McBudz Perpetual Journal

Here are some mom shots.

PE mom:


You can see where old cut sites are and where the new shoots took off. Essentially same as topping.




My Nemesis mom that seriously needs to be trimmed. Since I'm trying different moms she's not getting regular 1 month hair cuts. Cuttings that are too thick can work against you too. may take longer to root and even longer to develop enough roots to support its size.


Took some funky PE "V" clones for giggles:



Thanks mcbud for the quick mom tutorial. You are right that nemisi mom is one hairy chick. How old is she?
Thanks mcbud for the quick mom tutorial. You are right that nemisi mom is one hairy chick. How old is she?

Planted her seed Dec 1st. She has been trained "LST" since she was 1 node high. She has already had about 16 clones taken from her about 1 month ago.
Great stuff as usual. What's the deal with the V clones? Is there anything special about them other than the obvious? I mean will they grow differently, like flowering clones will?

Great stuff as usual. What's the deal with the V clones? Is there anything special about them other than the obvious? I mean will they grow differently, like flowering clones will?


First time really trying it. My hypothesis is it will grow like a plant that was topped under the soil. Should be like having 2 plants growing from the same site. I think I'm going to try that as well. Grow 2 clones from 1 site with some of the PE's since they do not seem to be too dense.
First time really trying it. My hypothesis is it will grow like a plant that was topped under the soil. Should be like having 2 plants growing from the same site. I think I'm going to try that as well. Grow 2 clones from 1 site with some of the PE's since they do not seem to be too dense.

i've taken V's before. . . one of two things usually happen
1)both sides brow evenly like mcbudz wants, and it just acts like it was topped
2)one of the branches will runt and the other will grow faster.

when #2 happens, I usually just chop the runt to let the good one get all the root flow.

my guess on the pics you have B is they will be #1.
Well, I'm late but I am here. Sir, you have a great system going there, and the results are a testament to your abilities. Some very beautiful colas to be sure. I skimmed through the last 6-7 pages. Did you mention how tall the lowering plants are? As you know, we have added a few new strains to our grow, and will be adding more as we progress. So we are always looking for some 3-4 foot, heavy budded and hardy plants. My fav baby so far has been the Moby Dick, but I am thinking this White Widow will be another. I will be watching this grow as you progress, hoping we can do the perpetual grow as well with a monthly harvest. Keep em green my friend, and I'm glad I finally checked in on your grow.
First time really trying it. My hypothesis is it will grow like a plant that was topped under the soil. Should be like having 2 plants growing from the same site. I think I'm going to try that as well. Grow 2 clones from 1 site with some of the PE's since they do not seem to be too dense.

I've been doin' it on the grow I'm doin' now. They've been ok. Not bad by any means...not great either. But that was to be expected since each is acting like its own tree...fighting for nutes, etc. If anything, I've under-nuted it. I'll get a pic up in the AM.
I've been doin' it on the grow I'm doin' now. They've been ok. Not bad by any means...not great either. But that was to be expected since each is acting like its own tree...fighting for nutes, etc. If anything, I've under-nuted it. I'll get a pic up in the AM.

Any plant whether double, single, tribble cola'd is only going to produce what its root mass will support I suppose.
Well, I'm late but I am here. Sir, you have a great system going there, and the results are a testament to your abilities. Some very beautiful colas to be sure. I skimmed through the last 6-7 pages. Did you mention how tall the lowering plants are? As you know, we have added a few new strains to our grow, and will be adding more as we progress. So we are always looking for some 3-4 foot, heavy budded and hardy plants. My fav baby so far has been the Moby Dick, but I am thinking this White Widow will be another. I will be watching this grow as you progress, hoping we can do the perpetual grow as well with a monthly harvest. Keep em green my friend, and I'm glad I finally checked in on your grow.

Hey bud thanks for stopping by. The flowering plants have been reaching anywhere from 24-36 inches going in a 10 inches. Te RockLock is the tallest. These latest clones went in at 14 inches and had the bottom 4-5 inches pruned to help push everything toward the top and main cola. I have Moby Dick sitting in the bullpen. Once my Strawbeery Blue and Chocolope are big enough to cut from The MB is going in the ground. and The PE may be going out or flowering out in dirt.
I LOVE this program!!!



Thank you SF. Hope to see you employ your own soon ;)

Where the heck have I been? Or where has this journal been? Probably better answered when I don't have a bunch of cannabinoids in my system... :popcorn:

Glad you found us LN thansk for stopping by.

Damn nice work McB. Love the knowlege you're sharing.

+rep Brother...keep it up.

As always its a pleasure to have you come by. Thanks SW

cool as ICE!

Thanks Pit

I've been lurkin on boards for the last 6 months and setting up my grow, learning to grow ebb and flow, and now I'm ready to start a perpetual harvest program. This journal has really helped me plan my garden. Thank you so much for all the effort and patience putting this together and answering everyone's questions!

Glad to have you posting with us. Everyone is helpful so if you have questions you cant kind answers to suing our search feature feel free to ask.

OK for the preliminary yield report.

After 1 week of dry/cure alernating between hang, brown paper bag and sealed/cracked jars I am near my final cure weight maybe 10-15% off If I were to guess. Got the buds laid back out in the brown paper bags hoping to pull the extra moisture over the next day or 2.

5 RockLock's @ 7.30 oz
4 Nemesis @ 8.05 oz
1 Blue Widow @ 2.4 oz
1 Pineapple Express @ 1.3 oz

Current total yield looking like 19.05 oz

I don't see there possibly being any more than 1-2oz max of moisture left before final cure so I'm def. going to end up on the north side of a pound. I'll come back with final numbers in another week. For some reason this is a lot better than I thought by my initial estimates during harvest. Nemesis and BW have pretty dense nugs I guess ;)
Congrats friend, glad you harvested such nice yields. What numbers are you aiming for per monthly harvest, if any?

16 to 20 ounces is nice and is generally where I fall monthly.

20-24 would be awseome.

24-32 I'd be friggin ecstatic. Just not sure of its possible given the physical constraints of my setup.

If I could consistently achieve 24 per month I would have no complaints. Still striving towards this. I need dense fat heavy cola's plants. maybe Moby Dick is may answer? I think I could have gotten this with GWS if I vegged longer. Didnt have the chance to try :(
Congrats friend, glad you harvested such nice yields. What numbers are you aiming for per monthly harvest, if any?

Good question. Congrats on the harvest McBudz! :bravo: :welldone: :thumb:
Exactly HOW did you dry and cure??? Did I miss that?
Good question. Congrats on the harvest McBudz! :bravo: :welldone: :thumb:
Exactly HOW did you dry and cure??? Did I miss that?

Trimmed then Hung on the wire racks you see in one of the previous pages.

After about 48 hours all depending on atmospheric conditions mainly RH I clip the buds from the stems into brown paper bags like the ones from the grocery store ie paper or plastic?

I fold over the top once or twice leaving a loarge pocket of air inside the use a binder clip to keep shut. Every couple of hours a shift the buds around as they start to clump together and get stuck to each other. Breaking them up every few hours allows them to become more compact and a lot less fluffy. I like tight cured nugs. The paper bag allows the slow controlled evap of moisture out of the nugs into the bag material then evaporated into the air outside of the bag. Every few hours I also unclip the bag inspect for mold mildew and check the smell. If anything were not good I would lay them out on a table to speed up the process a bit, throwing away any nug they may have moold on it. After doing the paper bag thing for a couple of days and the nugs are getting tight a spongy I put into sealed jars over night to help pull that extra moisture from the stems. I break the buds apart from each other if still clumping up usually by a vigirous shake of the jar. Open the jars for a few hours then seal again. Repeat for a couple of days. If they still have that moist like feel to them then I'll put them back into an opened paper bag to allow the paper to draw extra moisture out of the buds. Keep the buds stirred up a bit so they are drying evenly.

I juggle these methods for as long as it takes then put to jars for once a day "burping" then long term cure. You have to get the feel for it. There is not written set of instructions out there that will give you perfect results if followed to the letter. You need to know the basic steps and apply to your conditions. A slow controlled dry and cure will give you the best smoke possible. Do not rush this part of the grow. Also to slow a dry and mold can consume your harvest. Practice Practice Practice and you will get the perfect dry/cure for you.
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