MJ420's Second - Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Vipers in the house watching........

Hey Pit,
Good to see you here. :Rasta:

What can I say, Your an inspiration.:grinjoint:

Thanks for stopping by !
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Side Note : :hmmmm: I hate when people Bitch about not getting replies and views on their threads. :hmmmm:

With the comment if you look thing, that's just a suggestion. :cool:
I still think its cool if your just looking :smokin:!

I appreciate everyone for looking and commenting ! :grinjoint:

Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Side Note : I hate when people Bitch about not getting replies and views on their threads.

what i like to think when its just me 4 like 2 or 3 days posting to myself is that my grow is sooo fuckn spectacular that i have left everybody absolutely speechless or that it has caused them to be so inspired that they are using all of their free time to grow their own either way i feel that i have contributed to the 420 community

just wait tell its legal well all be having house parties at harvest time:grinjoint::grinjoint::grinjoint::grinjoint:
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Hey thanx Mary for the vote on the MOM contest.Still around and watching, not going anywhere and Pits watching to which is a big compliment in itself.

Hey Butcher, ( MOTM Nov ? )(Winning now!)
Thank you !

Yea, I "name dropped" Pit at the beginning of my journal too ! :grinjoint:


For Clarity, :Rasta:

I'm a Guy. :riskybusiness:

The name threw people before, and it might again !

Everyone can call me whatever they want lol ,I prefer MJ420 . :surf:

Thanks for stopping by !
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

what i like to think when its just me 4 like 2 or 3 days posting to myself is that my grow is sooo fuckn spectacular that i have left everybody absolutely speechless or that it has caused them to be so inspired that they are using all of their free time to grow their own either way i feel that i have contributed to the 420 community.

Hey Falcore,
That's a great way to think about it !

I bet there is someone, somewhere growing now because of one of your posts ! :grinjoint:

just wait tell its legal well all be having house parties at harvest time:grinjoint::grinjoint::grinjoint::grinjoint:

That will definitely be the day brother !

Thanks for stopping by man !
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

I bet there is someone, somewhere growing now because of one of your posts !
that would be cool............an if there is some one out there like that they better damn post something on my journal.:ganjamon::ganjamon:
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

that would be cool............an if there is some one out there like that they better damn post something on my journal.:ganjamon::ganjamon:

Haha, Awesome ! :grinjoint:


First Picture shows the BB.

This one is another shot of the BB.

Next, this is the SBC.

Another shot of the SBC.


The Twisting leaves problem was taken care of as soon as they were transplanted ! ;)

After the transplant they both were SEVERELY over-watered ! :thedoubletake:
But Hey, that's the easiest problem to fix with a good soil mix ! :grinjoint:

Still not sure what caused the twisting though. :hmmmm:
But, I would guess it had something to do with the MG perlite on the bottom.

Both of them, as you can see, are yellowing around the edge. ( SLIGHT Nute Burn ? )

I believe this is just from the Fox Farm Ocean Forest.
Also, It doesn't appear to be stunting them.
So, As of now, I am trying to ride it out.

Thanks Everyone for stopping by !
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

On point about the yellowing edges. Great call. They should grow out of it. Just keep in mind no to feed them nutes for a couple weeks. Lookin good

Thanks Butcher ! :grinjoint:

I agree with Butcher. Just hold off on the nutes and they'll do fine.

Hey MacMota,
Thank you man ! :bong:

Ya, with them just being transplanted into fresh FFOF, I hear that they won't need anything for a good 2-3 weeks (At least) !

Thanks for stopping by guys !
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Hey MJ - just found your journal and caught up on your grow. Had to laugh when I saw you were drawing up air from the crawlspace - I'm doing the same thing :smokin:

I'm currently doing a DWC Hydro grow - had some trouble getting it all figured out but I might be in the zone now. I agree with what you said about hydro being tricky - things can go south very fast. If things don't work out on this grow I'll switch to soil so I'm watching what you're doing to see what I might be in for - ha ha!

Gotta agree with what the others are saying about the yellowing leaves - nute burn for sure. They'll grow out of it just fine.

I'm planning to ScrOG as well and it looks like your plants are about a week ahead of mine so I'll be following in your footsteps in that regard.

Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Hey MJ - just found your journal and caught up on your grow. Had to laugh when I saw you were drawing up air from the crawlspace - I'm doing the same thing :smokin:

Awesome :grinjoint:
I'm going to get caught up on your journal tonight !

I'm currently doing a DWC Hydro grow.
Had some trouble getting it all figured out but I might be in the zone now.

I agree with what you said about hydro being tricky - things can go south very fast.

If things don't work out on this grow I'll switch to soil so I'm watching what you're doing to see what I might be in for - ha ha!

That's good man glad to hear it !
It was all about the pH for me man, just so hard to keep it steady with DWC .

If I had it to do over,

I would do a flood and drain with individual 3-5 gallon buckets.

For a lot of reasons really,
But the biggest two are flushing each individual plant at the ideal time.
Each plant may want slightly different pH or PPM to go to full potential. :smokin:l

(I believe that even between plants of the same strain,
An individual plant can highly benefit from a slight difference in pH or level of nutes,
and/or an extra week or two compared to it's sisters.)

Gotta agree with what the others are saying about the yellowing leaves - nute burn for sure.
They'll grow out of it just fine.

Hoping so ! :cool:

Thank you ! :grinjoint:

I'm planning to ScrOG as well and it looks like your plants are about a week ahead of mine,
So I'll be following in your footsteps in that regard.


Awesome man :roorrip:

Thank you for stopping by !
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

watch them shoot up and out in their new homes i love this part when just get out of the baby stage and start stacking and seeing their leaves go from singles to.......well i dont wanna ruin the surprise :winkyface::Rasta:
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Lookin good man

Thank you, PAchamama ! :grinjoint:

watch them shoot up and out in their new homes i love this part when just get out of the baby stage and start stacking and seeing their leaves go from singles to.......well I don't wanna ruin the surprise :winkyface::Rasta:

You crack me up man ! :rofl:

But, In all seriousness I really am expecting some explosive growth ! :rollit:
I'm watching the fuse burn now, they are just starting to take off ! ;)

The "Nute Burn" seems to be done now. New growth is all green. :grinjoint:
Nute burn "Quotes" are because it was so mild and from what I hear with FFOF, kinda normal .

Thanks for stopping by !
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Good luck with the grow man!!!!!! Sc is probably my fave sativa or close to it and I love anything blueberry wait for that smell man its gonna hit you hard dude no other strain smells sooooo bomb!!! Doesn,t even smell to weedy just straight blueberry.
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