Nutes: Yes? No? WTH?

I may be doing it wrong, but I just mix my nutes up in two 5 gal buckets of water (one for veg, one for bloom) and pour the mix straight into the coco until it starts to drip out of the bottom. Maybe different for soil, but I'm a bit of a lazy grower LOL.
Also, I've been running dynagro for a while because it's a pretty straight forward, no fuss nute program. Also, my local grow shop always hooks me up with the little sample bottles as a gift with purchase, so that helps too!
Also, I bought a paint mixing paddle thing that fits in a drill for mixing my nutes but always made a huge mess but found that just using it to stir by hand works GREAT!! It also stands upright so I can just put it on the floor next to the bucket and it's never in the way!

Wow! You’ve gone all the way on the mix. I just throw the hose in my 5 gallon bucket and start adding each nute one by one and allow the spray and the swirl of the water hitting the side of the bucket to mix ‘er up. And the good stir at the end....with the hose.
Hey idk if you have looked into a compost tea brewer but I made my own from the design on the internet and Omg does it make a difference and it’s so simple and cheap to make. It makes mixing nutes so easy to handle!!


I put the compost tea mix in a burlap bag, stuff an air stone in the bag and one outside in the bucket. Then tie the bag to the handle. But yours is much cooler.

I put the compost tea mix in a burlap bag, stuff an air stone in the bag and one outside in the bucket. Then tie the bag to the handle. But yours is much cooler.
Yeah I mean yours sounds like the same concept I just have a bigger one because when you get to mixing 30+gallons almost every day this thing is a miracle come true!!
The indoor head start theoretically should only give a bigger plant, outdoors it should still flower the same time irregardless of when they started or their size, I could be wrong but this is my thinking on it.. :Namaste:
I’m going to agree with ya on that! See I’ve done a lot more outdoor gardening than indoor, but gezz do I love growing them inside now what a difference in every aspect besides the electric bill at the end of the month haha!
Awesome. Ok, majorly underfed them this last time then. And maybe many times.

I’m feeling lucky they’re even alive.
They are a resilient plant yours do not look that bad at all but definitely just check the ppm of water, now you should not really feed dry roots but in flower you do not want the pot to dry out like in veg so you shouldn't have dry soil to where it will matter. How often do you water and feed? I was doing a water/water/feed/repeat schedule.
I’m going to agree with ya on that! See I’ve done a lot more outdoor gardening than indoor, but gezz do I love growing them inside now what a difference in every aspect besides the electric bill at the end of the month haha!
I love indoor the nugs are just so dense and sticky
I love indoor the nugs are just so dense and sticky
Indoor gardening is fun interesting and futuristic that’s forsure!! And did I mention no pests that you really have to deal with on a daily!!
The indoor head start theoretically should only give a bigger plant, outdoors it should still flower the same time irregardless of when they started or their size, I could be wrong but this is my thinking on it.. :Namaste:

you know, I think about this flowering thing a lot. Last year I started with clones in April and was able to fully harvest by August. Some strains done in July. Everyone told me no, no, your area you shouldn’t be harvesting until October. But I had all milky, 20% amber and big fat buds. It was great weed.

this year? All from seed. Started in March. Harvested two plants already.All my plants spend the first 4-5 weeks inside on a shelf with low end LEDs.

Every time someone says it’s ALL based on light HAVE to have time with no sun, I keep thinking then how did I harvest so early?
you know, I think about this flowering thing a lot. Last year I started with clones in April and was able to fully harvest by August. Some strains done in July. Everyone told me no, no, your area you shouldn’t be harvesting until October. But I had all milky, 20% amber and big fat buds. It was great weed.

this year? All from seed. Started in March. Harvested two plants already.All my plants spend the first 4-5 weeks inside on a shelf with low end LEDs.

Every time someone says it’s ALL based on light HAVE to have time with no sun, I keep thinking then how did I harvest so early?
Did you grow the same seeds as the mother of the clones?

Flowering time is also strain specific as well as light specific. Here is a quote from Barneys Farm on one of their strains " This plant has a serious genetic steroid issue!!! It will flower in 50-60- days "
They are a resilient plant yours do not look that bad at all but definitely just check the ppm of water, now you should not really feed dry roots but in flower you do not want the pot to dry out like in veg so you shouldn't have dry soil to where it will matter. How often do you water and feed? I was doing a water/water/feed/repeat schedule.

They aren’t supposed to dry out in flower? I had NO idea. I thought it was always let em dry out. I can only tell when the 7 gallons are dry by lifting. The 10 and 15 are too big for me to lift and tell.

I have had to water daily, if not twice a day when it was so damn HOT. Now that it cooled off once.

I aimed for Feeding twice a week and a compost tea foliar in between.
Did you grow the same seeds as the mother of the clones?

Flowering time is also strain specific as well as light specific. Here is a quote from Barneys Farm on one of their strains " This plant has a serious genetic steroid issue!!! It will flower in 50-60- days "

No, I have all fem seeds I have purchased. Except one plant is from seed my daughter found in a bag a friend passed on to me. Which is cool because I’ve never found these seeds.

I think flowering and harvest is more strain specific but I hear so many argue that it should be time of year or more so light. I can only say what I’ve experienced from my VERY little experience.
Indoor gardening is fun interesting and futuristic that’s forsure!! And did I mention no pests that you really have to deal with on a daily!!

I am going to give growing indoor a go. I bought a tent and all the other stuff just for drying (husband doesn’t like the house to smell like weed, garage way too hot and dry for a proper dry before trim).

Not having to deal with pests - ESPECIALLY those DAMN CATERPILLARS will be awesome.
You want to let it get dry in veg to encourage bigger stronger root balls and not let the plant get lazy, in flower you don't want to dry/kill the roots. I do not say to over water but just water when very slightly damp not dry
No, I have all fem seeds I have purchased. Except one plant is from seed my daughter found in a bag a friend passed on to me. Which is cool because I’ve never found these seeds.

I think flowering and harvest is more strain specific but I hear so many argue that it should be time of year or more so light. I can only say what I’ve experienced from my VERY little experience.
So then genetics/strain is the reason your clones flowered before your seeds, I agree flowering and harvest is more strain specific but it is initiated by the amount of light, genetics come into play on how much light is needed to begin flower and how fast it matures in flower
So then genetics/strain is the reason your clones flowered before your seeds...

Everything from this summer, including the two super silver haze I harvested the last two days were from seed. One of them was a tiny bit on the too soon side (barely any amber) but it was getting bud damage from the f*ing caterpillars and I decided I couldn’t wait.

Last year it was all clones.
I am going to give growing indoor a go. I bought a tent and all the other stuff just for drying (husband doesn’t like the house to smell like weed, garage way too hot and dry for a proper dry before trim).

Not having to deal with pests - ESPECIALLY those DAMN CATERPILLARS will be awesome.
Try it please I promise you will enjoy it and the process of growing your own personal stashes just make it that much more amazing!! I used to be very against technology but gezz its hard to compete now that I’m able to grow when theirs inches of snow out side! Now that the pocket doesn’t hurt so darn much from constant cannibis consumption it makes the money to things like solar panels and earth saving investments that much easier to afford! Let me know if you need some help getting going be happy to help ya out, but on the smells being a major concern as long as your keeping up with your air filter you should be okay unless you end up growing the skunk of the earth plants like I love to grow then masking the smell can get tricky at times. But I think if you were to put a set up in your garage as long as your good on your temps and humidity levels if you have a tent with a good air filter system the smells should be mild if none!
Try it please I promise you will enjoy it and the process of growing your own personal stashes just make it that much more amazing!! I used to be very against technology but gezz its hard to compete now that I’m able to grow when theirs inches of snow out side! Now that the pocket doesn’t hurt so darn much from constant cannibis consumption it makes the money to things like solar panels and earth saving investments that much easier to afford! Let me know if you need some help getting going be happy to help ya out, but on the smells being a major concern as long as your keeping up with your air filter you should be okay unless you end up growing the skunk of the earth plants like I love to grow then masking the smell can get tricky at times. But I think if you were to put a set up in your garage as long as your good on your temps and humidity levels if you have a tent with a good air filter system the smells should be mild if none!

Thanks! That’s nice.

You live in Alaska or Canada or someplace far north? I am so lucky to grow and garden where I have almost 12 months I can grow something outdoors.

My air filter seems to do a really good job with the smell of drying bud (I have no clue how this compares to the plants indoors). The fan is just annoyingly loud. The reviews said it was quiet and I’m thinking what the hell does LOUD mean? This IS loud.

I can probably grow in my garage in a tent between late Oct to April or May. And I’m considering it. I don’t know how cool plants can take but I’m guessing it gets to 40 in my garage and maybe the tent might keep in some warmth.....? The tent is in my 4th bedroom/office now.Been way to hot in the garage.

My tent is 36x36x72. I have no clue how many plants I can fit. I grow Sativa dominant and they’re known to be tall. I have one in a 7 gallon pot that ended up 7’ I need to find short Sativa-dom strains.

Lots to figure out.
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