Mendocino Skunky Garlic Auto-Flower 2023

Hey bro I follow the Fox Farm feeding schedule and cut everything to 50 % except Big Bloom which I have been giving @ 100 % throughout the grow. You are aware that she is not in flower yet, sum peeps believe flower begins when vertical growth has completely stopped. I don’t think starting Bloom nutes @ 25 % at start of flower would hurt. less is more theory, but I don’t think that starting @ 50% would hurt either. When talking lights I am way outa my lane and possibly driving in the wrong direction LOL. In my veg. Tent I have a Mars FC 4800 hanging @ the top of a 4x4 Gorilla Tent with extension, I let the plants grow to the lights. Right / wrong probably LOL dunno but it seems to work. Same fer my Flower tent a Gorilla 4x8 with extension and a HLG 650 R hanging at the top, letting plants grow towards the light, I do not lower or raise my lights , I will adjust the amount of power though. So I do not recommend taking any advice regarding lighting from this stoner :rofl:. Just my 2 cents worth. She is looking good , no need to freak over a discolored Fan Leaf, we all get em. Happy Growin.
:thumb: :passitleft:
Thanks NFW, i think I will start at 50% with her flower nutes and go from there.
Day 48 of Life, Day 2 of Pre-Flower
That was a pistil I saw the other day and now they are popping in everywhere, phew, thank ganja, I'm going to call yesterday day 1 of pre-flower. She is confirming it with a stretch for the ages, almost 3" in 48 hours, like she has all the headroom in the world (she doesn't). She must have gotten word I contacted Twenty20 and decided she'd better show her herself :Rasta:

The FoxFarm feed schedule says to introduce .25 tsp/G of Open Sesame at this point. I saw LKABudman hit his auto with full strength flower nutes right away, and she also had a rough upbringing. That is contrary however, to the 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 rule from veg. What do you all recommend, a full dose or ease in at 25%-50%? Also, lights, I "think" I need to get her to ~700 PAR, slowly, as she moves through the pre-flower stage so that by late week 1 of flower the final adjustments to the light can be made (100%, 14", or 1000 PAR). Any flaws in that approach?

I really appreciate you all following along and helping out. You've got your own grows and journals to deal with, so thanks again.

Barely Legal, Articulated (Size #1, #2)
OG Kelly Galloup
Tied by 024backwards
Now we talking :headbanger: Cruise control.
So, those little leaves that are sprouting under the bigger leaves, does that prove that the plant is female?
Hey Stargazer, I bought the seed "feminized", so I know its a female, but here is how you can tell. Below are two side by side picts, one a male and the other a female. Determining the sex of a plant can be done visually early in the plant life cycle. During the first four weeks, you may be able to see pollen sacs (little balls) on the male and stigma or “pre-flowers” on the female. Later, during pre-flower, the female on the left, instead of producing pollen sacks, is pushing out pistils, those creamy white hairs that you can see forming on mine along the main stem where the off shoots and primary stem meets (see third picture). Its so easy now to just buy feminized seeds, then you don't have to worry too much. I hope that helps. Team jump in if I missed something.

Day 50 of Life, Day 5 of Pre-Flower
Hey 420, Things are getting interesting. She's definitely in the stretch, she grew another 3 1/2 inches in the past 2 days and the smell is starting to amplify. I need to get good and stoned and then will try to describe it, just musky, meaty, a rotten meat tenderizer…my wife thought we had a dead mouse in the sump room lol.

I fed this gal today and included her first taste of FoxFarm Open Sesame at 50% of the recommended feed schedule. Open Sesame is a phosphorous heavy, injector style nute (5-45-19) used to promote bud site development during the pre and early flowering stage. PH 6.5, EC 1.2, PPM 840. Between this and Tiger Bloom (I will introduce next week), these two nutes generally result in a massive stretch and rapid bud site development.

Finally, she's been overdue for a trim, so I performed one this am after the feed. Not a huge one, but more to unveil bud sites and open the middle for breath and exposure. Here she is............

Before Trim


After Trim





Poison Tung, #20-#22
OG Charlie Craven
Tied by 024backwards
Yeah, nice trim 024.
She definitely jumped up in the last couple days.. looks like a nice yielding plant too..
Love the fishing touches at bottom of post:high-five:
Thanks Green, fishing and ganja are so closely entwined anyway, I don't feel like its too far off topic :)

Is that pic taken with the light on?
Hey Tra, yes its with the lights on but even in the dark she is not looking her best :). She is growing strong and proud, I like the trim/shape, the canopy could be better but not too bad for a first try. That pesky issue with the calmag deficiency remains (or N lockout or whatever it is, its nots resolving).
Hey Tra, yes its with the lights on but even in the dark she is not looking her best :). She is growing strong and proud, I like the trim/shape, the canopy could be better but not too bad for a first try. That pesky issue with the calmag deficiency remains (or N lockout or whatever it is, its nots resolving).
I agree she’s a bit light on green. I have always been super lucky with plant colour. That said I don’t overcomplicate it ie never pH, stick with the one nute, don’t add unnecessaries.

The other thing some plants are just naturally light. Like humans they all have different hair colour.
I agree she’s a bit light on green. I have always been super lucky with plant colour. That said I don’t overcomplicate it ie never pH, stick with the one nute, don’t add unnecessaries.

The other thing some plants are just naturally light. Like humans they all have different hair colour.
I think there is a lesson in there, re, don't over-complicate. My next grow I am going dial back on a few things to try and simplify a bit/remove some of the variables. I think her natural color is a little "limey" or light green.
Day 53 of Life, Day 1 of Flower
Hey Everyone.......her calmag def/lockout issues have gotten worse. I can't hide the signs anymore, the leaves are "liming" up the mains now. She was bone dry in these photo's so pretty droopy, but even fully watered she isn't very perky anymore. She is still stretching strong however (another 4" in 3 days) and pushing pistils everywhere, but I can't help but think this is going to carry into flower and impact bud development. What a bummer, I'm going to try another flush tomorrow and then really back off the N (see how her tips are burnt?). Not sure what else to do, I've said every prayer I know. Any other ideas?








Baby Gonga (Articulated #1/#1)
OG Charlie Craven
Tied by 024 backwards
Hey bro as you know that pot has way to much Nitrogen,Calcium and Magnesium Inside. Should have asked this question earlier, why are you using 0 ppm water ? Kinda fricken important LOL. If it was me I would replace the 0 ppm water with Spring Water which has sumptin in it. I would not add any thing to that pot that contains any nitrogen or able to help create nitrogen (Big Bloom ?) , including Cal-mag which also contains nitrogen. You could have a lock out due to excess nitrogen or a lockout due to excess Cal-mag ! With that in mind I would not add any Cal-Mag either. @NAGreengo had sum real good advice as as well regarding low dose waterings. It is my understanding that you never add more nitrogen or calcium and magnesium to a pot in excess as this behavior will make the problem worse. I personally think you had a nitrogen heavy pot that locked out Cal-Mag. Your plant sounds healthy to me she is drinking and growin, she should finish fine, probably not pretty LOL.
Again I would replace that Effin Cal-Mag with Epsom Salts and soluable Gypsum, contains no nitrogen. Hopefully sum peeps smarter than me will chime in and give ya sum practical experience besides throwing sumptin at it that sounds good. :goodluck:
I would think your soil has depleted by now of all nutrients.
Some of my friends use your soil as a soilless medium when the soil runs out of nutes in 35 to 40 days with plants. So runoff imo is really important now.
Maybe raise the light a little more and increase your cal/mag.
Nothing too far that can't be corrected.
Cheers bro
Hey bro as you know that pot has way to much Nitrogen,Calcium and Magnesium. Should have asked this question earlier why are you using 0 ppm water ? Kinda fricken important LOL.
Hey NFW, I don’t give them 0 ppm. I start with that and dose it from there. Today for example I started with 1.5 g 0 ppm water, added about 3.5 ml cal mag and 15 ml big bloom which brought the ppm to 200, ph at 6.6. My tap water is softened and I didn’t want to deal with that and the chlorine and can get di water for .50 a gallon. The pot is not full of nitrogen unless I f’d up on measuring. She was 0.6 on runoff 10 days ago. I’ve fed her twice since then at 50% of recommended at 700 ppm each time. She may be full of calcium and magnesium though with the Dolomite lime but then wouldn’t she be toxic? Maybe she is, I need to look at that I guess.
I would think your soil has depleted by now of all nutrients.
Some of my friends use your soil as a soilless medium when the soil runs out of nutes in 35 to 40 days with plants. So runoff imo is really important now.
Maybe raise the light a little more and increase your cal/mag.
Nothing too far that can't be corrected.
Cheers bro
Thanks for the vote of confidence I hope we still have time . I just moved the light up again today all the way to the top of the tent. It’s 19 inches from the canopy right now at 50% intensity. I might be able to get another inch and a half if I flush her up to the roof of the tent.
I’m no help. I don’t understand any of that CalMag nitrogen ppm stuff.

What I can say, while she definitely looks like she’s lacking in something, her growth is good. This fact would make me watch and wait.

I see a lot of grows where the grower treats their plant like the old lady who swallowed a fly. Do you know that nursery rhyme? she accidentally swallows a fly then swallows a spider to get the fly, then a bird to get the spider, then a cat to get the bird, then a dog, then on and on it goes till she swallows a horse and dies. She went through all that angst when in reality all she had to do was wait, coz her body would take care of that fly and shit it out!

Plants like humans are designed to live, we as growers monkey with nature and try to have them mature quicker. And I see often too much just hinders. So my advice, watch and wait a week lol.
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