My LST Grow

Heres one for you cronic:

An old man walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender notices the guy's head is the size of a cue ball.

"I got to ask, sir," says the bartender. "What happened?"

The old guy sighs and tells him, "My ship was torpedoed by the Germans in WWII. A mermaid rescued me and promised to grant me three wishes. For my first wish, I asked to return to the States. My second wish was to have all the money I would ever need. Finally, my third wish was to have sex with the mermaid."

"That doesn't sound too bad," says the bartender. "Then what happened?"

"Well," sighs the man, "mermaids can't have sex, so I asked her if I could just have a little head... ."
oh i just saw this one and its funny as hell

Three men walk into a bar. The barman tells them, "If you can sit in my basement for a day, I'll give you free beer forever."

The first man walks out after five minutes and says, "It's impossible, you got a swarm of flies in there."

So the second man tries his luck, but can't take more than an hour.

Finally, the third man goes down. When he returns a day later, the others ask him how he did it.

He says, "Easy! I took a dump in one corner and sat in the other corner!"
So heres a pic of my baby. I'm gonna put her on 12/12 on Feb 1st.

It is very organized. I like that. What are those wooden supports? Chopsticks?
But if you are vegging soon you wont need them. The yield wont require them.
You wont have a big enough plant to need it. The stem will be big enough to support the yield at the size It will grow to. You could support it if you like. Sometimes the plant will respond to the support with added growth because it has been tricked into thinking the stem is the one supporting it and not a support.
From the picture it looks to be pretty short. You can support a plant at any height but all im saying is at a small height the plant can support itself as long as you had air circulation swaying the plant. The breaks and bends done by you or by the wind will repair themselves and reinforce itself so it wont require support unless your planning on vegging for a nice length of time. Support is usually always good but all im saying is if you are on a financial constraint it isnt needed unless you plan to grow very bushy or tall.
What I use for short bushy plants to support them is paint stirs. They are strong and short and will support your branches well.
Like I said if you want to use something but dont want to pay for it go to lowes or home depot and get the paint stirs from the paint department. They are free. If they say anything just say you are painting your house inside in multiple rooms.
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