Sup every one,

It's been almost a couple weeks and I hope all is doing well. I'm doing well and so is my garden.

As of right now, the smell is starting to come out at full force and the bud sites are stackin. Thinking maybe they are in the cat window and I have not decided which to do early or late cat drenches. I want to make sure the plants are happy before the cat drenches starts and honestly i don't think they'll remain happy at all times. I mean they have to be watered every three days with 15 gal of water and they drink it up fast otherwise they'll droop and wilt. So i think i might need @Duggan help with this one again unless i'm doing things right? One plant that seems to be a lil sad probably due to root bound or maybe it has that midish bloom fade and the other plants are not doing it as bad. I thought maybe it's my watering needs modification and then I remembered that i forgot to do snake oil application and it will be done during the next brix spray.

Anywho here's some photos.

Oh yeah, PS..... here's the part where @Duggan won't be thrilled about lol. Unfortunately a scrogg screen had to be utilized on my plants again. The branches were falling over every where and the plants was starting to look from a nice busy lushy plants to a flat cropped cut plants with no flowers in sight on em! I learned my lesson(s) from this situation and i intend to not make the same mistakes again. First one is that i should've flipped the plants as soon as they were wide enough instead of letting them grow vertically longer in hopes of tall uniformed colas. Second lesson was to flip em way sooner instead of making em turn into a huge bush...... that way they can hold themselves up with little support unlike my girls who needs lots and lots of support. Oh well, the solution to fix the falling branches was to install a screen on them or install dozens and dozens of stakes. So i opted for a screen and i think it's working out okay however i think a second layer might be necessary to help hold taller branches/buds upright. you'll see in the photos soon as they are uploaded.











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The making of the screen


Ahhh spider invasion!!!! webs every where!

In this pic you can see the branches are just falling every where onto eachother.



Screen is completed but the work is ongoing to maintain the bud sites. As you can see the back end needs to be lowered. Next pic shows how sticky these little nugs are!



Sup every one, hope all is doing well and staying safe.

I'm doing good and have been keeping busy. The garden had me busy lately and i want to share some updates on what's been going on here.

The clones were a success! Right now most of them have showed roots and they are transplanted into 1 gallon pots. Once the remaining ones show roots, they'll be transplanted to join with the others. :blunt: Man, i think I’ve had fabulous results for my first time doing some cloning.

March 23 i think

today April 3


transplanted into 1st run soil with some roots! in the hole and watered with some TP+tea.


Absolutely cannot wait to put the teen plants into flower and set a few clones outside. :blunt:


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G'mornin! :ciao: First time stopping by, all I can say is:adore: Definitely the finest example of showy sugary shrubbery I've ever seen!:yummy::volcano-smiley::peace::meditate:

Right now it is about week seven-ish and harvest time is just around the corner! I’m super excited, absolutely cannot wait!

The flowers are doing great and the fade is here now. I did the cat late into the flower and I think it’s going good so far. Blue coffin plant has some heavy yellow, Bluniverse on the left has some fade going too and its… just leaning everywhere. Super silver blue magoo plant has minimal fade, it’s so beautiful and I wish I had some clones of it. She stands strong with the support of the net same as Blue Coffin.

Here’s some photos. I’m just going to upload a bunch here and hope you enjoy the eye candy :p If you see something that’s contest worthy, lmk and I’ll consider joining one. :cheer:










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