McBudz Perpetual Journal

5.5 weeks











1 week nemesis clones:



New lil 2ft x 4 bulb t5 fixture for momming


Strawberry Blue:




PE and BW clones just went to veg today


Trimmed up the mom


Blue Widow bud:


Pineapple Express:



Nemesis buds



Rocklock Buds:



Very Nice. You have some great looking buds
Incredible journal, especially since I have 24 pots set up in veg right now. Didn't see mention of what nutes you use...probably just missed it. Definately subscribed + reps
Incredible journal, especially since I have 24 pots set up in veg right now. Didn't see mention of what nutes you use...probably just missed it. Definately subscribed + reps

Thanks! I use GH flora series (for bloom follow GH calculator for normal bloom feeding -not "aggressive:, GH kool bloom,Botanicare cal mag plus
Excellant looking buds my friend. I can almost smell the aroma just looking at the pics...yumm. I have used the paper bag method as well. First learned it from my late wife. She would put fruit in a closed paper bag to help it ripen without rotting. We have since started using the dryer box as it dries the outer portion of the bud quicker, then place it into jars to let the moisture be drawn out from the center of the bud. Saves a day or two in drying. 16-20 ozs is a nice consistent haul. We have a 6.5' x 7' flower room so we can fit 9 plants in, but it is tight. I like to let the plants get as big as I can before placing them into flower. 2-3 foot works well. This also gives me time to get additional clones as required. It looks as though you have a very nice setup. Plants seem to be thriving well. Keep em green brother. ^420.
your plants look awesome, and i would have to agree with you on your assumption that some of the plants traits are aimed at the connoisseur's liking.

The bluewidow i grew looked like it wouldnt have yielded a substantial amount more than if i upgraded my 400W hps to lets say a 600W,

One could say some plants are aimed at the "Closet grower", its just meant to be a nice yielder while producing great smoke.

In a massive setup like yours you really have to find good yielding traits, something stabilized.... How did you like your NL? i know it was a cross but i would think that particular plant could exceed in your setup
your plants look awesome, and i would have to agree with you on your assumption that some of the plants traits are aimed at the connoisseur's liking.

The bluewidow i grew looked like it wouldnt have yielded a substantial amount more than if i upgraded my 400W hps to lets say a 600W,

One could say some plants are aimed at the "Closet grower", its just meant to be a nice yielder while producing great smoke.

In a massive setup like yours you really have to find good yielding traits, something stabilized.... How did you like your NL? i know it was a cross but i would think that particular plant could exceed in your setup

My NLxBB did not fair so well. went hermie on me. It was early on in my experience so could have been my hand. Great White Shark had nice yields for a plant that went to flower at about 6 inches. Should have let it veg'd twice as long.
Excellant looking buds my friend. I can almost smell the aroma just looking at the pics...yumm. I have used the paper bag method as well. First learned it from my late wife. She would put fruit in a closed paper bag to help it ripen without rotting. We have since started using the dryer box as it dries the outer portion of the bud quicker, then place it into jars to let the moisture be drawn out from the center of the bud. Saves a day or two in drying. 16-20 ozs is a nice consistent haul. We have a 6.5' x 7' flower room so we can fit 9 plants in, but it is tight. I like to let the plants get as big as I can before placing them into flower. 2-3 foot works well. This also gives me time to get additional clones as required. It looks as though you have a very nice setup. Plants seem to be thriving well. Keep em green brother. ^420.

Thanks GMT. I used to grow larger plants when I was in soil. Was easier to manage larger plants in less pots. I decided to go with an overgrown SOG style when I went hydro ebb and grow. Also the shorter clone/veg time fits nicely into my 4 phase 1 harvest a month rotation in the space I have available.
that was just a tought, i know your very open to trying out strains
so why not the CLASSIC Northern Lights

I have some GWS beans and im waiting to pop em till after i get my EBB & Flow ready and fine tuned.

I read classic NL was not a high yielder and this is why they crossed with a BIgBud strain. Larger yield of BB with potency of NL.
I read classic NL was not a high yielder and this is why they crossed with a BIgBud strain. Larger yield of BB with potency of NL.

couldnt have put it better. :thumb:I grew the og NL's and unbelievable smoke but the yeild wasn't as huge as We all would have liked. BB helped it but the potency was definetly stronger back then. But then again we have alot more additives then we did back in the day.
Thank you SF. Hope to see you employ your own soon ;)

Glad you found us LN thansk for stopping by.

As always its a pleasure to have you come by. Thanks SW

Thanks Pit

Glad to have you posting with us. Everyone is helpful so if you have questions you cant kind answers to suing our search feature feel free to ask.

OK for the preliminary yield report.

After 1 week of dry/cure alernating between hang, brown paper bag and sealed/cracked jars I am near my final cure weight maybe 10-15% off If I were to guess. Got the buds laid back out in the brown paper bags hoping to pull the extra moisture over the next day or 2.

5 RockLock's @ 7.30 oz
4 Nemesis @ 8.05 oz
1 Blue Widow @ 2.4 oz
1 Pineapple Express @ 1.3 oz

Current total yield looking like 19.05 oz

I don't see there possibly being any more than 1-2oz max of moisture left before final cure so I'm def. going to end up on the north side of a pound. I'll come back with final numbers in another week. For some reason this is a lot better than I thought by my initial estimates during harvest. Nemesis and BW have pretty dense nugs I guess ;)

Hey McBudz
Nice haul and your girls looked great, So you figured that the very least you'll get 17 oz. I know you mentioned using 2 600w and a 400w but is that for this haul or in total. I went back and read but I thought it was your total lighting. Will you be flowering your moms soon and starting new ones?
Hey McBudz
Nice haul and your girls looked great, So you figured that the very least you'll get 17 oz. I know you mentioned using 2 600w and a 400w but is that for this haul or in total. I went back and read but I thought it was your total lighting. Will you be flowering your moms soon and starting new ones?

thanks LT. yes my total light for the bloom tent is 600+400+600 or 1600 watts ,with the 24 pots split under neath. So in essence each 4x4 side see's 800 watts if you want to calculate it that way. I'm sure there is a more scientific way but for arguements sake this haul is from 800 watts. Just like a similar haul in a few weeks will be from the other 800 watts etc etc. Once I flower the first clones from the chocolope and strawberry Blue I will decide which mom's to flower out and get rid of. I only want to have 1 maybe 2 mom's tops.
Nice to keep that second mom, just for a little variety.

That and incase you dont flush all the bleach out of your cloner or do something else to "eph" up the clones like turn off the pump to look for roots then forget to turn it back on (I've done both). Its nice to have a fresh mom to cut from rather than cutting from scrappy little left over places from a mom that was just cut.
That and incase you dont flush all the bleach out of your cloner or do something else to "eph" up the clones like turn off the pump to look for roots then forget to turn it back on (I've done both). Its nice to have a fresh mom to cut from rather than cutting from scrappy little left over places from a mom that was just cut.

its amazing how those clones will crash when you leave the it unplugged by mistake....personal experience....grrrrr

Pump deaths, power outages, many little things can conspire against you...that is why I have such respect for you two guys. It's a little education every day.
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