Stanks Switch It Up In 2019

Highya SO,

Today, I'm chopping my CBD lady. She started the budrot thing yesterday. I still have 4 sativa ladies out there surviving. But, I have plenty of buckets, lol! Happy Smokin'
Morning 420!!

Been a busy stretch in prison. Been chopping 2 plants a day for the last couple days and we have another 2 scheduled for today. Yesterday we took down the BCP (Neiko's Cut) and the small outdoor DTF. Got em all washed, hung and drying and we're about to start over again today with an 8-Ball Kush from Barneys and a small BCP. We might also start prepping some of the outdoor girls for this weekend or next. The 8-Ball Kush is the last indoor girl that is anywhere close to harvest.....the others are either in veg or have more than 30 days left in flower.

Here are a couple shots I took of the DTF. She was grown in a 5 gallon pot outdoors and the yield will be very good for that size container.

I didn't get any pics of the BCP before chopping her, but she smells absolutely amazing. She ended up going 64 days indoors for flower. The other cut of BCP runs about 55. Both are top notch cuts in my opinion, but not sure which one I will keep around. Neiko's cut seems to yield a bit better, but the new cut flowers faster and is easier to trim. Hmmmm....which one to keep :hmmmm:

I'll try to get more pics of the girls I'm chopping today.
Quick update for today.......I chopped the 8 Ball Kush from Barneys Farm. She went 65 days and she was a beast in a 5 gallon. I did manage to snap a few pics of her in her harvest glory.

When I moved her outside.....she had a few of her colas flop over and snap. I guess that she was really ready for the axe!

She was very chunk and sticky!!

All in all, she gave us 830 grams wet. Doing a quick conversion on that, she should end up giving us somewhere in the 175-180 grams dried range. I'll take that all day long from a 5 gallon. She smells amazing!! Now pardon me, while I smoke and get back to harvesting the next one!
Highya VS,

Love all the pictures! Tis the harvest season. I still have a couple ATF's surviving outdoors. I'm hoping the weather will hold enough for them to finish.
She was very chunk and sticky!!
Don't you love those!?! I cut 2 down similar to that because I couldn't stand losing a bud to botrytis. Gorgeous stuff. Nice job, VS! Happy Smokin'
Highya VS,

Love all the pictures! Tis the harvest season. I still have a couple ATF's surviving outdoors. I'm hoping the weather will hold enough for them to finish.

Don't you love those!?! I cut 2 down similar to that because I couldn't stand losing a bud to botrytis. Gorgeous stuff. Nice job, VS! Happy Smokin'
Hey Bode!

I do love them! Chunky and solid is best.

I started seeing more bud rot while we were harvesting yesterday. Weather is definitely turning unfavorable now.....just gotta get em down before its too late!
Morning 420!!

Been a busy stretch in prison. Been chopping 2 plants a day for the last couple days and we have another 2 scheduled for today. Yesterday we took down the BCP (Neiko's Cut) and the small outdoor DTF. Got em all washed, hung and drying and we're about to start over again today with an 8-Ball Kush from Barneys and a small BCP. We might also start prepping some of the outdoor girls for this weekend or next. The 8-Ball Kush is the last indoor girl that is anywhere close to harvest.....the others are either in veg or have more than 30 days left in flower.

Here are a couple shots I took of the DTF. She was grown in a 5 gallon pot outdoors and the yield will be very good for that size container.

I didn't get any pics of the BCP before chopping her, but she smells absolutely amazing. She ended up going 64 days indoors for flower. The other cut of BCP runs about 55. Both are top notch cuts in my opinion, but not sure which one I will keep around. Neiko's cut seems to yield a bit better, but the new cut flowers faster and is easier to trim. Hmmmm....which one to keep :hmmmm:

I'll try to get more pics of the girls I'm chopping today.
That’s beautiful. :adore:
Whats going on guys and gals? Man oh man, what a day yesterday. Yesterday started the real beginning of the outdoor harvest season and what a day it was.

We kicked it off about 7:30am with setting everything up. Was a very chilly start to the day with the temps sitting in the mid to upper 30s. Reinforcements arrived a bit after 8am and we put a hell of a charge into it. We trimmed up the big DTF, the Stankberry, the Sour Pineapple and the Sour Cherries. Of course I didn't take nearly enough pics of the process but we did grab a few along the way.

I can confirm that the Stankberry is in fact a Blueberry muffin leaning she was so stinky during the trim and was. That Sour Cherries was incredibly dank as well. We didn't find a lot of bud rot during this process so I think we started the harvest process right at the correct time. The weather is not looking good over the next week so I'm glad we got as much done as we did, but what can ya do.

The DTF and the Sour Pineapple had the chunkiest of the colas of this group, while the Stankberry and Sour Cherries were the densest and stinkiest of the plants. I will say this....the basement smells incredible! :yahoo:

This was a little of the carnage left over.....



Sour Pineapple

Sour Cherries

And imagine the smells!!

:thumb: You sure made quick work on those beauties. Congratulations on a fine harvest.
I can't take credit for all the work. I had @FutRfarmer come over and lend a huge helping hand and I had an old Marine buddy swing by to help and learn a little bit as well. I will say this.....misery loves company and it was much better doing this with friends than doing it alone.

We put in a good 10 hours of work. We gonna repeat the process next weekend!
May you tap into superhuman strength for the duration Van! Nice going. And you got your Blueberry Muffin back yes? I won't save the extra cuts then if mine are too then. I think it is, it doesn't smell strong alive compared to the others, but when I work on the plant my arm comes out blueberry so I'm almost sure. Happiness is a full hangline! Keep adding!
May you tap into superhuman strength for the duration Van! Nice going. And you got your Blueberry Muffin back yes? I won't save the extra cuts then if mine are too then. I think it is, it doesn't smell strong alive compared to the others, but when I work on the plant my arm comes out blueberry so I'm almost sure. Happiness is a full hangline! Keep adding!
Don't ditch them case I am not happy with the smoke. Its certainly reeking of blueberries and sticky as all hell so this one is extremely promising. I should be able to confirm for you within a week (gotta let a tester dry so I can try it)
Don't ditch them case I am not happy with the smoke. Its certainly reeking of blueberries and sticky as all hell so this one is extremely promising. I should be able to confirm for you within a week (gotta let a tester dry so I can try it)
Take your time. I need to test it myself. 60 days from flip today so it's near but not quite yet. I can tell she's got density over the others I've grown, I remember you mentioning that as a sign. I'm psyched I don't mind telling you! I'm a little early but have started learning bonsai mothers and she's the first in.
Alright guys, I gotta get my ass moving and back to removing leaves off the next batch that is going to get chopped. See you guys in oh.....lets say a week LOL. Just kidding.....its an easy day for me today, we're only going to 6 hours of trimming today. I'd much rather sit here and chat with you guys all day but we have cold and rain in 2 of the next 3 days so I gotta get rolling.

I will likely be snipping buds of branches of the semi dried girls after the sun goes down.
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