OldMedMan Goes Indoors Part 2

Sorry I'm late to the party! :party:

But I'm here now!

AIR POTS RULE!!!! :thumb: :laughtwo:

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Hey GG7 ! :high-five:

That's fine....you have a great party going yourself. :party:

AirPots Do Rule! :high-five:
The Story Continues…………….One of Best the best Days of my life and one of the Worst days of my life..

After a week the Command Sergeant Major called me to his office.
Here we go I thought, however I was wrong. He and the General agreed I had paid for my crime and there would be no more punishment..

He said Sgt OMM go over to personnel and get yourself an assignment!

I skipped and danced my way over the personnel office. When I walked in, guess who the personnel Officer was? . It was the Warrant Officer I had helped out in Greece. I saved this guys butt.

He was laughing when we shook hands. I told him the story of what had happened to me.
First thing he did was erase everything about me getting busted. If you have lost year on your records, most likely you would never make another promotion.
Any thing bad he erased. I had a clean bill of health. I was a perfect soldier again.

Then he said “You need a vacation after all you’ve been through!!”. So he didn’t assign me any where. I would have year’s vacation in Italy. I could bring RS over and rent a villa..
We could be tourist for a year. Happy Happy!

I literally ran to the pay phone to call RS .

When she answered I told her all the good news. Then she said “I am not coming over to Italy”. I said what did you say? She said again “I’m not coming to Italy”. “What do you mean your not coming to Italy”. Your Italian!…This is a once in a life time chance”. Once again she said “I’m not coming, I am staying in Greece”. Then she hung up.

I called and called …….no answer…..no answer for weeks. I sent her letters daily. Nothing.. So, I started to think of all the possibilities. The one I didn’t like was admitting to myself that Mutt and her were living together. I was in total denial. This couldn’t be happening.

When the Army Basketball team came over to play in a tournament a few weeks later, I found out the truth.. They looked me up first thing and confirmed what I thought. He had moved in when I was first put in prison.
The bitch had slept with me the night before I was deported and he was sleeping in the extra bedroom. The sons of bitches. They said he was driving my car with her in it. They held hands in the commissary. He had moved into house, he was running my business and he was sleeping with my wife. I just felt helpless. There was nothing I could do about it!.

I was no longer in denial. I was pissed. I mean really pissed. I couldn’t do a thing about it. After a month and a half, I realized I would need some money, so I wrote a check on our account. It bounced. It came back no such account. They had taken my money too!.

Before I went in prison I had signed a document giving RS total power of attorney.
I went back to the personnel office and had all my pay sent to my new bank account in Italy, She would still get her housing check, that was it. I was livid. Then I went into a deep depression for weeks. I was helpless. I was broken. I had lost my RS.
I had nothing to do for the next 10 months or so.
You just can't believe how hurt I was........I still hurt from it all these years later. I get depressed just thinking about it. Crap!

To be cornuted………………
DAMN HER..Fucking woman...I totally feel for you my friend..I still get a little teary eyed thinking about my first love and the shit she did to me, it still hurts. It has been almost 12 years and I still think about her on a daily basis. It has really fucked up my view on women and has effected relationships since her because of my insecurities that was brought on by her..I still have an issue with trusting the opposite sex and I know I should be open minded to all and take each person on a new basis but in the back of my head I always think I can't fully trust anyone...I was so head over heels for her and thought she would never ever do me wrong and I got schooled..Even after the fact, I still wanted her and let her step all over me...BLAH BLAH BLAH!! This really gets me going and brings up bad memories...Anyhow, it is just as much her as it is him...What a dickhead he is..It seems like the people who you do the most for in life take advantage of you and end up wanting to or getting to FUCK your lover...They say all is fair in love and war...I don't think so...Sorry my friend for what happened, hopefully it has made you stronger..It makes for a great novel...I have been trying for the past few years to give everyone a chance because everyone isn't the same..I did lose one of the greatest women in this world about 6 years ago do to my insecurities and wish I would have done things different...She is the one that i think I will always miss and regret for the rest of my life that I didn't trust an honest lady. We are still friends and she knows I think the world of her, but I fucked it up...AAAHHHHHHHH, I feel like I'm at the psychiatrist now!!!! Well now that I got that off my chest, have a great day and I cannot wait to hear what happens from here.....:high-five::bravo::bravo::adore::adore::welldone:
Hey there Med Man!!! I am glad the story continues!! I hope that you get back at them bastards! This would be a very serious resentment to get rid of! :goodjob:

On the more serious side. I was wondering where papatater has been.... .. The OMM site moves so f***ing fast!!! I really feel bad for him. I sure hope he finds the legal help he needs. Maybe he could try to contact NORML. I hear they have several lawyers that are commited to help. I am glad that I don't live with a bimbo cunt! :shhh:
well it was as advertised... the best and worst. I truly feel for you and I am sorry that you or anyone that has ever been rolled over by someone they love and left for dead...

what doesn't kill us usually makes us stronger

on a much lighter note how are those outside girls coming, looks like you have a month or so before they go outside. I can't wait to see them out there, you must be excited for it as well and :) ear to ear.

Have a great weekend friend

DAMN HER..Fucking woman...I totally feel for you my friend..I still get a little teary eyed thinking about my first love and the shit she did to me, it still hurts. It has been almost 12 years and I still think about her on a daily basis. It has really fucked up my view on women and has effected relationships since her because of my insecurities that was brought on by her..I still have an issue with trusting the opposite sex and I know I should be open minded to all and take each person on a new basis but in the back of my head I always think I can't fully trust anyone...I was so head over heels for her and thought she would never ever do me wrong and I got schooled..Even after the fact, I still wanted her and let her step all over me...BLAH BLAH BLAH!! This really gets me going and brings up bad memories...Anyhow, it is just as much her as it is him...What a dickhead he is..It seems like the people who you do the most for in life take advantage of you and end up wanting to or getting to FUCK your lover...They say all is fair in love and war...I don't think so...Sorry my friend for what happened, hopefully it has made you stronger..It makes for a great novel...I have been trying for the past few years to give everyone a chance because everyone isn't the same..I did lose one of the greatest women in this world about 6 years ago do to my insecurities and wish I would have done things different...She is the one that i think I will always miss and regret for the rest of my life that I didn't trust an honest lady. We are still friends and she knows I think the world of her, but I fucked it up...AAAHHHHHHHH, I feel like I'm at the psychiatrist now!!!! Well now that I got that off my chest, have a great day and I cannot wait to hear what happens from here.....:high-five::bravo::bravo::adore::adore::welldone:

Hi Willoby. I thought about not writing this story for a long time, however the same thing is going on all the time. I've been watching my best friend go through almost the same thing in the present and it hurts. I finally realized almost every one of us has in one way are another, had this happen to them. So I deiced to write the story.

Like you said my friend, it will mess you up personally for a long time and will screw up new relations because of trust issues. Bad thing is once you have experienced what you would call the best...you can never find it again. I never have.......and I've tried as you will see, when the story continues. :Namaste:
Hey there Med Man!!! I am glad the story continues!! I hope that you get back at them bastards! This would be a very serious resentment to get rid of! :goodjob:

On the more serious side. I was wondering where papatater has been.... .. The OMM site moves so f***ing fast!!! I really feel bad for him. I sure hope he finds the legal help he needs. Maybe he could try to contact NORML. I hear they have several lawyers that are commited to help. I am glad that I don't live with a bimbo cunt! :shhh:

Hey Closet Farmer! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Not really going say what happens yet, the story still has a while to go. :Rasta:

I feel bad for our friend papatater too. I don't think Normal would get involved since many guns were found at the same time. Bout all we can do is send him good vibes.
Lotta good ladies out there...it's matter finding them.:love:

Thank you for the points...some day we might find out what they are for. :high-five:
Hey OMM, that blows.....a year is a long time to think.

and I ordered some airpots too.

Thank you OG13 ! :high-five:

When those two lines are combined it's funny as hell! :thanks:

As I hit the vape again. :ganjamon:
well it was as advertised... the best and worst. I truly feel for you and I am sorry that you or anyone that has ever been rolled over by someone they love and left for dead...

what doesn't kill us usually makes us stronger

on a much lighter note how are those outside girls coming, looks like you have a month or so before they go outside. I can't wait to see them out there, you must be excited for it as well and :) ear to ear.

Have a great weekend friend


Hi MS :cheesygrinsmiley:

Sometimes it makes people too strong, for their own good.

Yep, about a month before they are ready to go out.............a slow month.:slide: Your right I am excited....I check on them too many times a day. :morenutes:

Have a fine day Mate! :peace:
Your plants are lookin great OMM Thxs for the comments any and every one talked to one lawyer today there is hope keep sending the good vibes i got a different lawyer appointment every day next week and yes its all about the money but I am good i had all them guns before i got hurt i was a huntin fool Ive got a great lookin trophy room and my thinkin was guns don't lose money and i would leave them to my son wont be on here much till this gets resolved but i can peek in every now and again and watch some of the best growers in the world thxs again :Namaste: :thanks:
Hey Closet Farmer! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Not really going say what happens yet, the story still has a while to go. :Rasta:

I feel bad for our friend papatater too. I don't think Normal would get involved since many guns were found at the same time. Bout all we can do is send him good vibes.
Lotta good ladies out there...it's matter finding them.:love:

Thank you for the points...some day we might find out what they are for. :high-five:

I live with an awesome lady. We have been together for a long time. She puts up with me. I trust her. We know each other very well. The last thing she would do is turn me in. She feels the same way I do about MMJ. I am very thankful!! :love:

I forgot about the guns. That is a shame. :confused:

About the points you are very welcome!! I enjoy reading your tale!! You are a great friend on this site!! :welcome:

Wow, the story sure took a sad turn. These things do make us stronger, and I have been through them myself. It took me a long time to understand this, but we're human and have failings. I have an ex who was having an affair, and I was devastated, and like you I still hurt from it. But... I was lucky and found the love of my life as a result. In part because of that, I think I have a different perspective about things now, and realize that for some people "commitment" is a word only. There's always someone/something better out there if you have your eyes open, and RS showed that she wasn't "the best" by her actions.

One more month 'til outside? It's going to drive you crazy to wait! :)

All the best to you my friend! :high-five:
#1 enemy of home grows....a disgruntled lover/wife/boyfriend etc
#2 is a nosy neighbor/meter reader/ bug guy/ pool guy etc

I love wife #3...and she loves me.>>>>>
"The next X Mrs.Chopper" my brother called her.....16 years ago
You still need a horse to get to any of my patches :) (no joke)
**Trust in Allah, but tie up your camel***
:surf: There's STORM out there kiddies....got the15m wing ready & I'm out at dawn
it's good to be home....leaving on Mon nite
Your plants are lookin great OMM Thxs for the comments any and every one talked to one lawyer today there is hope keep sending the good vibes i got a different lawyer appointment every day next week and yes its all about the money but I am good i had all them guns before i got hurt i was a huntin fool Ive got a great lookin trophy room and my thinkin was guns don't lose money and i would leave them to my son wont be on here much till this gets resolved but i can peek in every now and again and watch some of the best growers in the world thxs again :Namaste: :thanks:

Papatater, good to see you. :high-five:
Good Vibes are still coming your way from allot of us.
Hey, thats cool that you've had those guns a long time. They shouldn't have anything to do with your case. Been a long time ...a very long time since I went hunting.....was with my Dad. We are rooting for you Buddy. :ganjamon:
I live with an awesome lady. We have been together for a long time. She puts up with me. I trust her. We know each other very well. The last thing she would do is turn me in. She feels the same way I do about MMJ. I am very thankful!! :love:

I forgot about the guns. That is a shame. :confused:

About the points you are very welcome!! I enjoy reading your tale!! You are a great friend on this site!! :welcome:

You are a lucky man Closet Farmer. :high-five: Off the top of my head, I know others on here like xlr8 and Norcaliwood have good women too.
papatater said the guns won't have an effect on his case. He's had them a long time.
Cheers! :surf:

Wow, the story sure took a sad turn. These things do make us stronger, and I have been through them myself. It took me a long time to understand this, but we're human and have failings. I have an ex who was having an affair, and I was devastated, and like you I still hurt from it. But... I was lucky and found the love of my life as a result. In part because of that, I think I have a different perspective about things now, and realize that for some people "commitment" is a word only. There's always someone/something better out there if you have your eyes open, and RS showed that she wasn't "the best" by her actions.

One more month 'til outside? It's going to drive you crazy to wait! :)

All the best to you my friend! :high-five:

Hi my Buddy xlr8. :high-five:
Yep, these things do make us stronger in the long run, however it hurt my future with women and trust issues. You know, thinking about it, thats not totally true, I did meet some very nice lady's later. It's funny sometimes how things turn out. I know two ladies that had been around the block a few times, but I trusted them much more than others. They were over all that and were just good people.
RS was payed back many times over in the years to come, in fact most her life was wasted. She was paid back in spades. Will get to that later.

You know waiting a month is fine with me. I am enjoying watching them grow.
Probably post some more pictures tomorrow. They are really green and beautiful. Young pups. :morenutes:
#1 enemy of home grows....a disgruntled lover/wife/boyfriend etc
#2 is a nosy neighbor/meter reader/ bug guy/ pool guy etc

I love wife #3...and she loves me.>>>>>
"The next X Mrs.Chopper" my brother called her.....16 years ago
You still need a horse to get to any of my patches :) (no joke)
**Trust in Allah, but tie up your camel***
:surf: There's STORM out there kiddies....got the15m wing ready & I'm out at dawn
it's good to be home....leaving on Mon nite

I believe you Chopper. :cheesygrinsmiley:
In my years on 420, I've seen many people good go down all because of angry partners...wives..Husbands and so on.
Like my old friend Mo said "Surround your self with people that are for you, not against you".

Now that is cool....only on horseback. Your a smart man buddy.

Oh! No!,,,,,,your leaving again! I wish you more success than ever Chopper.:high-five:
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