ProfessorFlora's 10 Strain 200W LED Organic Soil Grow

Still a remarkable turnaround! And seven plants in a 2x4...what could go wrong?
7 plants in a 2x4 is my bread and butter. I'd have still preferred 8 or 6 though lol. It was 7 plants in a 2x2.5 before :eek:
Hashplant D's Flowering Day 13....

Quick look in on the HD's. Not much to report on and all is going swimmingly....
Wilma Grow Flowering Day 13....

There's a little more to report on this one. Firstly I've emptied and refilled the res with fresh water. I've increased the nutrient strength to 1000ppm and set the ph to 5.6. I've also raised the system up on 2 hydro buckets to give my back a rest. They're obviously not going to take over the tent so I thought I'd save on the extra work with leaning in to the tent. They're closer to the light now as well. It looks pretty unstable in the pics but it's fine. As long as you don't lean on it! I also took the opportunity to give them a rough trim. There was plenty of growth on all which was less than useful. Even more so than normal lol. I've had a bit of a clip here and there and they look much better for it. Not my best grow but certainly not my worst. Not by a long way lol....

Purple Trainwreck....

Pineapple Express....

Fat Purple....

Lil HH (Black Kush)....
Veg Cupboard Update....

Most things are going really well in here. Couple things worthy of mention are the fungus gnats which are begging to thrive and the slight discolouration on some of the plants. I've given all of these a feed yesterday so we should see some improvement soon. I've topped the Exotic Genetix strains and have begun to get them ready for cloning. I did donk the Lil HH mother with the power cable and bruised her ego a little. She'll be fine....

Oops. Sorry Big HH....

Fat Purple. I've removed the large fans now and she's still happy. Next chop in 2 weeks....

Purple Trainwreck loves nutes! Her leaves and stems contrast beautifully....

Crumbled Lime. Both are good. Hooray!....

And a couple toppings from the EG strains....
The clones are still cloning! It looks like they want to go any second but just won't push the roots out. The male which is now gone was ready to remove last week. Next time I do this I'll try things a little differently....
So much going on over there Prof. Hope I can follow suit someday!
Thanks Magoo. I've found myself garden juggling again though lol. It's like plate spinning with all the waterings
Got a few plants lined up then mate! I think you may have drifted over your legal amount! :p I’ve dropped my Crumbled lime yesterday. I thought i was only getting one but they sent me two beans. Surely we’ve got a female between us?
Got a few plants lined up then mate! I think you may have drifted over your legal amount! :p I’ve dropped my Crumbled lime yesterday. I thought i was only getting one but they sent me two beans. Surely we’ve got a female between us?
With 2 chances each I'm hoping we both get a lady. I look forward to that then. I eventually got my pineapple of the ground but I think you might win with that one. Did you plant any of the Exotic Genetix strains?
With 2 chances each I'm hoping we both get a lady. I look forward to that then. I eventually got my pineapple of the ground but I think you might win with that one. Did you plant any of the Exotic Genetix strains?
Yes mate I’ve popped 2 Chocolatina, 2 Cheap trick and 2 Guicy Banger. Dropped the Wedding cake S1 we got as a freebie as well. Going to clone them all so things are going to get hectic.
Hey 420. I have a little update regarding the veg plants. I'll do some proper updates later today but something hilarious just happened and I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what it was. Right. The fungus gnats have become much worse in recent days and I thinking that the veg plants are suffering badly because if them. So today I decided to kill all my micro herd by giving them a flush with some H2O2. I have read that there should be a fizzing sound when you pour the water into the soil. Well. That's not what I got! What happened to my pots was more like the bicarb and lemon juice volcano experiment we all did at school lol. I'm not joking. The soil erupted from the pots like a chocolate dessert. It definitely fizzed. Does this mean that the fungus gnat larvae are dead? Apologies for the crappy pics. It was all happening so fast and I had to run off and find a camera lol....

I pushed most of the soil back in. This one leaked out over the sides. A few others did as well....

A few just rose slightly....

Does anyone know how long I should leave it before adding nutes back into the pots? They've just been flushed with water and H2O2 so there's no nutes or enough microbes to be off any use so I imagine that they'll begin to starve soon.

Also we have this. Spot the point of interest in the pic below....

Back shortly with some updates. Happy growing everyone....
Back again! Thought I'd get another update done whilst I have a moments peace. We have an important event regarding the Hashplant D's. I was doing my rounds when I noticed a pollen sack on HD #2. Now it wasn't like what happened to the Tropicanna Banana. It was just one. This caused me to check the entire tent where I found 3 more. HP numbers 2, 3 and 8 all had one little pollen sack on them which have all been removed. What I'm doing with these is keeping them and I'll check them regularly as I don't think finding one sack warrants throwing an entirely plant. As these will be small plants I can easily remove and inspect them all over with ease. What this does mean though is I've removed those clones as I don't want mothers which are either hermies or are easy to hermie. I now have 4 remaining plants to select a mother from provided they don't turn on me as well. All are very healthy and the environment is good leaving me to assume that it's genetics. I'd really like a mother from these so I'm hoping we don't lose anymore. At least it's getting easier to choose a winner....

The dreaded ball bag....
Wilma Grow Flowering Day 15....

Today I thought I'd take some pics of the preflowers appearing on the plants. Lil HH and Purple Trainwreck look pretty normal but the Fat Purple and the Pineapple Express look interesting. Here we are....

Lil HH (Black Kush)....

Purple Trainwreck....

Fat Purple....

Pineapple Express....
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