MC's K2 Special Grow Show


Well-Known Member
Hi Folks! :byebye:

Well I thought it was about time I did a grow journal here on 420times, so without any further adooo.... let's get to it! :cheesygrinsmiley: :bong:

This journal will document an organic soil grow of No Mercy Supply K2 Special. - THANK YOU CEES! - :adore:

Germination - Dropped 5 seeds in tap water to soak - 4/5 germed in 24 hours


Next the planting supplies: 1/2 gallon grow-bag labeled, mychorrizal fungi, mild seaweed & molasses nutrient mix PH'd to 6.3 for watering them in and feeding the fungi..


The grow-bag is loosely filled all the way to the top with a soil-less mixture. (I'll go into the ingredients later) Then a hole is made for the jiffy pellet, and mychorrizal fungi is sprinkled into the hole. The jiffy pellet with sprout are dunked straight into the tub of fungi...


...and then planted in the hole making sure to bury it up to the cotyledons. Water in using approx one quart of the seaweed/molasses mixture per 1/2 gallon grow-bag.


Here is our grow room - it's a small closet under the stairs in the basement.


Dimensions are approx. 3.5 x 3.5 x 6.5
Light used: 1000w Sun Systems 7 Dual Spectrum 400wMH + 600wHPS
Temps: 68 degrees lights out - 82 degrees lights on
Humidity: 20%- 27%


Can't wait to follow your progress! Thanks for sharing the info!!
Here's what the light looks like burning.. I'm using a HORTILUX EYE for the HPS and a standard bulb for the MH.. Lumen output from this fixture = 130,000


Thanks guys! Pull up a chair and feel free to ask questions. I am not the most organized person in the world so be sure to stop me if I loose ya on anything......
Here are the suppliments. These are used to enhance & maintain the living micro-organisms added to the soil - (don't worry, we'll get to that soil mix in a minute)


PH & EC testing equipment - Storage solution, EC & PH Calibration Solutions, and Aquafina RO water for rinsing off the probe before and after each use.


As you can see, my tap water has a very high or alkaline PH of 8.3 - this is a good indication that I have hard water. Very important to know this in the future when mixing nutes..
Okay - Now let's dive into the substrate mixture.

Technically - this is a soil less mix because for it to be true "soil" it must be derived from rock & minerals which peat moss is not. In a soil-less mix all nutrient and mineral content must be added by the grower. (similar to hydro)

Here are the base ingredients I am using. All mixed up in a 14 gallon plastic container: Sunshine Mix #1, Worm Castings, Fox Farms Big And Chunky Perlite.



The Amendments Part 1 : Gypsum, Kelp Meal, Dolomite Lime, Sulfur - approx 1/4 - 1/3 cup each (or a good sized handful)


The Amendments Part 2: Epsom Salts 1/4 cup, Dry Fertilizer 1 Cup, MYKE Brand mychorrizal fungi 3 heaping Tablespoons, Plant Success mychorrizal fungi 3 heaping Tablespoons, Plant Helper Trichoderma Fungi 1 heaping Teaspoon


This pic shows the mixture straight out of the Sunshine #1 bag on the left, and with all amendments added and mixed on the right.


Now we have created a living substrate or "micro-herd" of friendly fungi and bacteria that will do all the work of feeding the plants for us. They convert the nutrients and sugars into carbons in a sense pre-digesting the food.

So the basic idea here is to feed the fungi - not the plants.

This is a good base mixture to use for either veg or flower. Depending on the strain, veg fertilizers may only need to be applied once or not at all in a 30 day period.
Thanks Endo! My usual approach to growing is one of ... "a little of this/a little of that" but I'm trying to be as specific as possible for everyone here.

Some thoughts so far...

- Sunshine #1 mix is terrible. I won't be using it again. The bale came infested with fungus gnats, which of course you don't know 'till it's too late. Luckily they don't really hurt anything if your plants are healthy and there's a good micro-herd established. I usually use BIO-BIZZ ALL-MIX or Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil and will probably go back to it for flowering.

- The starting PPM of my tap water is very high - 178 parts per million so I'll have to be careful and make sure not to overdo the calcium and magnesium suppliments

- I use a moisture meter to check when to water - you'd be suprised how dry it can feel but still read "wet" on the meter.

- For those without a moisture meter this is what I recommend:

M.J. likes it DRY!

Think of it's roots like your crotch and the soil around it like a jock strap- you know the difference between DAMP balls and SWEATY balls... Stick your finger down in the soil ALL the way down as far as possible. Does the soil feel DAMP? (good) or SWEATY? (Bad) LOL.....

Or for us girlz out there - the soil should feel as moist as a new kitchen sponge right when you take it out of the package..

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