Salt N Pepa: Back Again

K i added one more bend to a nice stem in hopes to get her to fully bush out... Not that i want to hurt this grow since i know im gonna get something...


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Not yet i tested the soil and ph is at 7 so i added a little vinigar to this water session im gonna test again tonight or tomorrow to see if it has gone down
Not yet i tested the soil and ph is at 7 so i added a little vinigar to this water session im gonna test again tonight or tomorrow to see if it has gone down

Hey, I wouldn't mess with the soil pH if I were you. I went through this myself and almost killed one of my plants.

The soil pH can drift up and down depending on when you fed etc.

Your plant looks really happy and I wouldn't touch anything right now!
@midwestgrown Here is a summary I wrote in one of the big pH threads. My situation was the same but different - my soil pH was registering around 4. But the conclusion is the same. Don't try to change the soil pH while you have a plant growing in it.

Also: you can use vinegar to change the pH of your nutrient solution, but ultimately it will not affect your soil pH. Note that changing the pH of your solution is not the same as changing the pH of your soil.

If you want to lower the pH of soil, you need to use some form of sulfur amendment.

If you want to raise the pH of soil, you need to use some form of lime amendment.

Both of these 1) take time to have an effect, and 2) add other minerals to the soil. And if you do this without knowing how it will affect your soil, you could end up radically un-balancing it.

Most of the time the soil pH is not a problem. And it's not something that can be changed on the fly. It takes time to change soil pH and it needs to be balanced and calibrated with whatever you are amending it with.

Your plant isn't showing any issues so don't change anything - last of all the soil pH!
Son of a bitch... Well i didnt add a whole lot so hopefully i didnt kill her.... :( Dammit i have to wait till morning to see
Your just fine... I was worried because the leaves started to shrink but when i opened the door this morning i got hit by a strong mary jane smell instead of the fertalizer or the soil haha so i think were still going strong


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Any idea when i could do 12/12

Technically, whenever you want!

But realistically it depends on how big you want the plant to get. The very loose guideline is plan for the plant to double in size after you flip to 12-12.

The earlier you do it, the less developed the plant/root zone will be, and the fewer/smaller buds it will be able to grow and maintain.
Maybe I'll wait till at least the halfway point... Most gsc autos have grown 85 to 87 days... Here are


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Lol it was more of a my lady got mad at the jump in electric and since its an auto it'll flip when it flips would it make a difference? Or should i just leave it because why fuck with it right?

And thank you sye....its not to lime green looking is it? I feel like i should add something but the soil i got that is meant for autos says you dont need to but i feel like its too good to be true
Lol it was more of a my lady got mad at the jump in electric and since its an auto it'll flip when it flips would it make a difference? Or should i just leave it because why fuck with it right?

And thank you sye....its not to lime green looking is it? I feel like i should add something but the soil i got that is meant for autos says you dont need to but i feel like its too good to be true

Keep the lights as they are - autos benefit from getting more light, even through flowering.

Haha, don't worry about adding anything. Her colour is perfect. The new growth is lighter green but that is normal. This is what a good pre-amended potting mix can do for your plant!

You should think about feeding only if you notice the lower leaves start to yellow.

Everything is going great!
:cool: :ganjamon: :thumb::green_heart:
Im gonna assume I'm in the flowering stage correct?


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Yay!! Talk about fast but i see what people say... Sometimes getting it to do what u want vs what the plant is genetically set up to do itself
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