PW's Perpetual Playhouse

Most of the organic techniques come from here: Korean CGNF Materials

I Know of those techniques.

There are many paths with organic farming.

The best path is the path that works for you at the least cost to the environment.

Try and add to your environment positively when growing whatever. Just a slight change in mentality. We are not using, we are giving back what mother nature has and is providing. :Namaste:

You can always make your environment cleaner and the soil more productive when gardening.

KJ - for RO filter try A-zon look for RO Buddie - can get one for $50 last you a few years before you need to replace filter parts that cost $45.

I hook mine up like its a hose to my washing machine cold water line and to a Y valve setup. Can hook it to a utility sink they usually have the right type of faucet to hook shit up to. I have a Y valve, 1 side to cold on my washing machine the the other side goes to RO filter. Just turn on the valve and filler up. Homer buckets good. For drinking water we fill up 3 and 5 gal carboys which is a sorta pain but we've been doing this for a long long time. Beats buying water at the store and having to carry it that way.

MJ - AWESOME on your compost tea maker. That's the EXACT same thing I use. I've been thru a few of those commercial pumps too! I put a lid on mine with holes cut into it for the pipes. Cuts down on foam getting all over.
Long term sustainable dankness. Living organic soil providing me with straight up top shelf nugs. Always been a fan of doing the heavy lifting/hard work early and riding it out to success. Getting there...
All about a recipe eh boys
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