Lets Talk Coco! Organics & Salts

Thanks mate :Namaste: Flattery no.....recognition of awesomeness in coco YES :) I've pasted a link to your journal on mine for the guys to follow too :) More traffic coming your way my friend :)
Im extremely new to growing...
I will one day convert or have as well a hydro setup. But for now I thought I can be introduced to soiless mixes by means of potting, and hopefully that knowledge would better be used with hydro opposed to growing in soil.

That is a great plan. My path is probably similar to others... I started out in "dirt". Not soil... dirt! I had some "Mexi" weed, so I took a big cup (a cup from the slots in Vegas), went into the backyard, filled it with dirt, and put some seeds in it. They were not harvested, but I did learn. Lucky for me, at the same time as I began this experiment, I enrolled in a Botany class in college. That was all it took for me. I was hooked on growing from that point on. It was still a long before I ever smoked something I grew. After I moved to a new apartment, I finally finished a closet grow. I was using fluorescents, so it wasn't very good, but it provided us smoke for most of a Summer backpacking in the Sierra that year. Anyway, when I got back from that trip, I got serious about growing. I had already moved to "soiless". I used just vermiculite and perlite. Today, I would replace most, or all of the Verm with Coco. It was a natural progression to move from that to full hydro. I setup a flood and drain tray and fell in love with hydro.

oops that got long. :blalol: My point is I think you're on an excellent track. You're way ahead of the game IMHO. Start with your soiless mix, and it absolutely WILL help you prepare to switch to a hydro system.

You can get great result with any nute you choose. Some might be easier to use than others, especially for a beginner. I use GH's Flora line, but that's just because it's what I knew from the 90's. There are a few other lines I'm planning to experiment with later. For growing in Coco, BID will be a MUCH better source of advice for which nutes to use.
Minerized coco
nice thread guyz, love coco for years now. i plant in coco outside only and have monsters everytime.
i made (non-voluntarily) coco compost with Lombric worms inside keeping coco pots from 2 years back, wind, rain and sun exposed.
i really don't know how lombrics came as the pots were full coco with clay at bottom and no real soil was ever mixed with it.
i decided to keep it and to mix with my fresh canna coco brick and a bag of coco husk cubes, i mean 40% of compost with worms and 60% of fresh re-hydrated canna coco and coco cubes with trychodermas inside.
i planted in a Hawaiian snow and a blue widow, the Hawaiian Snow is in a hempy bucket with 20 liters of this mix with clay at the bottom.
the blue widow is in a standard pot with 30 liters of coco mix with clay at the bottom too.
they both loves it, i planted them so early outside and despite the cold night all along March, they exploded in growth and will be monsters.
i sat up big coco mix pots of about 40/45 liters....................:goof:
i hope i'll have heavy monsters around end of October.
i attach a few pics of the 2 girls.

green warm vibes from the south to your gardens.

two first are B.Widow after and before re-potting and two last are H.Snow in it 20 liters hempy.
just coco alone can do great.
for the food, i just feed light every day; at Ph6 and Ec 0.9 with 20% run off (i keep this water and water /feed others terrace plants with it like bamboo or olive tree in big pots, no waste) and i micro-flush with ph 6 water every 4 feedings, quite easy.
does anyone brew teas to feed their coco, or coco mix, plants? I'm hunting for recipes. :)

Links to post in other threads are fine too. In fact, if there is discussion of the tea and some reasoning behind the ingredients, that would be ideal. :winkyface:
thanks BID, I'm subbed to his journal. Just hard to recall who uses teas :p
does anyone brew teas to feed their coco, or coco mix, plants? I'm hunting for recipes. :)

Links to post in other threads are fine too. In fact, if there is discussion of the tea and some reasoning behind the ingredients, that would be ideal. :winkyface:

I have been doing a weekly tea using the capn's bennie tea recipe. Its working beautifully. been doing coco top drip dtw and it is nice.
I have been doing a weekly tea using the capn's bennie tea recipe. Its working beautifully. been doing coco top drip dtw and it is nice.
i would have to agree i forgot to mention in my hydro ebb & flow im using a recipe very close to capns except mine is based with the t&j then i add the zho 'robes and the myko grow 'robes brew a second time and add 1 cup tea per gallon of res water, it is working better than any method i have tried to keep away the pythium aka root rot and i have tried it all:rocker:
You doing that in hydro BID?

I'm looking for soil teas. I actually tried the benny tea in my hydro and went back to sterile. That's cool it works for you Shotta. It made my roots look worse. I think beneficial tea works better in DWC. In my system, there is a little residual water sitting in the tubes and bottom buckets. Not a lot, but some. It gets warm in that black tubing too, so the pyth wins. When I use DM Zone, everything stays perfect. :)

I have a few ingredients from the above experiment. I've been reading a few people's thoughts on teas the last week. I will brew up a batch this week and post what I my results are.

Thanks guys :thumb:
Well, I'll revive this thread a bit if I can. I've run two successful hempy grows of late and happy with the results...but...I want to try out coco growing and organic nutes now to increase the flavors and aromas. In other words, I want to up the ante on the quality of the stuff I grow. I'm not quite ready to pop any seeds, but have begun gathering the "stuff" i'll need. I got a brick of Botanicare pH-balanced coco, a couple 5 gal smart pots and saucers, some azomite, a 100g bag of Xtreme mykos and decided on the Pureblend Pro organic line. No, it won't be the same as building a super soil, but it IS a step in the right direction. I'm indifferent to timeline and even yield for that matter, but I've always been a weed snob, and if I'm going to do it myself, it should at least be the goods comparatively speaking.
O.K., so for the sake of discussion, in comparing the end product of a hempy grow using synthetic 2-part nutes with the same from a coco grow using fairly simple organic nutes, will there be a noticeable difference in the terpenes of the end product?
oh hellz yes gov! when i switched to mineralized coco,teas,drenches etc i noticed a huge difference in aromas ,taste and potency all were magnified ,even yields got better, now even using hydro i wiil continue to use azomite pellets and heisenberg tea rather than run sterile but im using autopots so its easy to add minerals to the coco and autopots are more of an auto watering system, not a typical hydro im planning to treat the res as a brewer that feeds the girls ,i'll add airstones and what i want them to have and as it gets used i can change it and add different things :thumb:
I really like the sounds of the auto-pots versus a RDWC hydro. Autopots are more like traditional growing perhaps. Not that one is better than the other, but from the sounds of it, one IS better than the other for what I'm wanting from it. I originally set out to do DWC from the start, but the simplicity (with return) of hempy pushed me that way instead, and I'm glad I did, but it's time to step up my game a bit.
I'm brand new here, I recently had to break down my tent, sad I know. I picked my best ladies to finish up outside. Problem being I live in the burbs. So I sat in my backyard wondering where my girls could hide out for the summer. So while laying back on my kids tire swing...BAM! That night I climbed two 5 gal. hempys 25 ft. up the tree and lashed them in good. I broke out a little of the canopy ,they get light for 9-10 hours. My problem is sinc then I have reinjured my knee that I had rebuilt last year. I can water them but can't feed them. I mixed some ancient forest, happy frog tomato food and some bat dookie and had my buddy dig out a little coco and top dress 3-4 inches. I just joined today so was not able to ask before I did it. My question is does anybody have any advice on more/less to add for them to eat for a extended amount of time. My buddy is the only one that knows and I can't ask him to climb the tree too often
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