It remains my favourite smoke ever but i never cloned that plant.

I haven’t managed to find it again though the one GTxTS plant I’ve harvested was a step in the right direction.

I got some more GT seeds after that first one and they were much more Malawi- almost indentical to Ace Malawi actually.

I read that statement from Ace and I’ve emailed them a couple times to ask about the Thai leaning pheno and how to get it but they never replied, which is disappointing because they used to pretty chatty in emails in the past. Who knows maybe gremlins are to blame. Anyway- I’ve been growing these GTx seeds out hoping to find something good.

Maybe I’ll just order more GT seeds and see how the new ones are.
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