Small 1st Grow Already In Progress Using LEDs To Flower & T-5s For Veg

. I will even break down and buy a scale and figure out what the final yield turns out to be per watt.

Awwhhh shite! I hadnt even thought of a scale.. Kinda screwged now. Wonder if safeway would mind me using the fruit scales :dreamy:
(Or, i use the ol eyeball method, OGs eyeball... "Ehhh looks like 2lbs, Whooo!"

Latest pics of flower room are looking yummy! ;)
"Brix" is a measurement of sugars in the plant measured through reflectometer. The higher the brix the better the quality as a general rule, its the measurement they use to judge all fruit plants. You take a measurement buy squeezing the juice out of a leaf onto the test instrument
Brix at 12 is no silver bullet. Higher brix normally means better plant health. Better plant health means the plant is able to defend itself from more pests and diseases. My last grow had brix up in the 18 range. As they say, insect damage is often not the cause of failing crops, but rather a symptom of other problems. Brix readings are done with a refractometer that reads the specific gravity of the plant's juice from its refractive index. Brix is used by wine and beer producers to measure sugars in the juice and wort. In the case of our plants, other carbohydrates are also of interest.

For measuring yield, I like to include space, power and time. I think these are the three factors we control and each has a big impact on the results. Find your yield in grams per watt/sq. ft./day and you know how exactly well you've done (weight wise).
Brix at 12 is no silver bullet. Higher brix normally means better plant health. Better plant health means the plant is able to defend itself from more pests and diseases. My last grow had brix up in the 18 range. As they say, insect damage is often not the cause of failing crops, but rather a symptom of other problems. Brix readings are done with a refractometer that reads the specific gravity of the plant's juice from its refractive index. Brix is used by wine and beer producers to measure sugars in the juice and wort. In the case of our plants, other carbohydrates are also of interest.

For measuring yield, I like to include space, power and time. I think these are the three factors we control and each has a big impact on the results. Find your yield in grams per watt/sq. ft./day and you know how exactly well you've done (weight wise).

I just ordered a refractometer ;) can't wait to start taking some measurements now that I am starting to get things going a little better and then I am considering ordering Doc Buds High Brix Kit to do before and after comparisons
Brix at 12 is no silver bullet. Higher brix normally means better plant health. Better plant health means the plant is able to defend itself from more pests and diseases. My last grow had brix up in the 18 range. As they say, insect damage is often not the cause of failing crops, but rather a symptom of other problems. Brix readings are done with a refractometer that reads the specific gravity of the plant's juice from its refractive index. Brix is used by wine and beer producers to measure sugars in the juice and wort. In the case of our plants, other carbohydrates are also of interest.

For measuring yield, I like to include space, power and time. I think these are the three factors we control and each has a big impact on the results. Find your yield in grams per watt/sq. ft./day and you know how exactly well you've done (weight wise).

Thanks Major... Learning learning learning never ends.... As a Rookie i agree on the pest issues being related to the rest of grow.

I am just learning about brix myself through the help of harley smith search for his videos on youtube they are amazing and i dont use that word often
here is my fav video on NPK RAW-part 1
I have watched a lot of his videos. I find him not only interesting and knowledgable, he is quiet entertaining at times.
Obviously someone has been lazy this morning and needs to get off his butt and get his old and bad eyes behind the camera and do an update. Back in a bit:high-five:
Wow all caught up a strapped in OG, love the tent city, that's my goal to get to that stage.
Keep growing brother, oh and how much for a dozen eggs haha:smokin:
How rude of me for taking so long to welcome you.
The wife gets a buck and a 1/2 a dozen from the gals where she works. She has a waiting list of people wanting them.
But for you, you can have a dozen for free.
The wife gets a buck and a 1/2 a dozen from the gals where she works. She has a waiting list of people wanting them.
But for you, you can have a dozen for free.

Our neighbor charges $5 / doz. :-(
Good morning everyone and thank you all for showing interest in my grow. Comments are always appreciated as are questions. For those who are not aware, I refer to my wife as "She who must be obeyed" and refer to her quiet often. Today she informed me, that for now, the grow is ok but no more upgrades for a while due to finances. Perhaps is she was not "GIVING" those eggs away so cheaply I could afford my new lights? Hmmm.. that comment is for you all, she will never hear that one. :rofl:

Week 3 of flower is coming to an end and what I am seeing is the flower tent is doing just what I was hoping for. I see I am neglecting my veg tent and it is showing. The girls are not as happy as they should be, I will be addressing that this coming week. I see the mention of a refractometer which I am not familiar with though I am sure I will be researching this week since it does sound like very useful information to know. It makes me happy when information is shared and someone, including myself gets an opportunity to learn something useful. :love:
Not much new stuff but pictures are the best part as we all know, so here we go.

Woke up to these numbers this morning, pretty much what I have everyday give or take a few. Been very lucky.

The girls who will be staring in grow #3 need to get moved to bigger pots but since today is the weekend, all free time goes to "she who must be obeyed"

The ladies for grow #2 would prefer I switch on all the lights, only have 4 of the 8 on at this time, so they are not very happy, but "She who must be obeyed" is. They will get what they really want soon, to be the stars of the show instead of being the back up dancers.

Now for the stars of this grow. In the following order, lonely miss "Mango" is the stand alone plant, though she seems quiet content having her own light and not having to share. Next to miss Mango is "Power Wreck" which is living up to it's name. A bit of a wreck. Though I am not completely disappointed by her, she did not fill in the SCROG as nicely as I had hoped for. Last but not least, miss stinky pants herself, Lemon Sour Diesel. While quiet stinky as the wife put it, she has been quiet outstanding in her willingness to fill up the SCROG

The last picture is with the lights they normally are under.

Great news, the sun just poked its head out to say hello and it looks like it may turn into a beautiful day here after all.
Here is hoping all is going well in all of your lives and your grows make you as happy as mine makes me.
Oh and Pita, when I do come down to your neck of the woods with that sampler pack I promised I will bring you a dozen eggs to boot :yahoo:

Awwhhh shite! I hadnt even thought of a scale.. Kinda screwged now. Wonder if safeway would mind me using the fruit scales :dreamy:
(Or, i use the ol eyeball method, OGs eyeball... "Ehhh looks like 2lbs, Whooo!"

Latest pics of flower room are looking yummy! ;)
I tell you what I will do, I will use the ole eyeball test before I actually cut and cure it and see if I am even in the ball park. as for 2 pounds, that is so out of the park completely at this stage, I would like to see somewhere in the neighborhood of say 8 to 12 ounces which breaks down to 227 to 340, though in reality I will be lucky to get 180 grams though what ever I get, I will be happy. I do not feel I have adequate lighting to do much more then 180 at the moment, till "She who must be obeyed" grants me a bigger budget for upgrading my lights.

The ole eyeball challenge has been thrown out onto the table and I except the challenge. :thumb:
2 pounds? hell looks like a 6 pounder to me from here. :rofl:
I'm liking the 12 oz. number you threw out, but still too early for me to tell. :high-five:

After you enjoy the sunshine, please send it down my way for a bit.
I'm liking the 12 oz. number you threw out, but still too early for me to tell. :high-five:

After you enjoy the sunshine, please send it down my way for a bit.

I was actually suggesting that i was gonna use your eyes to judge my harvest, giving me a solid 2lbs :biglaugh:

And major, when youre finnished with the sun...send her back north please!
:yummy:Morning OG! I finally noticed you have a journal and all i can say about it is WoW! Very nice all the way around. You are deffinately going to have plenty of great weed waiting when you retire. I reckon i will have to add you to my growing list of subscriptions. :thumb:
:yummy:Morning OG! I finally noticed you have a journal and all i can say about it is WoW! Very nice all the way around. You are deffinately going to have plenty of great weed waiting when you retire. I reckon i will have to add you to my growing list of subscriptions. :thumb:
I am flattered by your compliment. Will say though that I wish that I was 1/2 as entertaining as you and so many others here with how they present their grows. When I jump on yours and Major Pitas, Pigeons, Rifleman,Sweetsue, Atrain, Llamas, Ricky Bobby , oh crikey I could go on for ever with that list, For me it is like that great TV mini series you can not wait to see what happens next.:drool:When I look at mine I feel like, oh great another episode of Mattlock.:laughtwo:

Welcome aboard and as soon as the lights come on in the ole flower tent you too will get to see the next episode of Mattlock. :rofl:
OG, for a first grow, it looks like you have nailed it! I really like that scrog.

I do understand the dilemma of the she who MUST be obeyed. I deal with the War Department in my house. I built my growroom out of leftovers(that I happen to order) when I built the garage. Otherwise I would probably still be in a tent in the spare bedroom! I'm lusting over a couple od 300 w led's for the veg cabinet but we have no more income till spring so I have what I have for now.

I think you will get a bit more than 12 zips. I'm thinking closer to 14 but pictures are deceiving. Regardless, your grow looks terrific to me!
I am flattered by your compliment. Will say though that I wish that I was 1/2 as entertaining as you and so many others here with how they present their grows. When I jump on yours and Major Pitas, Pigeons, Rifleman,Sweetsue, Atrain, Llamas, Ricky Bobby , oh crikey I could go on for ever with that list, For me it is like that great TV mini series you can not wait to see what happens next.:drool:When I look at mine I feel like, oh great another episode of Mattlock.:laughtwo:

Welcome aboard and as soon as the lights come on in the ole flower tent you too will get to see the next episode of Mattlock. :rofl:
Haha, Matlock is a great show in its own right. Your journal and garden are both high quality. Just dont turn into the Golden Girls and it will all be good, lol.
I think we each feel pretty much the same way about our journals and those of others. When you see your grow all the time, a journal update seems about a exciting as watching grass grow (and not the good kind). But when you see other setups, strains, ideas and parts of the grow cycle, it all feels new and exciting again. I greatly enjoy your updates. Not too little and not so much it is hard to wade through. You hit the Goldilocks of the curve.
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