N420 Grows Barney's Farm Orange Sherbert & Special Guests

Nice! I got some of those as freebies too. Looking forward to the smoke report on that one :thumb:
Thanks Hh! Looking forward to the auto as well. I always tend to grow indica's because of their shorter flower times and short structure so an sativa smoke will be a nice change
Nice sugar on that nug N420. I bet the smoke is very nice. Great job brother. Safe travels bro.
Thanks Sparkey. Real happy with how the first buds came out on the Os Hopefully in a few days once they are cured I will get a chance to do some sampling.

Those thrips aren't gone! I've fallen for that about 50 times over the last 3 months lol.

Hey N! Things are moving fast in this thread! I can barely keep up. Keeping up is not one of my best traits but it's hardly my worst.
That's a shame about the rot. It happened to me on my first two grows on 420. I had to harvest my Glueberry early in my first grow then on my second it happened again to my Boss Hog. Just one plant in each grow. It took me months to stop worrying about it happening again. I had a good time catching up by the way. Sheds right. This journal started cracking me up lol. Before I forget, those were some nice OS buds! I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of her after a bit of a cure

Wtf! :rofl:
Always happy to have you here prof! Thanks for the advice I will keep vigilant on the thrips and keep spraying and show those little buggers the door lol. Little annoying about the rot but I think I was able to catch it soon enough and kept it to a minimum. I will be harvesting the rest of the tent through the next week so hopefully I don't find anymore. I have really enjoyed this thread as well you guys make it fun with your sense of humor and the great advice I get .
:eek: followed by :bravo:

I did that with my first harvest! I chopped two days before I was leaving for a long weekend and took the drying box with me. Luckily it was an Air BnB so we had the place to ourselves.

Hahaha that's hilarious shed I told my wife about you taking your dry box with you she thought it was pretty funny. We were camping and have a travel trailer so I was burping the jars twice a day. No one could smell it until you open the trailer door and when you did you were greeted by quite a nice smell lol.
:rofl: Haha! Sorry Prof, I calls em as I sees em! ;)#coldhearted
:laughtwo: At least I gave you the full inch. They were just going to give you a halfer!!
Think I'm going to leave 6 inches when I top my Gz :rofl::rofl:
Think I'm going to leave 6 inches when I top my Gz :rofl::rofl:
So now size does matter !!!!!. I dont even leave a mm. Explains Mrs GG' s pet names during intimacy of " justin" and "tin-tin" . I thought she had secret lovers !!!
Hey 420!
I harvested another Os last night it was my favorite pheno of all the plants I had it stayed pretty short and after some lst had 8 main tops and produced some of the largest and most dense flowers in the tent. Found a small amount of bud rot in the biggest bud on the plant but was easily removed. I didn't weigh the wet buds but eyeballing it looked like about 3 ounces.

The Harvest
That's the worst thing about the dreaded rot. It always seems to attack the biggest and juiciest buds. That pheno looks awesome. Are you noticing much difference in the smell between each plant?
I was happy I caught the rot early enough that it did not progress to far it has effected 4 main colas the remaining 3 plants don't seem to have any. The smell seems similar among the different plants but I'm not really getting an orange smell anymore kind of a sweet skunk smell. The taste will be the real test looking forward to that.
Nice haul, sorry to hear about the bud rot
Thanks JCTJ! and :welcome: pretty happy with the haul so far and 3 plants to go. I was lucky with the rot not being to wide spread hopefully the rest are rot free.
Gz Update
Things are moving along nicely with the Gz. I have been slowly bumping up the light intensity on these girls every couple of days they are responding very well and I've been quite happy with their growth. The coyltons have pretty much all yellowed so I gave them their first feeding of 1ml per liter of seni grow a+b and 2ml per liter of voodoo juice, pirana and tarantula their beneficial microbes and fungi.
Tonight I topped them they had grown past the 5th node far enough for me to leave a bit of stem after the topping.

Thanks Sparkey. I'm happy with how things are going so far with the Gz my goal is to concentrate on lst more with this grow. I want to start alot earlier with the lst then I did with my 2 previous grows .The other grows I let them get to big before training so I didn't have the room to open them up as much as I would have liked so it left them more natural and I think my yield suffered because of it. So hoping with a more even canopy I can get my yield up a bit more.
Gz update
I'm so impressed with these plants so far. They are growing nicely and have not slowed down at all from the topping the nodes right below were I topped are putting out some nice new growth and the lowers are stretching up to catch up with the top of the plant. At this rate I will be able to start training in a week or 2
Os Outdoor
I was checking on these today when I got home from work today they all seem happy and healthy and any signs of thrips seem to be gone. I am now considering moving these into my 4x4 tent to put them into flower! I would put them into the tent after the indoor Os harvest is done give them a few day's to acclimate to the new environment and flip them. I would continue to veg the Gz in the 3x3. Do you guy's think that's an ok idea?

Couple of pics of the tops looks like they may be pushing out pistols soon
We are nearly there ladies and Gents. Been going at the harvest of the Os since Sunday night. We are down to our last plant it has been a long process not because I think there will be a huge harvest it's getting time to do it. After getting kids fed and bathed and into bed it only leaves a couple of hours in the evening to work on it and I don't want to be doing it in front of them. My 2 year old does not get it but my 7 year old is the age of a million questions and don't want her talking about it at school which starts in a couple of weeks, don't need her telling her teacher what we were up to lol. Even though it's legal here there is still a stigma attached to the plant and those who would choose to grow it.
I did trim a couple of branches off the remaining plant it was the most bushy of the plants. I did a lighter defoil on it purposely just to see how it would compare to the other plants I defoiled more. I have to say the bushy one had alot more smaller undeveloped buds under the canopy so I think I'm sold on defoilation in the early stages of flower.

Happy Saturday 420. Just thought I would put up a quick update on the Gz.
It's been a little cooler here the last few days we've had some rain and it definitely feels like fall is on it's way. This has made it cooler in the Gz tent with temps at 66 degrees and rh of 61%. I would like to get the temperature up a bit but don't want to add a heater l did get an inkbird temp controller a month ago and have not set it up yet so I may set it up and will see if that can cycle the fan on and off and bring my temps up a bit. Never used a temp controller before but have seen alot of members on here using that particular controller so hopefully I can get it set up fairly easily. I bumped the light up again and think we are near full power still have the light at 24 inches away so far so good. The new growth from the topping site is cruising along one plant in particular is showing the most growth and looks like a good cloning candidate later in veg. I have 2 different phenos going and luckily I have 2 of each pheno. The first pheno is growing taller with more spaced out nodes that will take nicely to some training. The second is more short and bushy with nodes close together which will be nice in flower for those nice stacking buds but will definitely need some thinning for light penetration.


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Hey 420. Should be a busy day today I finally got the harvest of the Os done it is all in the drying racks now. Makes it a little tough harvesting it over the week with different buds at different levels of dry in the racks but we are getting it figured. I plan on cleaning the 4x4 today and hope to get the outdoor Os in the tent and get them into flower.
Got the temp controller set up yesterday in the 3x3 and after a bit of adjustment got my temps up a bit they are running at 73 degrees and my rh is 58%. It was quite easy to set up .I set it at 73 with a 2 degree differential and it cycles the exhaust fan off and on and keeps it where I want it. Highly recommend it was quite cheap compared to the temp controller's you can get at the grow shops.

Because of the staggered harvesting of the Os I have a dried and cured jar and got to sample some last night! Nice smooth smoke smells sweet but not getting any Orange smell but maybe after a longer cure. I will say it was quite strong kida kicked my butt came on quickly with a feeling of euphoria was feeling a little off before I smoked but that quickly went away and soon was giggling away watching Modern Family.

Nice job on the Inkbird N4!
I use the AC Infinity fan and the Inkbird RH controller. With both I'm able to maintain any RH at whatever temp I want.
Currently I run the temps lower, around 75F, and the RH at 62.5. Later when the weather changes, I'll run a higher temp and RH.
There's more to it than that of course, as I needed both a humidifier and dehumidifier. But now I can hit the sweet spot in the VPD at anytime which is a benefit.
Bottom line is the Inkbirds, used with or without other equipment, are top notch products.
Well done!
Hey 420!
I harvested another Os last night it was my favorite pheno of all the plants I had it stayed pretty short and after some lst had 8 main tops and produced some of the largest and most dense flowers in the tent. Found a small amount of bud rot in the biggest bud on the plant but was easily removed. I didn't weigh the wet buds but eyeballing it looked like about 3 ounces.

The Harvest
Wow N. nice job. missed it. sorry fella. should be nice when dried.
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