MC's K2 Special Grow Show

Very...very complete up to here M.C., my compliments.
But ehhh....only 3 out of the 5, thát does make me feel more then sorry.
We did test them...and the germination rate was exclusive high.
Grrrrr.... :hmmmm: "shit happens all the time", isn't that the expression ?

Much growlove
It's all good Cees... mother nature was telling me which plants not to waste time with... natural selection at work... it's a beautiful thing.. :smokin:

very nice post, i have been using the fox farm ocean organics and so far am loving it. id agree it is a good soil to start with, plus it is all ph balance and has nutrients so you don't need a lot to begin with...
Thanks for stopping by my lil' old grow journal. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I'm trying to make it as informative as possible without being confusing.. I tend to error on the side of too much information... so please chime in with any questions.. :smokin:

ok since you asked. after this grow that im doing now i have some good seeds and i wanna upgrade everything i have to get the most out of them, so where do u get all your supplies from? they dont have things like that at walmart, and we dont have any hydro stores or headshops around here.
The seedlings are now 4 days old. They are growing vigorously and doing well.


Soaking up the lumens....


With so powerful a light in such a small space, growth will be extremely rapid. In this way, seedlings can be raised healthier and faster than taking cuttings and rooting clones.
Thanks for chiming in 4iLLEsT2bTCH0... :allgood:

The light I picked up off of Ebay for $227. It was a cash/M.O. only auction so it didn't really get bid on, and the guy threw in the 265 CFM intake fan for free. :cheesygrinsmiley:

The Liquid nutrients (Bio-Bizz, Cal-Mag, Dark Energy, Maxi-Crop) & Plant Success Mychorrizal fungi can be ordered from almost any hydro store online, or on Ebay as well. Plant Helper Trichoderma Fungi I also picked up off of Ebay.. I think it was $14 for the jar, and it lasts a loooooong time. :smokin3:

The No Mercy Supply Bat Guano I ordered from Online Growshop Aliën - it runs about $18 for a bottle, but $28 to ship it. Kinda expensive, but well worth it in my opinion..

The MYKE brand Mychorrizal fungi and all the Organic Traditions ammendments (gypsum, lime, sulfur, kelp meal) I pick up at a local garden center.. places like ACE garden centers usually have something equiviliant..

The MYKE cost $9 for the whole 1lb tub.
Organic Traditions ammendments range from $5.99 - $12.00 per bag depending on what it is...

Hope I covered everything.... please let me know if I missed anything.. :smokin:

thanx alot... im gunna be following this grow bc i want to kno as much as i can for my next grow. you give great info!! good luck, i kno those plants will turn out amazing!
We ( No Mercy Supply ) are looking for a good wholesale in the USA to take care for distributian.
All our products are in a shape that they can pass the borderlines without any problem. Please visit our site to see which products I'm talking about. Click in the menu on the product-photo's for more info.

M.C. : keep up the good work, the little babies are looking VERY good.
already in the 3-the internode at the 4-the day...THAT IS THE GOOD
WORK !:allgood:

With respect,
Looks great so far.
I am about to start my journal in a day or two but I will be going hydro.
Keep up the attention to detail sister and grow great!
4iLLEsT2bTCH0 - Glad to have you along! Reading grow journals here is exactly what made me think ... "hey, I can do this too! :hmmmm:"

SpeesCees - A wise person told me when I first started growing.. the 3 most important things to remember are: 1)Genetics 2)Genetics 3)Genetics... :laughtwo: :adore:

And your Bat Guano Extract really is amazing stuff... The last grow I used it on, the buds were furry with resin... The grow before it, I did not use it, and the amount of trichrome production was not even close. :adore:

Urdedpal - Thanks for taking a look at my journal! :cheesygrinsmiley:
I used yours as the template for a well organized, clear and informative grow guide. Can't wait to see what No Mercy Supply strains you'll be doing! Let's give everyone a good show. :theband:
madamecrash said:
4iLLEsT2bTCH0 - Glad to have you along! Reading grow journals here is exactly what made me think ... "hey, I can do this too! :hmmmm:"

Same thing happened to me. I've been a smoker for 10 years, and never seriously thought about growing. I joined the board in September (had lurked for a while) and germed my first seeds within a month! It's been slow and painful, but oh so fun. My future is looking bright thanks to folks like you who are willing to share the knowledge! :headbanger: :adore:
Oooh.. just wait.. you've been bitten by the growing bug... not many can escape it's inexplicable grasp.... it's starts with a little plant... next thing you know... it's taken over the whole house! Every spare inch of horizontal surface with a power outlet nearby becomes future growing space.. or cloning station.... or...... LOL! :cheesygrinsmiley: :Rasta:

I normally don't like to post so many updates of seedlings, but these K2 Special are growing unbelievably fast! Here we are at 6 days old....



madamecrash said:
Oooh.. just wait.. you've been bitten by the growing bug... not many can escape it's inexplicable grasp.... it's starts with a little plant... next thing you know... it's taken over the whole house! Every spare inch of horizontal surface with a power outlet nearby becomes future growing space.. or cloning station.... or...... LOL! :cheesygrinsmiley: :Rasta:


I've lurked around here too before I actually joined. I already got the bug, I've remodeled this room to fit my plants need. Thanks for all the information as I've been learning something new everyday. I'll be watching this one for sure :cheesygrinsmiley: post on brotha'
Desde said:
I'll be watching this one for sure :cheesygrinsmiley: post on brotha'

madamecrash is a girl lol.

arent they so cute when theyre babies?? and they are growing fast!!
Thanks 4iLLEsT2bTCH0 :cheesygrinsmiley:

I love watching them grow so fast from little babies to big plants. I'm glad you feel that way too!

That's one of the reasons I like to grow from seed rather than clones.. they are so interesting to watch develop. Sometimes the shape of the leaves will change drastically from young plant to flowering adult.. It's not uncommon for many Sativa Dominant strains to start off with huge fat Indica leaves...

Oops.. I'm rambling.... LOL... :geek:

keep on rambling... this is your journal ;)

i like the growing from seeds too..
actually, once im done harvesting, it's gonna be my first grow from clone... i still gotta see how that goes. i'll probably germ a couple of seeds anyway
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