

New Member
Hi, I am an avid smoker who is just now getting into growing. I am in the midst of buying items to start my growing but I am a bit confused as to what to get exactly since it is my first time. If anyone has any suggestions I would gladly be willing to take some advice. I really need help with a list to start my purchases. -Shaun
Hey Shaun, a most warm welcome to the number one growing community on earth! You are so in the right place for all your answers. The people on 420 make a massive abundance of knowledge available for all. We have a laugh at the same time as all trying to learn of each other.
So to answer your questions, we could probably do with a bit more info. Such as how big a crop are you after? What type of space do you have? A rough budget etc.
Best of green to you!
Than you very much for the welcome. Since I'm a first time grower I wanted to start out with only 1 or 2 plants. I have an average budget I guess, I'm not as concerned for cost though. I wanted to grow in a tent but I get a little flustered when I see grow tent setups that are so elaborate. I really just need a few pointers on everything at the moment, like what all I should buy to begin with, the best soil I should use, beginning lights, techniques, etc.
Ok my friend, firstly you might not need a tent etc. Do you have any little spaces that might suit a grow?
Secondly; you want some Household CFLs for germinating and veg. I use them and they're great.
Soil you want something with no added or slow release feed hidden in it. No Miracle grow!!!! Get yourself some perlite or vermiculate to mix in for better water retention and drainage.
For a flowering light I'd go for a 400hps, they are great lights and produce well.
Also you want a number of small fan, just a couple. One that oscillates is a good idea.

Really the best advice to give is simply read, read and read some more. Check out as many journals as you can on here. Pick small grows similar to what you want and pick up tips that way.
Here is a pick of my little spot that I use. Also feel free to check my journals out they are below in my Sig!
Thanks. I wanted to try a grow space but I think my apartment is just not the best environment to grow in because it would be hard to control the environmental conditions since it's really old. It kinda has more of a moist atmosphere and more attracted to mold, so I figured a grow tent would suffice. I tried checking out your journals but the link wouldn't load for me or some reason. I really appreciate the help though.
I have been looking into a Budbox tent but the thing is I'm not that educated on the filtration systems. I know this is kinda dumb question, but why do you need anything else besides the tent, soil, lights, and fan? I see these places for vents in all the tents that I see but are I thought they may have been for pumps and other fixtures.
So does anything go into those vents or do you just open them up to promote airflow? I'm just really lost on that part, not gonna lie, but your information is really helping me and I like learning a lot more on the process. I checked out your grow journal by the way. Great job your plants look amazing! I hope that I'm able to get some healthy growth like yours once I start growing.
Cheers my friend, remember you want a light tight environment. I use some ducting on my air intake as well so no light gets in. everything else needs to be nice and sealed up. You want a negative pressure in a tent when your extractor is going your tent should suck in on itself. This just insures good rate of exchange of air.
I'm by no means a font of all knowledge with tents as only used mine a few times. Some of the more experienced growers should be along soon and they will have way more input than I can give.
this is the tent that I want to get but I'm not sure what to put in those vents. I know a lot of questions, sorry, I'm just trying to get as much information as I can before I start this so I don't have to learn so much from my mistakes.
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