Spike's Grow Room

I have always wanted to get this pic.It shows the new growth pods during
flowering and this shows great that at first they are skinny and then right above them you can see 1 that plumped up and has the start of hairs coming out.During flowering I look daily for new pods and as you do this more you
learn how to adjust all your elements,fert. water etc.to keep them pods coming.Just 1 of the things I do.

I have always wanted to get this pic.It shows the new growth pods during
flowering and this shows great that at first they are skinny and then right above them you can see 1 that plumped up and has the start of hairs coming out.During flowering I look daily for new pods and as you do this more you
learn how to adjust all your elements,fert. water etc.to keep them pods coming.Just 1 of the things I do.


wow thats amazing, you can tell what it needs by looking at the pods.
I gave the widow thats flowering a full drink and nutes,,,man I didn't know
that the 5 gallon bucket would be enough to throw my back into convulsions.
Them are heavier than,,,,%&&* ya know,,UffDa.
wow thats amazing, you can tell what it needs by looking at the pods.

Inbou I wanted to respond to what you said here ,,which was That I
could tell what they needed by the pods.Inbou it is more like I see what works to get more pods,add fert at a certain time and record things and
its kinda that way with alot of life,,,see what works and proceed.:peacetwo:
I have had an awakening of sorts thx to GM,I saw a pic.he has up in his
journal and its of a bunch of new plants and they are all in 5 gallon buckets.
I have always grown I guess what you would consider,,right to the edge
of plant to pot size.Always thinking of room,but what I have discovered with the widow flowering is,,I was going to leave it alone and go with the flowering that was happening.Now that the 400 is here I guess I just figured
replant,I'm not sure why,,,,, I never thought of it twice but anyway the
widow is showing it.Just shows that with all I've learned and all the plants
I've grown I neglected what should be a major rule.Don't constrict the dirt the plant may utilize.Maybe my plants may be a little bigger now.Sorry to
all my previous gals whom may have wanted more worm poo.:peacetwo:
constrict the size by the time of growth in veg, :thumb:
the more root space you give them the more Buds they will grow.... not only will your plant double in size in flower.... but your root ball has the potential to more than triple if given the correct environment.... first part to that is bigger pots than you may need :)
at this point in flowering the growth of your roots will correlate with the growth of your buds. it works this way with many plants the more roots the plant is able to produce the larger the buds possible.

this is why Grafting works.
Goodbye Ryan you had a heck of a life in your time.:peacetwo: be with you.Ryan Dunn from jackass
fame crashed his porsche last night,he was also in a band called alter boys.None of the car was
hardly left.
Man I love all this learning and don't think I won't apply it.Thx Shag

Spike, we prefer the 5 gallon buckets. Our latest pics (posted tonight) show the size of our plants. I am supercropping at 6 foot. Our lights are at 6 foot. So it becomes neccesary to supercrop and keep the tops away from the lights on the taller plants. In addition, we have skirted the plants and used the cuttings as clones. Keep up the great work brother, you are doing great.:nicethread:
Goodbye Ryan you had a heck of a life in your time.:peacetwo: be with you.Ryan Dunn from jackass
fame crashed his porsche last night,he was also in a band called alter boys.None of the car was
hardly left.

at least he lived life hard every day and made the best of it. I'd rather go out in a porsche than a lot of things.
I'm going to put up another thing I do when growing.I have come across these sometimes 2 toned plants.

And whenever I find 1 I make her a mum.They always perform for me.
just 1 more thing I do
what I'm growing now,all but 4 go outside.
5 nycd,3 widow clones,3 swiss cheese clones(big 1s)
I will keep 2 nycd,,1 S.C. Mum,,1 widow


Looks great Spike! :goodjob:

I've had a couple of those two-toned plants, too. And you know what? They were really good plants for me. I think you're on to something! Hmmm...
Goodbye Ryan you had a heck of a life in your time.:peacetwo: be with you.Ryan Dunn from jackass
fame crashed his porsche last night,he was also in a band called alter boys.None of the car was
hardly left.

According to the toxicology report, his blood alcohol content was over twice the legal limit when he crashed. So... The best thing I can say about him is that he at least had the grace to only kill himself and his passenger (who had been drinking alongside him) instead of wiping out a car with a family in it in the process.

BAC of .196, estimated 140mph in a 55 zone... The coroner should label that a suicide. I mean... I've done some pretty stupid things. I've gone 140+ a time or two (rounded down) and I've also gotten plenty drunk (I'm ashamed to admit, drunk enough that I learned that "blind drunk" isn't just a saying, when you're trying to crawl across the floor and can only even vaguely distinguish light from dark because either your eyes are rolled back in your head or the optic nerves are just pickled) - but on any occasion when I might have been dumb enough to contemplate doing both at the same time, my two surviving brain cells got together, held a vote, and decided that suicide just wasn't for me. Or something like that.

BtW... The report also said that there were no "drugs of abuse" (err... WtF do they think alcohol is, lol?) such as cannabis in his system at the time of the crash. So... Alcohol kills while cannabis helps us live?

I don't really drink any more. I might tie one on a few times this year. Or not. <SHRUGS> I'd like to think I am not a hypocrite. I've got friends that put the alky buzz on regularly. My brother still does. And the GF, well, ever see an ex-stripper that didn't drink her share (+ your share, + my share, + ...)? But when people decide to get completely hammered and do themselves with a motorized vehicle and potentially kill others in the process when they could have just as easily chugged a bottle of Bacardi 151 and hopped feet-first into one of those giant leaf/tree shredding machines that the tree-cutters tow behind their trucks and thereby made sure that their final act was only THEIR final act... Personally, I hope that my family never again has to bury another child that was killed by a drunk.
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