M1's Multi Strain - 1500W - DWC/Soil - Grow - Lots of Resources

Re: M1's Multi Strain 1500W DWC/Soil Grow (Lots of resourses)

Hey m1,wots happening man.its driving me wild that I'm still waiting on these plants.any ideas on getting these lazy bitches of their lazy arises an start filling out.boy wen they were younger time flew by,now there's buds filling out,every single day is dragging.I'm 100% convinced those 2 plants of mine are sitting up in that tent pissing themselves laughing thinking "just take our time,that dick can wait" while I'm down here thinking grow grow grow:thumb:

:lot-o-toke:Damn that's funny snakelad, go in there with your shears and a lighter than check the Ph for acidic lol, you may want to record your one on one with your bitches, lol (tears running down my cheeks).:yahoo:
Re: M1's Multi Strain 1500W DWC/Soil Grow (Lots of resourses)

60cal,u wouldn't wana listen 2 my chats with those "filthy sluts". Ur wee ears would drop off.it goes something like this. " oohh,were 2 fuck do u 2 slags think ur growing (going) with those short skirts,back in2 the tent u right pair of slags an get the tits out(buds)" I swear those bitches think they are on their hols sometimes.that's the toned down version of 1 of are many banters with the 2 dirty slags
Re: M1's Multi Strain 1500W DWC/Soil Grow (Lots of resourses)

Ok here we go again with another update and a question for you all!

Lets start out with some Root shots!

Moving onto the "snapped" chemdog, That knuckle is STURDY let me tell you

Moving onto the blue dream,

And here's an under shot of the Blue OG, The strongest of them all! She got topped yesterday at 11 nodes high, I'm expecting a nice bush!

And finally I am brought to my question! Take a good look at the next few pictures, go back to yesterday a look even. I'm telling you guys the Chemdog is awful stretchy for a indica dominant hybrid. Its really nice but if you look she is shooting up inches per day even on the lower growth and I fear I might have a strain that will act like a bag seed I did a long time ago. Basically acted like a sativa on speed lol. Once I flopped to flower she sky rocketed! grew 4-5 times the size she was in veg. I feel like I should super crop her branches out make her more bushy but the timing is where I'm stuck at, should I do it now and let the others catch up to them or super-crop 3 or so days before the switch to stop her vertical growth some. I would love to let her grow tall but the tent is only 6.5 foot tall so I have to be careful :) No more waiting here she is,

Keep in mind she is under a MH 600W bulb and come flower will be put under an HPS that will make her STRETCH!
Let me know what you guys think! feed me your advice please :):thumb::peace:
Re: M1's Multi Strain 1500W DWC/Soil Grow (Lots of resourses)

If it is stretching bad like that then you really should tie down. Either tie to the container or tie around a stone to weigh the branch down. After 3 days or so you can untie it and the branch will be stuck growing at that height but start to grow vertically after awhile. Nice bushy plants though. Good job. You got the knuckle formation down pretty good as well.
Re: M1's Multi Strain 1500W DWC/Soil Grow (Lots of resourses)

If you are really good at it you can train 2 feet off your plant vertically. I regularly see how tall I can get them and then see how short I can train them. Its a lot of fun.
Re: M1's Multi Strain 1500W DWC/Soil Grow (Lots of resourses)

Hello everyone! I will be spending some time to go through everyone's grow today, I apologize for not being more involved as I'd like to but Life is dragging me through the waves, on a positive note the girls are doing excellent!

Yesterday I decided to switch to an HPS [I know I know "he was just complaining about stretching plants and he does this"] I am resuming in the vegetative stage with 1 600W HPS and 1 600W MH turned down to 50% plus still my LED running in the sidelines. I generally like to add lights of the other spectrum on the last 2 weeks of veg via CFL's or this time HiD's. This helps the plant get geared for flower, its telling the plant (via the changing spectrum's) that the Photo-period "should" be shortening thus flowering will begin soon (tho as long as you remain with 16+hours of light she will remain in veg)

Last water exchange I change the lighting cycle 15 mins of extra dark in the cycle, I will continue decreasing the time down to 15 hours in 15 minute intervals before switching to 12/12.

Ok and lastly I plan to keep aggressive Veg nutrients in play till a week before I flower then I will switch to my "transitioning" nutes (which has plenty of nitrogen still, these nutrients will remain until first flower formations start and I will be raising the Phosphorus levels and lowering nitrogen levels) I didn't get much hype on the nutrient composition so I decided not to waste my time figuring it out lol, If anyone was interested they need but ask.

Also to answer your question smokerjoe if you happen to stumble over here, If the chemdog's get to out of control I will be adding "Bud Blood" to their nutrients, This stuff actually forces the plant to skip the stretching part of flowering and go directly to forming buds, I've seen small formations as quick as 3-4 days. I really only recommend using it if your grow room is small, its a good way to kick out good thick buds on small plants however it will ruin the potential on some bigger plants because it does stop all the new growth we like to see in flower.

So If she is tall enough she will get a dose but as of today I think the rest are starting to catch up, The runt of the group is coming along nicely now. I want her to get as big as possible in the next few weeks so she has been left alone.

Ok here are some shots! they were defoliated again yesterday so they are looking nekked again!

Well of course The sativa dominant BD I have is the one I should have been worried about she grew up taller then the chemdog by the end of yesterday So she got hog tied! lol

The Chemdog's


Super Crit

Blue OG

Roots on the Blue OG are so long I cant even lift her out of the bucket without helping the roots out!

Let me know what you guys think any advice/tips are welcome and of course ask any question and I will answer it to the best of my ability! Have a great day everyone!!:thumb:
Re: M1's Multi Strain 1500W DWC/Soil Grow (Lots of resourses)

Of course I would stumble here.Im everywhere. Good deal getting more lights though. hps with led creates amazing plants. Thats what I run with.
Re: M1's Multi Strain 1500W DWC/Soil Grow (Lots of resourses)

I got a hour nap while the baby was asleep at this point couldnt ask for more .
Re: M1's Multi Strain 1500W DWC/Soil Grow (Lots of resourses)

asked you all a ? in my journal. Feel free to chime in.
Re: M1's Multi Strain 1500W DWC/Soil Grow (Lots of resourses)

WoW guys! ok so I was doing some looking at my White Rhino you know the one with 2 branches coming out of the same side, WELL! now I can see she does this on every single node on that side! AND now the top part is growing 3 branches out of the same side!!!

Personally I've NEVER seen this on anyone's cannabis plant! If anyone could shed some light on this "mutation" I would love to learn this plant has done this on one side from the first set of branches, Me thinks I got a keeper white rhino pheno?

I would love to clone this plant and have it keep doing that but I haven't noticed it on any of the branching, the only way I think I could save it is to clone the Top top and I really don't have time for that :(

Seriously tho guys I would like some light shed on it, anyone else with this cool kind of pheno? I will post pics if you guys want or wait till the 3 branches get bigger they are just sprouts, I can see them starting right next to the main branch just sprouts there for some reason? lol Feed me information!:circle-of-love:
Re: M1's Multi Strain 1500W DWC/Soil Grow (Lots of resourses)

I don't know anything about all that stuff m8,but pleased 4 u that u may be able 2 take clones.:thumb:
Re: M1's Multi Strain 1500W DWC/Soil Grow (Lots of resourses)

HOLY @%$#..... I need to go to the eye doctor!

I'm about to hit you guys with some pictures you wont believe if you hardly believed what I said in the previously posted and I may spread the pictures over to LA's thread and maybe a few other people who are more likely to have seen this before! I think I got a good WhiteRhino pheno! be back in less than 20 with pics!
Re: M1's Multi Strain 1500W DWC/Soil Grow (Lots of resourses)

OK Well, now that I find out my tab camera is junk! probably cant really see it till they grow in, I actually thought they were just leafs to the branches but it was indeed more branches coming in!!

Here are some shots, but its hard to see just look hard! there is double branching everywhere and the triple branching just started on taller growth and it is not just on 1 side! DR BOB you are going to love this!:thumb:


I know some of them are hard to see but really tell me what you guys think!!:circle-of-love:

EDIT: circled a couple pics

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