Stanks Switch It Up In 2019

Highya VS,

SO is right!! You have a lot of ladies in your yard!! Some really nice strains that look so nice! They all look like I'd like to help you trim! Oh, and the Super Silver Haze is botrytis resistant. I'm wondering how much resistance.

We've had a great year for budrot so far. But, I'm going to spray with lactobacillus serum on Sunday hoping to decrease the amount when the humidity comes back on Monday and Tuesday. Hope you fare well! Happy Smokin'
Ahoy Bro,
Bye your leave,
I ask permission to put your StankBerry to task in a study I am conducting for Curtis Mathis. The purpose of the study will be to compare rosin yields per gram of cannabis in "rezinated" specimens under HPS and compare those results with rezinated specimens under their new FSLED grow lights. We anticipate publishing the rezination study late next year and it would be too cool if I was able to name your StankBerry strain from Stank Genetics line as our participant. It might put your picture right smack on the cover of the High Times and GQ if all goes well. Your call. :)

I already have some of your seed stock, but may may need to hit you up.
Where's the cup huh?? :rofl::adore::bravo: #stankwow

Hey Loweded, good to see ya bud! Hows things in your garden?

Did you think this many would make it through flower? Man there's a ton o pot there in your yard! :bravo: And I hope you got the Blueberry Muffin version of stankberry going, although I was looking forward to seeing you if mine is. Happy trimming soon:ganjamon:

I didn't know what to know what our weather can be like. Two years ago no one could grow anything outdoors with all the rain. Hell our house purchase was delayed for over a month because the rain was preventing the old owners from having the septic system replaced. This years been really dry and good weather with the exception of those three nights we had down in the low 30s and upper 20s. Thankfully there was no frost and they were fine. So to answer your I didn't expect this good of weather and thus this good of result. I am thankful for it though! At least until I'm in trim prison from them!
Highya VS,

SO is right!! You have a lot of ladies in your yard!! Some really nice strains that look so nice! They all look like I'd like to help you trim! Oh, and the Super Silver Haze is botrytis resistant. I'm wondering how much resistance.

We've had a great year for budrot so far. But, I'm going to spray with lactobacillus serum on Sunday hoping to decrease the amount when the humidity comes back on Monday and Tuesday. Hope you fare well! Happy Smokin'

Hey Bode, thanks for swinging through! So far the SSH hasn't had any boytris. Hasn't been much in the garden yet...three small spots, which were all after the last storms we had roll through. So far so good brother! I've got a target date that is quickly approaching for a few of these ladies. I need two more weeks from them. A few others will need a couple more or longer. I'll be keeping a keen eye on them daily going forward. Cheers brother, Hope your ladies continue to have stellar weather as well! Could be a great year for all up here!

Ahoy Bro,
Bye your leave,
I ask permission to put your StankBerry to task in a study I am conducting for Curtis Mathis. The purpose of the study will be to compare rosin yields per gram of cannabis in "rezinated" specimens under HPS and compare those results with rezinated specimens under their new FSLED grow lights. We anticipate publishing the rezination study late next year and it would be too cool if I was able to name your StankBerry strain from Stank Genetics line as our participant. It might put your picture right smack on the cover of the High Times and GQ if all goes well. Your call. :)

I already have some of your seed stock, but may may need to hit you up.

Hey Maritimer! Good to see ya.

Permission granted good sir, anything to lend a hand just let me know! I can assure you, this mug ain't going anywhere near GQ though :laugh:. Ms Stank's the only one who should be subjected to this furball mug, she's a masochist LOL!
Spent yesterday in trim jail again and followed it up by starting the morning there as well.

This was our victim.....she's a cut of what we call KA5H or Killer A5 Haze. Its the third harvest of her since we got the cut and she's a great one to have in the garden. She's a powerhouse cut, tested at 28% and she will get you going. She's a breeze to grow for a Sativa. Relatively no stretch to her and her branches just essentially become a long branch of buds. She's a bit long on the flowering time, but letting her go 80-85 is well worth it. She's a cut I intend to incorporate into to some breeding plans going forward for some new strains.:yahoo:

Anyhow.....she got butchered good, washed and hung to dry.

And I know its been a bit since I posted any Cooper pics, and to make sure I keep the eye the sky happy I threw in a cannabis plant to keep it 'on subject' LOL. He's my canna guard dog, waiting to find someone to lick and chew on.

Oh and on a closing note, I went to the grow store this week and picked up a new pair of trimmers. Normally I just grab Fiskars, but I asked my dude at the store if he would recommend a pair for me as I needed another pair or two. He pointed to a pair of red trimmers and said "you can thank me later". I kind of scoffed at the price tag initially but when I asked how many pairs he goes through a year and he replied "one.....I'm still using the same one I bought two years ago"

Well that did it. I grabbed em and used when I trimmed the KA5H and all I can say is wow. I would have never thought there could be that much of a difference in a pair of hand trimmers but there is. I'll never waste my money on Fiskars again. If you are needing some new trimmers or are unhappy with yours, give the brand Chikamasa a try. The spring on this pair of trimmers is so smooth! And they cut through branches that used to give my fiskars trouble. You guys can thank me later!:Rasta:
Hey Loweded, good to see ya bud! Hows things in your garden?

I didn't know what to know what our weather can be like. Two years ago no one could grow anything outdoors with all the rain. Hell our house purchase was delayed for over a month because the rain was preventing the old owners from having the septic system replaced. This years been really dry and good weather with the exception of those three nights we had down in the low 30s and upper 20s. Thankfully there was no frost and they were fine. So to answer your I didn't expect this good of weather and thus this good of result. I am thankful for it though! At least until I'm in trim prison from them!
You'll be in trim jail for a while. At least you know where you will be for a while. Oh the irony!
You'll be in trim jail for a while. At least you know where you will be for a while. Oh the irony!

Yes indeed, I go back in there tomorrow for the Green Crack. I should just move into jail for the next 3 weeks.

Chikamasa = Japanese
Good find Van. They can and do make a good blade there as you know.

You know its funny. I looked at the package after I used the trimmers on the KA5H and I said "Oh, that's why". Ms Stank asked what I meant. I told her "the trimmers are made in Japan, thats why they are so good"

T550 model?, and does it have a torsion spring?...cheerz... :high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...

I believe thats the model, the spring is in the picture.....its also got a little black latch to keep the scissors closed. I threw the packaging away. I just know that I absolutely LOVE them!!
Took a few more pics of the Sour Cherries and the Jack today while I was doing some work on them. Had to break out the ladder just to get a decent shot....they are both just too wide to get in the screen without one.

I was very surprised at the denseness of the Jack, she is much harder than I expected. She's got a lemony fuel smell to her. I did find a few small spot of powdery mildew on a few of her bigger fan leaves. I will do some spraying on her tomorrow.

And here is the big girl. She's shedding her fan leaves real quick the last week. Trimming her is going to be a breeze at this rate. October 10th is her scheduled execution

Looks like the good weather will be coming to an end tomorrow. Its been a while since we had rain and the forecast is showing rain for the next 4 days. Not really what I wanted here near the end but not much we can do.

Back into trim prison tomorrow.....the Green Crack will be coming down as well we will be snipping the KA5H from branches and getting her into jars.
You should consider buying shares of stock in a Mason Jar company.
You know.....i have thought about that. I'm actually switching to food grade 5 gallon buckets in conjunction with roaster bags. I think they will work better for me lol.
Nice, Bro! :welldone:

Is that a pineapple plant on the deck railing? You might need to put that in one of your tents soon! ;)
Good is a pineapple plant. Its like 4 years old and still hasn't flowered LOL. I'm guessing its probably not going to.....but it was fun to grow.
Good is a pineapple plant. Its like 4 years old and still hasn't flowered LOL. I'm guessing its probably not going to.....but it was fun to grow.
Even in the right climate, they can take a couple of years to flower, depending on where on the plant the cutting came from. I'm guessing you grew out a top?
I do the same! Stores a good amount for the long haul! I had to chop a CBD lady due to the shift in humid weather. At least, the humid weather held off longer than usual!! Happy Smokin'
I use that combo. Works fine for a long time.

Yeah thats what a lot of the commercial farmers do. Much easier to open a 5 gallon bucket than 15 jars LOL.

I do the same! Stores a good amount for the long haul! I had to chop a CBD lady due to the shift in humid weather. At least, the humid weather held off longer than usual!! Happy Smokin'

I am nervous with this weather rolling through. We are forecasted to get 3-4 inches of rain in the next 2-3 days with some cooler temps to follow. Not a great combo at all for finishing time. Was really hoping to get to October 10th before needing to chop. Guess we will let it ride as long as we can!!
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