SmokeyMcFly's First Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush - Haze - BlueBerry - LED Mars II

Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

as long as it helps right
Happy Thurweed day Smokey :thumb:
Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

Hey Cronic I wanted to ask you the other night and then passed out and forgot all about it. How was the Medi bomb you grew? I am still looking for more strains for muscle spasms and inflammation and spine pain. Its so hard to tell what is legit medical strains and what are just named that way.
Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

the medi bomb 1 was very good
the dinafem og kush is good too
I do have aches and pains from getting old and having physical work
I like the strong indicas I still feel the aches it just helps me not care about it lol
another good one OMM says is really good is the Black Russian
he likes the strong meds
if I can think of anything else ill let ya know
Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

Sounds good. I like the heavy indicas too. I try and keep some sativa on hand for waking up or mixing when I wanna get wrecked. I seem to get a lot less spasms and inflammation when I eat an edible or two everyday. Like you said it doesn't really take the pain away once I have it but it does make it more tolerable so i try and do everything I can to keep the pain away in the first place. Once the pain kicks in full blown there isn't anything that will make it go away not even large amounts of oxycodone so I need something that will nock me out at that point so I can at least sleep through it.

I got some GDP hash oil yesterday and it is fantastic. I thought the wax and crumble I have been getting were good but this is a whole other level. I put a drop the size of about two grains of rice on a bowl of GDP buds and OMG :drool: Best body stone I have ever had :yummy:
Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

if I can only get a female out of my last gdp seed since its not available to buy atm :rofl:
this Chemdawg From greenhouse is pretty good as far as strength
not too dense tho I don't blame the light or how close they were to the lights cause ive had dense tops growing on the light
maybe a bad phenol but its nice and strong
Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

GL, hopefully its a she! It is a great strain. The oil has a really strong sweet flowery lilac kinda flavor to it that is just incredible. It really sucks that so many great strains are so hard to get. I sill need a good bedtime strain and a good high CBD strain for moms but haven't found what I want in seed form yet and clones are very hard for me to get. I wanted to go with pennywise for the CBD strain but now I am thinking of going with something that doesn't have THC in it if possible. My dog has seizures and I would like to try and grow something that could help her as well if possible. She is the sweetest dog ever and it kills us to watch her have them and not be able to do anything about it.

Candy Cane Kush popped up yesterday and is looking like it might be ok and worth growing out. I assume it will be a she since it was the only seed in some top shelf bud. i was thinking of trying out a landrace kush in the highbrix soil. Doc said the landrace strains do really well in his kit soil since they haven't been bread for all the salts and whatnots. Well im sure when he said it, it was more technical and proper :D
Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

supposedly hemp is high in cbd with no thc
Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

Yea i have read that also. Not sure where you could get hemp seeds. A harliquen cut would probably work. I might have to take a trip some day. Calli is only a couple hours away.
Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

actually there are places that farm hemp for fiber etc..
maybe you could talk to I think its toker69?
he has a journal about colloidal silver and making seeds I believe it was him who I was talking to about hemp and he said he
grows hemp or is involved with hemp growing operation

edit he said he got his seeds from canada
Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

Canada would make sense. It is illegal to commercially grow hemp in america. Well actually i think the trick is you have to buy a stamp to grow it and they never made the stamps available to purchase. Im about to start ranting about our gov so I am just gonna stop myself now and have a couple more puffs instead lol.
Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

sounds like a plan :thumb:
Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

That's great news for you guys and the rest of the world that was controlled by these laws. Now all American go and save your country by planting the wonderful hemp seed :peace:
Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

Happy Skunkday Smokey :thumb:
Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

Hey smokey I seen u was looking for a strain that was low in THC but high in cbd there is a strain called swiss gold that is available may be hard to get due to it not being real popular but maybe u can find it or run acrossed it somewhere I'm in Cali and have found it several places. Don't no if that will help or not. The girls are looking good keep up the good work Happy Growing!
Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

Thanks for the info and for stopping by guys. Nothing new to report they are just doing there thing. I watered Candy with 50/50 tea iguana juice at half strength today and watered the plushberries with there first dose of energy/tea from the high brix kit. Everything is looking nice and the first shot of bloom nutes seemed to of kicked them in gear. Here are some pics i took while feeding today.



Blueberry and AK with plushberries in front

Candy Kush
Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

looking good Smokey :thumb:
Re: SmokeyMcFly's first Auto Grow - Soil - Kandy Kush, Haze, BlueBerry - LED MarsII

Quick pic update.

Watered Blue and AK tonight with just phd water. They have got ferts of some sorts the last three or so times they have been watered so I figured it was time to give them a break this time. I will do the same in a few days for Candy once she is ready to be watered again. I had to prune a couple leaves that were so low they were laying on the soil. They were starting to get rotten from laying on the soil and they made it hard to water. Shouldn't effect it much it was only 3 or 4 leaves that were not doing well anyway.

I also hit the two Plushberrys with a spray of stress for the first time tonight and will probably do the brix spray on them tomorrow night. Not sure if my fimm job worked on the one. I topped one and attempted to fimm the other for the first time. The one that I tried to fimm has some mangled leaves but it did regrow the ones I half pinched off and looks like it grew maybe another top or two along with them. It is a couple nodes taller than the one I topped normally. I will get some good pictures of them tomorrow night when I pull them out to spray them to show you guys what I am going on about.

AK, I love this plant as long as it finishes as well as it has started and smokes well I would deff grow this one again. Prolly the only one out of any of these autos that I have tried so far that I would grow over again. The other two just don't look like they are going to yield enough to be worth the time / effort.

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