SIP Run With MeJA & Controlled Drought Application


Well-Known Member
Ahoy There,
We are sure anticipating some full sails as the SIP trays are exposed to some MeJA and of course to be followed by drought. The excitement stems in part from the list of accomplished gardeners that are attesting to amazing results. My trays were purchased from EarthBox. I used a basic blend of the manufacturer recommendations for soil amendments, plus my residual @farside05 faux Pro-Mix HP. Bumped her up a tad more with another batch of coarse perlite. Did not go overboard building a mound. I plant away from fertigation tube thinking it makes watering easier if plant not directly over hole. I tape the tray and identify the occupant immediately. Any way this should be bang.

Ahoy There!
We be sailing up to Chicago today, ere we gets the staples pulled from the back. Itchy like unreal. Then heal up and try it all again. Anyhow, the SIP crew is following the trend of initially stalled growth. Outstanding that they can tend themselves when paired to a non-cooperating spine gardener like me. Resisting all urges to hurry anything, this is just my speed. I will grab a picture of the "Arrested Development" if I return home early.
Be safe.
Ahoy There!
We be sailing up to Chicago today, ere we gets the staples pulled from the back. Itchy like unreal. Then heal up and try it all again. Anyhow, the SIP crew is following the trend of initially stalled growth. Outstanding that they can tend themselves when paired to a non-cooperating spine gardener like me. Resisting all urges to hurry anything, this is just my speed. I will grab a picture of the "Arrested Development" if I return home early.
Be safe.
Were you @ that you’re going to be in my Sweet Home Chicago? CL🍀
Hope they use a better staple remover than the one on my desk! And once there are no open wounds...salve for that itch. :thumb:
I bet he used a set of Snap On snips. Almost pain free removal. About a month we will try and put it all back inside. Meanwhile I am cruising on autopilot with my new SIP trays. This easy peasy method has me loving it. Thanks for @Azimuth telling me about these containers.
Ahoy @CaptainLucky
Home port Danforth (pop. 600)
about 90 miles due South
I heard of Danville but forth is a new one on me. Wonder who this Dan is there naming all these towns for? I’m betting Shed has a link for it. Lmao 😂 CL🍀
Garden Update,
Of the four trays two were in planted directly from the waterboard. The other two were traditional jiffy kids.
We had no player break surface on tray #3 so I inplanted a jiffy cup started something. Nice looking young one, but darn if I know who her moma was. So go figure, I goofed a simple item like labeling the dam cup. But think of all the fun I can have humbly admitting to being under the influence. Yep

I will grab some shots of the SIP crew.

PEACE :peace:
The idea to add RED with my next light mega was solidified when I read @Emilya Green was tinkering with hers before she fell in love with a new source of illumination. I want whatever she has with hopes I could get results like she produces. But until then I run the best I can. This is not to say the mega is a poor light. My results have been amazing with it. It is more the gardener in me that wants to see some RED. I run the light bar under the blank area between led panels, so it does not block the canopy.
The idea to add RED with my next light mega was solidified when I read @Emilya Green was tinkering with hers before she fell in love with a new source of illumination. I want whatever she has with hopes I could get results like she produces. But until then I run the best I can. This is not to say the mega is a poor light. My results have been amazing with it. It is more the gardener in me that wants to see some RED. I run the light bar under the blank area between led panels, so it does not block the canopy.
I still run my mega in my Bloom room number two and in my main Bloom room I have the @Cultiuana CT-720, and both are very capable lights. Both have an area down the center where another light can be hung. The light that I'm experimenting with is far red which is almost not visible with our human eyeballs so it's not like you actually see all the red. And because this is a special spectrum I don't run it all the time; I run my red lights as trigger lights. As far as my full-time light goes, I prefer a full spectrum light rather than one that leans to the red side.
Looking good @Maritimer ! I can't resist another SIP grow.

BuildASoil did a run in those Earth Boxes I think season 3, and @StoneOtter has a grow going now with the square version.

What's your plan for the reservoir?
I have decided to for the time being at least, no more sip club reading. Too many entrepreneurs lending to me not remembering what I read. I plan to follow the MC derivations beginning at 2 grams. I Also amend with calmag and silica. I also have height restrictions encouraging me to have a short veg time. Would it be too much to ask if you mind tutoring me a bit here on this quiet thread. I learn better this way. Let me know your thoughts.
I have decided to for the time being at least, no more sip club reading. Too many entrepreneurs lending to me not remembering what I read. I plan to follow the MC derivations beginning at 2 grams. I Also amend with calmag and silica. I also have height restrictions encouraging me to have a short veg time. Would it be too much to ask if you mind tutoring me a bit here on this quiet thread. I learn better this way. Let me know your thoughts.
Of course. I would be happy to, though there's really not much to learn.

I've not used MC so someone else will have to weigh in if you have questions there. I think @farside05 tried a run with it before switching back to his homegrown version in his current grow.

I asked about your plans for the reservoir as I like to start a new seedling off by treating the container just like I would in a regular pot, meaning very little water in the reservoir until the seedling starts growing strongly. Too much water down below will keep your mix too wet initially for the seedling that has not adapted its roots over to the water roots it will use.

So I like to water just lightly around the seedling to help its roots follow the water down. I just use a dowel to check the water level in mine since I don't have a float indicator, and keep it quite low until the plant is growing strongly.

The roots don't have to make it all the way to the reservoir since there will be a gradient of moisture from soaking wet at the bottom to less so as you move higher, but there does seem to be a quiet period as the roots morph over to the water roots they will need in our environment. Starting a clone out in a water based rooting system has been reported to negate this transition period, however.

No worries on the lack of mounding of your soil. That and the plastic cover are mostly for outdoor use to keep rain out of the system. The plastic also serves as a "mulch-type" layer to conserve moisture, though I prefer an organic mulch to the plastic.

@StoneOtter is using the plastic cover for his current grow, though I don't think he's peeked underneath yet to see what's what. Otter's Cherrie DubeLee in a SIP. He seems to be pleased enough with his first round that he ordered a few more of the containers for his next grow. He uses The Rev's TLO soil.

You say height restrictions, are you planning on topping or LST?

And finally, post up some of your pics over in the #SIP Club thread, as I'm sure others will be interested to follow your progress.
Have you heard of this Gale chick that everyone keeps warning about?
You have my attention. I have not heard but should I need warned, please do!
Gale......... warning... gale...warning... "gale warning, 25 knots, rising to 35 knots midday, projected dropping to 5-10 knots by 1800hrs "

I was riffing on CL's "Dan"-forth joke. CL made me do it!

Hi Mari! I use M3gaCr0p's 2 part formula in many SIPs, it's the same basic fert as the one-part MC you are using, but has the stickier biological elements removed.

I personally wouldn't start any lower than 3 grams/gallon unless I knew there was some other source on board, like separate ferts in the soil, or I knew I had extremely delicate seedlings/strains. But you are right to be cautious.

From 2-3g/gal you can then follow MC's instructions for finding the sweetspot by raising it slightly each fill until the tips turn, or they're nicely green from top to bottom (not lighter on bottom), then pull back slightly. It's a great fertilizer for SIPs. They should take 5g/gal, no problem, quite soon.

You're in peat/perlite, right?
I saw you have some home-made Faux-tek and then storebought peat mix, like promix or Sunshine mix? Asking because the branded peat products are really well buffered and keep your pH in check so you never have to worry, provided your water isn't crazy terrible. I don't know if the faux tek was buffered with lime or how much of it makes up your total.

Point is, I'm just checking in to make sure your peat/perlite and MegaCr0p are going to work well together over the necc. time period. If a large portion of the whole, or entire trays, are unbuffered homemade peat/perlite then likely its an issue needing to be addressed. If its all or mostly buffered then put it out of your mind. But because SIP is a passive system in constant contact with the fertigation it can be more prone to lockouts/toxicities with peat-based 'soil' if unbuffered, than other grow styles.

I use Peat all the live long day without issue (ok, one issue, once, out of a hundred SIPs) so it's only an issue when peat's being reused or hasn't been buffered from the start.
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