Nutes: Yes? No? WTH?

Try it please I promise you will enjoy it and the process of growing your own personal stashes just make it that much more amazing!! I used to be very against technology but gezz its hard to compete now that I’m able to grow when theirs inches of snow out side! Now that the pocket doesn’t hurt so darn much from constant cannibis consumption it makes the money to things like solar panels and earth saving investments that much easier to afford! Let me know if you need some help getting going be happy to help ya out, but on the smells being a major concern as long as your keeping up with your air filter you should be okay unless you end up growing the skunk of the earth plants like I love to grow then masking the smell can get tricky at times. But I think if you were to put a set up in your garage as long as your good on your temps and humidity levels if you have a tent with a good air filter system the smells should be mild if none!
I also forgot to mention I also switch my flower rooms and veg rooms during the seasonal changes in order to keep up and save on electricity heating and cooling bills. In the winter I only need a small heater in my flowering room to keep em in the temp ranges I like to run with, and in the summer months I put the flower room inside and just run humidifiers
Thanks! That’s nice.

You live in Alaska or Canada or someplace far north? I am so lucky to grow and garden where I have almost 12 months I can grow something outdoors.

My air filter seems to do a really good job with the smell of drying bud (I have no clue how this compares to the plants indoors). The fan is just annoyingly loud. The reviews said it was quiet and I’m thinking what the hell does LOUD mean? This IS loud.

I can probably grow in my garage in a tent between late Oct to April or May. And I’m considering it. I don’t know how cool plants can take but I’m guessing it gets to 40 in my garage and maybe the tent might keep in some warmth.....? The tent is in my 4th bedroom/office now.Been way to hot in the garage.

My tent is 36x36x72. I have no clue how many plants I can fit. I grow Sativa dominant and they’re known to be tall. I have one in a 7 gallon pot that ended up 7’ I need to find short Sativa-dom strains.

Lots to figure out.
I also forgot to mention I also switch my flower rooms and veg rooms during the seasonal changes in order to keep up and save on electricity heating and cooling bills. In the winter I only need a small heater in my flowering room to keep em in the temp ranges I like to run with, and in the summer months I put the flower room inside and just run humidifiers.

I live on the border of Illinois and Missouri! So we have the weather compared to someone with turrets here you just have to learn to live with what comes out unfortunately! Lol all respects to anyone with this illness I mean no disrespect!

Also since you are in Cali I’m guessing you most likely wouldn’t have a basement to grow in like I do lmao!? Or I could be totally wrong about that I’m just going off from what I remember when I was out your way. Have a bunch of family out in Cali tho! But you could also put your tent down stairs and with the new age air filters out their they block a lot of the smells out pretty well in my opinion. But on the loud noice lmao I’m not sure theirs much out their that doesn’t make some noice, but I’m also new to buying filters because I personally don’t care about the smells and I’m sure the deer in my back yard don’t mind either!! Unless Bigfoot himself tells someone about the smells I should be okay! Lol

But on the sativa dominant discussion if you want to keep their height at a respectable height to handle you can always top them and train them to bush out more in order to maintain that long stretch.
I’m from MI originally. I understand your description of the weather!

No, basements in CA. I lived in AZ before this. None there either. It’s the hard clay dirt we have....I think??

I trained the SSH I just harvested - pinched maybe 4 times. it still got pretty wide. But it would have fit under a light in the tent. But only one, maybe two. The tall ones only got pinched once. Maybe twice. I know some strains are just shorter, too. Even sativas

If it were me I wouldn’t even worry about the smell. I LOVE the smell of cannabis plants. Some of the super skunky ones can be a bit much but it’s a great smell.

I have solar on my house so not as concerned about the electricity bill. But we still use a lot because we have an electric car.
My tent is 36x36x72. I have no clue how many plants I can fit. I grow Sativa dominant and they’re known to be tall. I have one in a 7 gallon pot that ended up 7’ I need to find short Sativa-dom strains.

Lots to figure out.

You can scrog the tall sativas to keep them short, fill a net 70% then flip and put some of the stretch under the net as well

edit: I added the word "of" into it

So this is a picture of a scrog off google, what you do is everytime the plant grows up you pull it down and put it in a further hole; this technique is very good when growing a plant that gets too tall
exactly and then when you flip if you have a strain that will triple in size you can keep weaving for the first week of flower letting it stretch a bit for week 2 and maybe into week 3
This seems a bit like LST but not tying it down.

It sorta is but makes it a bit easier to keep the flat top plus no tying down like you said. I am doing it this grow and it was a bit easier then tying and you can get more growth tips, plus this has other added benefits

Yes when I say flip I mean from veg into flower
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