TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage 1

Hey all, Ive got two more days of work. I really hurt my hand yesterday, and am struggling a bit.

The gils are all suffering. Even hashy just shown major signs of phos def.

THe pot mix is now ready. They got an in between seasol to lift them, which is has, but they're all in bad shape.

I'm attempting a re-pot before work this morning. I've had to

Damn hands, sorry just can't type any more.

I see three dimensions
you see only two
I see all colors of the rainbow
you see only blue

I see the heart behind a deed
you see only a deed
I see the flower on a nettle
you see just a weed.

I see the glow around a light
you see only light
I see magic in the night time
you see only night.

I see love in an old man’s eyes
you see just old age
I see pain behind the anger
you see only rage.

As my vision keeps improving,
my horizon clears
You see comfort and convenience
I see, through my tears,

one small thing right by your side,
that I don’t want to see.
It’s been there way too long.
And that thing is — me!

That's awesome poem, thanks for sharing that Shawnee...the ending is what I was wondering as I was reading... Some people/artist have amazing conception or understanding...
Grizz, you are a good man, that is obvious in your caring and kind words for our friend. It is hard to stand by, be so far away, and attempt to comfort a person's physical and mental pain. Most times words escape me, I don't know what to say, so instead of saying nothing, I seek to bust out into song or quote anothers already written word to describe what it is that I want to communicate.

I made it bold cauz it's been a whiles....


I've been cooking some soil for a week or so.

The mix is SeaGreens Premium Potting mix 30l x 2
Humus plus organic compost 25l x 1
Propagating sand 5l x 2
Perlite 5l x 2
Peat Moss 15l x 1
Vermiculite 5l x 1
Coffee Grounds 500ml
Dried banana peels ground 250ml
(250ml of dried and ground banana peels is about 25 banana's!)
A dusting of blood and bone.

The first half I did tonight...it almost did the flower room...just a top up on a couple of pots when I mix up the other half.


All mixed through it's much more open and friable than the previous mix.


Looking at O2 here, the roots are small, and it seams the soil has clogged up, not draining properly. As I did the others they were all much the same...could have had a considerable impact! :)



Each girl got a new home and 7+ litres of PH'd water each....about 5L before anything came out the bottom.


The previously repotted girl got a very light feed, she's got deficiencies coming through now too...looks like I'm going to have to go non-organic fix, as I'm tired of this now.



The veg cab is still in a bad way. Repot tomorrow arvo hopefully.

It's 840pm...I've just got home, left at 630am this morning...I'm tired. I hope you enjoy!


It'll give them a lift mate, that's for sure.

Hey buddy, thanks. I'm trying. I'm not really achieving what I normally would so the job is dragging a bit...a lot, but I'm almost done, and just in time too, get's installed on Tuesday next week, so I'm cutting it fine :)...like usual.

Hope you're well mate, I'll be scooting by on the weekend, hope to catch up with you then :)
I don't know how you do it mate, my hands & arms are relatively pain free as I don't do anything to aggravate them. I can't think of anything worse than going back into construction work, I don't want to feel the pain & helplessness again.
I reakon it has something to do with this...

A very generous Ounce for $100. It's hashies mum and siblings...popcorn buds...

Now it's not mind blowing, but...it's definately numbing, and a more than reasonable stone...I've had worse @$60 a Q...so $100/Oz is awesome!

I really need to get moving, but am baulking. I'm tired and sore...it's 535am...bugger...I'm ok :D just whinging :)

Another wake n bake l fix it...maybe :)

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