Pat Gets Hairy With A Gorilla

Appreciate it brother. Would you say I need to check pH every second or third day? I usually try and aim to get the pH to about 5.5 on the batch. Unless it fluctuates so much that it is running towards 7 in 3/4 days of standing. I will definitely go make a new batch this morning and run it through the girl. Blessings to you :adore::adore:
I'm a soil guy so not sure about hydro. But I've seen tufting on my girls when ph is ~7 or so, any higher and I'll see tiger stripes starting. PH in hydro is different which is why I asked you to look it up for your setup. But, tufting is a precursor to lockout. I just thought I'd chime in since nobody brought it up when you showed concern with spotting on your leafs. Also, what are you using for a chiller to keep res temps in low 70's? High res temps are bad too, they can breed bad things. Good luck, hydro, hempty growing is great, but it can go bad quick. Soil is forgiving but yeilds are smaller.

I'm a soil guy so not sure about hydro. But I've seen tufting on my girls when ph is ~7 or so, any higher and I'll see tiger stripes starting. PH in hydro is different which is why I asked you to look it up for your setup. But, tufting is a precursor to lockout. I just thought I'd chime in since nobody brought it up when you showed concern with spotting on your leafs. Also, what are you using for a chiller to keep res temps in low 70's? High res temps are bad too, they can breed bad things. Good luck, hydro, hempty growing is great, but it can go bad quick. Soil is forgiving but yeilds are smaller.


It could be the res temps also brother. For now I don't regulate any temps for the little res so not too sure if it could be a problem also. Thank you for bringing it up though, I appreciate any advice from and experienced grower. How much would that be about in Celsius? I think I would need to make a plan with my little res as it is standing close to a window and heat could make a problem. I searched for tufting in the search option but didn't come across a specific journal relating to the topic
Just caught back up :)
Millertm sounds right,my thc bomb last Lear had the same look and it was from the ph in my media had fell out which tested 4.5 in my run off.After a decent flush with a light nute mix it stopped spreading and the plant lifted right back.
Your girl looks pretty good so hopefully it's just a little outa whack and quick to fix:thumb:
Just caught back up :)
Millertm sounds right,my thc bomb last Lear had the same look and it was from the ph in my media had fell out which tested 4.5 in my run off.After a decent flush with a light nute mix it stopped spreading and the plant lifted right back.
Your girl looks pretty good so hopefully it's just a little outa whack and quick to fix.
Whats up BT :passitleft: it definitely is a blessing having experienced growers point out my mistakes. I will go give the girl a good run through this morning. Just not sure how I will keep my temps right. Perhaps fire up my little water heater or I would have to reduce the temps of it
Good info, plastic h2o bottles frozen help in keeping res cooler, setting on concrete, under tent area, ect. Thats why I've avoided hydro, to hard to control at my level. Pros have chillers, but their costly. Hempty growing might be easier, but your looking good so far.

Whats up Joe :passitleft: shot I try and keep it all neat now. Those big fan leaves will be removed in a short while to make space for tying down the topped branches shooting out now. I use normal string I buy at the store. Nothing special but it is cheap and if it gives problems I have a whole roll of it :rofl:

The things I bought for the system. I tried something already but I don't like it that way. Going to see if I can't make a few adjustments on that. Also got my new pot ready for transplant


Asked Skoon if he could look up some L measurements and this is a 17L pot. I hope it will be enough, twice the size of the pots he has so hopefully I get some decent results from it :passitleft:

Whats up Iti how you been brother? Shot for the kind words man, just fighting this girl in submission early on :rofl:
Those pots look great bro!!!
Whats up Iti how you been brother? Shot for the kind words man, just fighting this girl in submission early on :rofl:

Going good. Had another go at nycd and it turn out super small ( 2 plants were 8 - 10 inch tall) so I tried some photo bag seed... was looking real good and got spider mites at week 7 of flower. So I trimmed and hosed them off. Got into week 8 and Then chopped. One of these days I might get a good crop.

I'm not to experienced brother just made to many mistakes and learned the hard way :)
Temps wise my nute mix is usually between 22-27degC 27 is in the hot end but I have no way to control it and that's usually only at the start of my grow
That is the way we learn bru, sometimes it sucks but that is how I gain experience :thumb: my tent is usually between 20-22C but the container is see through so can't have it in the light. I suspect Miller is spot on with the pH giving my cock a knock into the dirt.
Good info, plastic h2o bottles frozen help in keeping res cooler, setting on concrete, under tent area, ect. Thats why I've avoided hydro, to hard to control at my level. Pros have chillers, but their costly. Hempty growing might be easier, but your looking good so far.

Appreciate it brother. My room is pretty cold already, hovers around 12/13C in the mornings. Only when the late afternoon sun shines onto my windows it gets a bit warmer, but nothing crazy on heat
Those pots look great bro!!!
Awe bru, shot man it is just the one I have. The girl will be going into that pot hopefully soon. My plan was to go with a 30L pot but I think this 17L will be good enough.
Going good. Had another go at nycd and it turn out super small ( 2 plants were 8 - 10 inch tall) so I tried some photo bag seed... was looking real good and got spider mites at week 7 of flower. So I trimmed and hosed them off. Got into week 8 and Then chopped. One of these days I might get a good crop.

That is a beut of a nug brother. Too bad about the pests, I hate those things. Hope you get some decent grow going again and throw a link up if you start another journal :thumb:
Bigger is better !! .
LoL not always bru. The light I have is a decent little light but I think powering a big plant I will need a bigger light. Not sure how it would have performed in the 30L however my current pot I have was my final size pot of last grow so I am already in a decent size pot. Think these ones are about 9-11L
Yo! So as per the brilliant guidance of Miller I went and made a new batch this morning. Measured the old batch pH that was left and almost lost movement of my bowels, 8.3?! I was going to punish myself but I unfortunately forgot, now on to what I made.

I made a bigger batch of 8L this round instead of 6L. I will adjust pH if needed on Tuesday morning. That would be two days after I made it. Hopefully it doesn't drift too far up and I can keep it around 5.8-6.2.

Water PPM - 43PPM
CalMag - 205PPM (162PPM)
BioGrow - 363PPM (158PPM)
So my PPM total is 363.
PH - 7.3 -- Dropped to 5.6


The damage on the bigger fan leaves



Fan leave almost as big as my hand. They will get removed in about a day or two


Thanks for stopping by and blessings to all :passitleft:
I wouldnt worry about those spots for now
Not at all brother. I know it won't affect any of the new growth. They will be removed though to get the two new shoots space to be tied down. Atm they are blocking a bit of light but once removed it should be looking good
Pat this training is it something you seen before or your own experiment??
I just read up alot on training bru, from there I usually try and go my own way. I try and train it in a way that shoots are moving outwards but not covered by any other shoots. No specific way I train. Just do what I feel will be best :passitleft:
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