My Indoor Tree Grow

Just took some pics of the developing flowers
It's actually hard to tell what is going on in there. One thing is for sure though... that plant is going to be falling all over itself in about 6 weeks. Make sure you have plenty of stakes on hand.
It's actually hard to tell what is going on in there. One thing is for sure though... that plant is going to be falling all over itself in about 6 weeks. Make sure you have plenty of stakes on hand.[/QUOTE

I tie her up mate instead of stakes I usually use shark fishing line, none on hand right now so garden string it is
So many bud sites! You gotta get in that tent right as the lights are just coming on. I want to see a clear beautiful pic of that monstrosity. Or maybe take a pic through sunglasses?

I'll try the sunnies shigga, it's hard for me to even fit her in pics and I have her tent within a light sealed room so without the lights on I can't see haha, I might have to get a spotlight
Yea Dr Green. Shiggs is right.
Time to step yo pic game up.
Gotta present this beautiful plant at its best .
Part of the game for POTM is getting peeps to fall in love with your girl over time. Right Stage? They will vote for a girl they have an emotional attachment from seeing her grow and bloom. Gotta get those clear pics so peeps will fall in love.

Yea Dr Green. Shiggs is right.:thumb:
Try the sunglass lens and do one more thing. Turn off all but the center HPS. Take the pics and then after the bulbs have cooled enough turn them all back on. Or do what I do and nest timers. Have the center one come on 15 minutes before the others. And the others turn off 15 min before the center one. It won't make a spits worth of difference in yield but the plants will get a gentle wake up and night time. And it will give you a 15 minute window for pics at start and end of light period.
Bugger it I'll have to fork out for a camera, I hate buying things that aren't grow related but this ,I might even spring for a laptop or desktop computer seeming as I'm coming to love it here at 420 ! ,sure I've had a couple of arguements with a few people but at the end of the day they are here trying to help and I didn't read the guidelines, stuff it I'll get a camera and a CPU so o can actually read the fine print! Thanks shiggs and stage with you guys and the blaze and all the growers feels like home here.
The CPU will not have auto correct like this stupid phone and my spelling will be correct! No more o instead of i and post's that don't make sense, hahaha
Good suggestion Shiggs,
Try the sun glass trick Dr. G. It may help.
The last time o used a camera it had film in it hahaha apart from camera phone I can see the faces of the salesmen now fighting over who gets to sell the camera to the half blind from hid lighting old weed farmer that doesn't know what digital means hahaha, where does the film go hahaha I'm gonna say it hahaha
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