MissBud and Her Damn Sour

Hi Missbud - Really glad to hear you are having some luck getting to the bottom of what was going on with your plants. You're doing great so far, and I'm glad to hear the flush is helping. :)
Hi Missbud - Really glad to hear you are having some luck getting to the bottom of what was going on with your plants. You're doing great so far, and I'm glad to hear the flush is helping. :)

Why thank you amigo! :high-five:

I checked the run-off yesterday and it was 6.2 =)
Hydrated lime is easy to burn your plants with and doesn't not hang around very long in the soil. Espoma is the brand they sell at home depot for about $4 for a 5lb bag.

Yeah I ended up just using fine powdered lime from a local Nursery, seems to have helped :adore::Namaste:
Hmm, with me doing all this flushing to fix the Cal/Mag and rinse out Veg nutes, I still haven't hit them with the flower nutes and were about a week in. I went to check in on them this morning and I noticed some leaves turning dark and sort of dying out, but I'm almost 100% positive it's a P/K deficiency. I first flushed the plants with just clearex + superthrive about a week ago, then 3 days later I top-dressed with Dolomite Lime and flushed with just RO/ST.

I am now currently waiting for them to dry out before I hit them with the flower nutes, I don't think me doing this during the first week of flower will stress them out?? :reading420magazine:
I don't think you will have much of an issue, MissBud. At least you correcting the problem early instead of taking any chances. The ladies are alot stronger than some give them credit for. Sounds to me like they are getting good care. Good luck!!:tokin:
I don't think you will have much of an issue, MissBud. At least you correcting the problem early instead of taking any chances. The ladies are alot stronger than some give them credit for. Sounds to me like they are getting good care. Good luck!!:tokin:

Thank you Clintboxer :thanks:

Everything is going pretty well, in fact almost too well =P
These girls are stretching even more than I could imagine:nomo:
I have read a lot about these boxes having lightleaks, check your box for leaks when the light is on inside and it is dark in the room outside of it. Also check for leaks between the veg / mom section and the flower section if that is the type.

If they are showing deficiency you could foliar or just water anyway even if they are a bit damp - just dont make a habit of it.

Plants will stretch less with a decrease in day / night temp difference if you warm up the night temp to within 5 degrees of day for the first two weeks. No longer as it will cause chlorisis. I tried this last grow with my monster plants and it seemed to help because they did not double in height - normal stretch is 2-3 times height at start of flower.
Update. Day 10 Flower

Holy crap you guys these are hard to keep up with! :geek::bitingnails::rocker:

I'm debating donating another plant, of course I don't want to, but it's looking pretty insane for size in there. What do you guys think? Apparently this strain stretches 400% and for the 10th day in flower I'm pretty worried lol:nomo:

I know it's not the smartest idea but I super cropped a couple branches that were towering others, it seems to have redistributed auxins very well!

On another note I see pistils everywhere! =)

Plant #1. Soon to be donated?


Plant #2.



I couldn't imagine if even one plant can't be tamed for this box. I know it's meant for DWC with little veg time but this would really suck if I have to execute my only hope left. Let's hope for the best!!:cheer::high-five::circle-of-love:
I have read a lot about these boxes having lightleaks, check your box for leaks when the light is on inside and it is dark in the room outside of it. Also check for leaks between the veg / mom section and the flower section if that is the type.

If they are showing deficiency you could foliar or just water anyway even if they are a bit damp - just dont make a habit of it.

Plants will stretch less with a decrease in day / night temp difference if you warm up the night temp to within 5 degrees of day for the first two weeks. No longer as it will cause chlorisis. I tried this last grow with my monster plants and it seemed to help because they did not double in height - normal stretch is 2-3 times height at start of flower.

It's funny you said that Maer because they do seem to have a fair amount of light leaks:scratchinghead:. They're are multiple light leaks in all corners from the inside but I did my best to cover them up. When the Veg light is on yes it actually does come over to the flower side so I must patch that up before I have both running I'm sure. I have my bloombox in a designated room, yet the smallest amount of light creeps through my light-filtering blinds about an hour before lights are on, yet it's so dim I can't even see my fingers, I hope that small amount can't seep in =S

The deficiencies seem to finally be clearing up though!:Namaste:

Thank you for the advice though friend! Very very very helpful!:high-five::cheer:
Hi Missbud -

It seems crazy how much they grow in early flower, but it'll stop eventually. Just keep gently pulling branches down, and use things like twisty ties and string to your advantage. I attached a bunch of press on "hooks" to the sides of the box, and use string and twisty ties to tame the vertical stretch some. Don't worry about it being really crowded as long as your RH isn't too high. Have fun with filling things up, and don't let it stress you too much. Things will work out just fine and you'll really have some nice meds soon!

As time goes on, you'll want to experiment with how you use your space/box. You can fill it with as few as one plant, or dozens of "mini" plants that are flowered almost immediately with little veg time. Minimal veg time works great for Bloombox grows, and I would suggest switching to 12/12 early when growing several plants at once.

In about 10 days or so, I'd consider removing some of the fan leaves to open up the canopy some and encourage better bud development lower on the plants.

Doing great so far! :cheer:
Hi Missbud -

It seems crazy how much they grow in early flower, but it'll stop eventually. Just keep gently pulling branches down, and use things like twisty ties and string to your advantage. I attached a bunch of press on "hooks" to the sides of the box, and use string and twisty ties to tame the vertical stretch some. Don't worry about it being really crowded as long as your RH isn't too high. Have fun with filling things up, and don't let it stress you too much. Things will work out just fine and you'll really have some nice meds soon!

As time goes on, you'll want to experiment with how you use your space/box. You can fill it with as few as one plant, or dozens of "mini" plants that are flowered almost immediately with little veg time. Minimal veg time works great for Bloombox grows, and I would suggest switching to 12/12 early when growing several plants at once.

In about 10 days or so, I'd consider removing some of the fan leaves to open up the canopy some and encourage better bud development lower on the plants.

Doing great so far! :cheer:

:thanks: X!

I did end up donating the smaller plant but I think it was for the best. As you just mentioned, I think I flowered way too late but it's all learning :reading420magazine::blunt:

I bet growing an indica mother would be ideal so you could switch the clones to 12/12 right away for sort of a SOG?:angel::rocker:

I'm going to switch the MH to HPS on Friday and I will look into defoliating some in the next 10 days as you said.:thumb:

Steve does clone to flower and so do I, the clones have to be rooted but that is actually easy to do! Check out steves 5.5? thread to look at a super easy clone technique (just coco or coco and pearlite?).

Clones are flipped to flower at 6 inches and a couple tops/fims. They finish around 18 inches give or take.
Steve does clone to flower and so do I, the clones have to be rooted but that is actually easy to do! Check out steves 5.5? thread to look at a super easy clone technique (just coco or coco and pearlite?).

Clones are flipped to flower at 6 inches and a couple tops/fims. They finish around 18 inches give or take.

That was a very interesting thread Maer:high-five:

It seems that Stevehman knows a thing or two! =P

Next time flowering will be induced at max 8 inches:Namaste:
About removing some leaves...

You guys think it would be fine if I stripped the bottom 35%? It's already starting to look like some of the lower leaves aren't going to do much, like some of you have already mentioned. I do have two T-5's but I really only think they're going to be useful in the later weeks. If I do clean up the bottom I want to do everything except the stems right? No green =):Namaste::high-five:
Plants are looking good missbud. Have you thought about putting in a screen for Screen of Green grow? Or tide each branch down (air scrog) that will hold down the stretch and have even canopy/cola. Feel free to trim off some lower branches to give the tops more buds, and provide open space for air flow. Hope who ever has your donated plant is taking care of her well. We often forget how big they can get. Keep up the greenthumb.
Ladies are looking fantastic cant wait to see the fruits of your labour!

There is not problem with cutting leaves off your ladies miss bud. Cutting them this earlie into flower will cut down on some of the stretch that you would get. Like Twelve said cutting some of the smaller nodes will make your tops larger and increase air flow always good practice in my eyes.
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