Lucky's First Home Grown Bag Seed

Re: Lucky's first home grown bagseed

it's going to be probably a week until I can get to the store and get it re-potted. Do you suggest that I continue using my 20-20-20 fertilizer and molasses?

So I was thinking, water a little today with fert and molasses and then just molasses the rest of the week?
Re: Lucky's first home grown bagseed

If you use the molasses, just use it once. Don't put it in every watering. The molasses is used along With the fertilzier once every 5 - 7 days. This lady is definitely needs some help. She's probably loaded with all the nutrients she needs. One small dose of molasses should be enough to hold her until you can get the new soil.

I've only used the perlite blend. It sounds like the coco that 420farmer is talking about could be the way to go.

Does the pot feel heavy, i.e. is there still a lot of moisture in the soil? Stick you finger two inchesinto the pot. If it feels wet, they watering her again could ust make things worse.

As long as the soil stays moist, try foliar feeding. This is where you spray the leaves. This will keep the plant moist, allow it to absorb nutrients as well. I use a 1/4 strength formula.

If you do this, you can let the soil medium dry out enough so that the roots can get some oxygen.

Her's some more info on what to do (I've never tried the liquid detergent part. I just put in a 1/4 strength nutrient solution. This will help get the appropriate nutrients to the yellow leaves on top.

Check out this link:

Re: Lucky's first home grown bagseed

Hey Lucky,

I've been using foliar feeding on my clones for 3 weeks now, just so you know!

By the way, here's a picture of the one of them:

There's Nothing Madder than a Wet Clone !

Re: Lucky's first home grown bagseed

thanks for all the help! I hadn't tried it out yet. Gotta find a good little spray bottle.
Re: Lucky's first home grown bagseed

What do guys do if they have to leave town for a few days? I'm thinking about going home next week for about 5 days? Just water good before I leave and hope nothing crazy happens?

Grant you're making my sad plant look awful! you're sure doing some things right!
Re: Lucky's first home grown bagseed

If you had asked me this question before, I wouldn't have had an answer except for those weird water bulbs they offer on TV.

Since I've been growing clones, I realized that to keep them from wilting, you just cover them up, i.e., keep them in a warm humid environment.

To do this you need a containment envelope. Here is a picture of one:

Space Age Containment Envelope


What this does is keep the plant from drying out and the leaves stay moist. Essentially, you have a terrarium. The moisture from the leaves evaporates, then condenses on the containment envelope and drips back into the soil.

This also slows down the respiration of the plant (evaporation of water from the leaves) and the whole plant's metabolism slows down.

With a larger plant you'll need a large transparent plastic bag (yes, now you know the secret of the containment envelope). Either leave your lights on a timer or, if you don't have one, leave it on 24 hours a day. You're using CFL's right? It'd be a little bit scary to leave HID lights on for 5 days with no one around. Just remember to water your plant before you leave (but don't soak her) and wrap her up tight, but not too tight. There should be a gap to let a little air in. I just didn't wrap my clones too tightly. What you should probably do is poke a couple of small holes in the plastic bag so a little air can get in. When you get back, you will likely find that the soil is still very moist. Where's the water going to go?

Don't put the lights too close to the plant. A lot of heat is generated in this environment. I made that mistake with my clones and when I took the lid off, they were like steamed vegetables(LOL)! (they actually survived). You might want to try this out a few days before you leave to ensure that everything is set up alright and that your plant is OK in its new environment. After you put your plant in this, you'll probably notice a lot of condensation on the bag, which is perfectly normal.

By the way, as I was writing this reply, your next post came in.

Congratulations, it's a girl!!!!

Female Pre-Flowers

Re: Lucky's first home grown bagseed

Much better idea about what to do when you're gone. Put the pot in a large pan and fill the pan with about 1 inch of water. The plant will draw any water it needs from the pan. Some people water their plants (not necessarily cannabis) this way exclusively. If your room is insanely dry, you could put saran wrap over the exposed part of the pan so that the only evaporation is from the plant and the pot.

Regarding going to 12/12, I think that's a bad idea. You should sort out the nutrient problem first. You want to finish nursing this lady back to health before you think of putting her to flower. 420farrmer is right - if you start flowering now, you will get a pathethic yield. Once you transplant and get some proper soil, wait about two weeks before flowering.

Your plant will be at least twice its current size and you'll get eight times the yield. (Volume is proportional to the cube of the height.)

I know you just can't wait to taste your first bud, but a little patience will have a big reward. (Don't I sound just like your Mom?)
Re: Lucky's first home grown bagseed

I sprayed her a little twice today. And watered about 1/4 cup. The pot is still pretty heavy but they top was very dry. I think she is looking a little better. Ill post pics tonight!
Re: Lucky's first home grown bagseed

Starting to think about ordering seeds. There are so many to choose from. I kind of like the idea of growing a classic, shorter, faster flowering (relative to sativas) plant. But with all the new strains coming out do they have superior genetics? Better yield, higher thc?

I'm open to any suggestions.

Nirvana! I love these guys. Very discreet, super trustworthy, grower for Nirvana is a total seed freak! He literally spent his youth in a grow room crossbreeding and cloning till he came up with the ultimate strains. Their are others out there and I would try them all if you get a good review from them. Nirvana sent me my White Widow every seed popped and they smell like heaven. Good luck and smokem if you gottem.:welldone:
Re: Lucky's first home grown bagseed

She would really be looking good if I hadn't burnt half of it off! Still a little upset about that oh well. Lesson learned..

A couple things I was thinking about.

1. Switching to 12/12 this weekend. Obviously to determine the sex of this plant. If Female switch back to 24/0 to veg and let grow out so that clones can be taken.

2. Keep the grow going as is. Keep veging her out until she's large enough to take clones. Then switch to 12/12 to see sex of plant. If it's female I'd already have clones ready to go.

Both seem like they could be done but would would be the best way to go about it?

Keep on like your doing and get the clone. sex the clone to find out what plant is and keep plant in veg as the mother plant if the clones say shes female. then you have a garden thats kick ass and a mother plant that is already producing clones for you. Simple and easy and your good to go. Start messing with the light on this girl and you will hermy it shes already had all her clothes burnt off of her lol.:goodjob:
Re: Lucky's first home grown bagseed

Total bummer, dude. Emergency measures need to be taken, STAT!

It breaks my heart to see her like this. I can't imagine how you feel! Maybe I'm overly sentimental. I have four clones. One is superhealthy and is thriving; the other three are still alive, but stunted. They've barely grown from when I planted them. All the clones are from the same genotype, so I wouldn't really be losing any genetic diversity by ditching the other three. Just can't do it. Pass me another handkerchief!

This plant is not getting Nitrogen. That is why the leaves are so yellow. Adding more crap to the soil won't do any good. What I would do is: (I don't think you have much to lose by trying this, she's almost a goner.)

First of all, flush the hell out of the plant. I'm talking lots of water. Do this until the runoff is completely clear.

Then I would repot the plant. Don't put in the MiracleGro if you can help it. Get something decent at the store. I think 420farmer mentioned "coco." Whatever it is, make sure it has lots of non-water absorbing pellets in it. If for some reason you can't find some or don't have the time, add some kind of pellets about 1/4 " in diameter, chopped up styrofoam pellets, beads from costume jewellery, pearls from you aunt's pearl necklace, pebbles or sand out of your yard (if you do this, soak them in boiling water before use to kill any pests or mold) to your current soil.

Next, just before you repot, take her out of her current pot, rinse the roots with water to get as much of the old soil off the roots. Don't worry, in hydroponics, the roots are entirely in water. Some people chop off half the roots before they transplant to encourage new growth. Sounds kinda scary - the point is that the roots can take a lot of abuse.

Then I would repot the plant in the new improved soil that you have. If for some reason, you can't get or make any improved soil, you'd be better off leaving the plant in a large jar of nutrient solution - kind of a homemade hydroponics environment. The water would need oxygen in it for the roots. In hydroponics, they use aerators. You could shake the water you use in a half filled jar. Adding hydrogen peroxide to the water also works. (Hydrogen peroxide is just water supersaturated with oxygen. It's also used to correct pH balance.)

Also look at the roots before you repot. If there's any dead matter or decay, cut it off with a knife or a pair of scissors.

After you repot, soak with a 1/2 strength nutient and blackstap molasses solution. Place back under the lamp for 24/0 until she hopefully recovers. If the leaves look dry, mist with plain water or a 1/4 strength nutrient only solution (foliar feeding). I would go the foliar feeding route.

Don't think there's much more to say. Regardless of how this works out, you should think of the seeds you want to use for your next grow. (Now I sound like a grief counsellor!) With the holidays approaching, any seed order is going to take a long time coming. Besides, it's fun to look at all the varieties available. The seed bank that I use has a special each month (sometimes for the whole month, sometimes for just a few days), where they will throw in a bunch of free seeds with your order. And not crapy seeds, primo stuff.

Maybe, it's serendipity, but I just went to their site and the first special displayed was

Lucky 7

Lucky how often are you watering? In coco you can water every day as it is impossible to drown the plant in coco pretty much, but soil is much different. If your keeping the soil tight with water, the roots can't breathe, and they will completely stop absorbing anything. God I have no clue why ppl grow in soil nowadays... Coco solves all the problems soil has, but acts very similar to soil. Get some coco it's very cheap!!!
Re: Lucky's first home grown bagseed

Lucky how often are you watering? In coco you can water every day as it is impossible to drown the plant in coco pretty much, but soil is much different. If your keeping the soil tight with water, the roots can't breathe, and they will completely stop absorbing anything. God I have no clue why ppl grow in soil nowadays... Coco solves all the problems soil has, but acts very similar to soil. Get some coco it's very cheap!!!

This forum is the first place that I have ever heard of it. I am going to get some and mix it with worm castings and perilite. What do you think? I just started using worm castings and the results are stuff of legend so I will be using it from now on. I here you talk about the coco and I can't help but wonder how it would be mixed with what has worked so well for me. I am betting it would work fantastic. Any thoughts?:thanks:
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