TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage 1

:wood:Tassie are you home.....?
Hey all, got no internet, still moving, finished the job! :)

Umm, I'm ok, not good, but ok. I seem to only be quite negative at the moment, so staying away a bit to settle out, finish moving my house stuff and get settled and all that.

Girls are...well, can't get cal mag down here anywhere. Epsom salts ie Mag only. Treated both led and cfl...well, cfl girls who have no nutrients in the soil what so ever...loved it...


LED girls, well still on the downhill slide.


The only difference was the water source...two different house tanks, and the lighting source.

Still struggling....

OH BM power supplies arrived!!!!! :) :)


I'm gunna attempt to get 60l of water to the new house from the old house, and water with that, just to see what happens.

I need to get something flowering guy's desperately.

I've got three types of seed now...Long legs, Orange, and High CBD...whatever they are's....12/12 from seed three varieties under BM and MarsII comparison, but...damn I need someone that can tell me what the hell I gotta do with the rest, and is the soil, my nutes etc, gunna be able to make that happen or that gunna be a stuff up too.....

If I can, there's the opp for one or two outside...well late in season, but there's still 4 weeks of summer....

Or....Or...Or....remembering sleeslack skunk, WW and PineChunk, but...if I dont have the soil or PHing going, I"m gunna kill all that too, so, just a bit stuck for WTF to do next

ANy idea's?

sorry, but I gotta go

Peace out, Hugs, :circle-of-love:
I am happy to see you around buddy......was getting a little worried, but i understand my friend.......dont let the negativity take over Tas.....i have been there and it is a terrible place as you well know......if you need to vent then vent.....dont bottle it up......we can take it:).....i wish i could be some help to you and the issues you are having but i dont have the experience:(......just remember you have a community of people here who are your friends and love you bro:).....if you need a post to lean on just let us knnow:):circle-of-love:
Buddy, glad the power packs turned up finally :)
When you speak of dropping more beans and flowering em out. You will be fine! Just give em enough medium to spread their feet. Your girls that have suffered have been due to the combination of getting root bound and PH. One will directly effect the other.
So with good soil in large enough pots your next wave should flourish! Soil is very forgiving on PH normally, also remember we over complicate all this! :)
Give em good soil water and light and you will get product! My PH meter is no more! All I'm doing is making my mix up by guessing lol. I know roughly hhow much lemon juice to add to get my norm PH. Going back to basics is actually fun! :)

Anyway were all here for ya buddy! I can't wait to see your reaction once you have gotten the clusters going! I think it might put a smile on ya mush :)
Much love from me and K
Hey all, Hey LA & Mrs :)

Oh gosh I hope so LA! :)

I'm only here for 10 mins then have to go again.

So, a few realisations about what or who or whatever I am have sorta lead me to the conclusion that maybe this all is my fault. It's been a bit of a hit, and it's knocking me around mentally. I understand it's not always how it appears, but ...oh look I"m ok, just not in a good enough place to do much other than what I'm doing.

I've still no bill for freight LA...I've a little extra cash ...sorta... at the moment, if Paul wants his money he better take it now, before someone else get's it, or I spend it on stuff for the room :) ......

Time to go lovely ones.

Have a good...arvo...night...hugs, talk soon :)
I am happy to see you around buddy......was getting a little worried, but i understand my friend.......dont let the negativity take over Tas.....i have been there and it is a terrible place as you well know......if you need to vent then vent.....dont bottle it up......we can take it:).....i wish i could be some help to you and the issues you are having but i dont have the experience:(......just remember you have a community of people here who are your friends and love you bro:).....if you need a post to lean on just let us knnow:):circle-of-love:

My next nomination for MotM...
Hey all,

I'm ...I dont know how to answer is as best as I can say. I'm..no I tried again and cant really tell whether I'm Arthur or Marther at the moment.

Got CMX calmag today and everyone has just had a drink. 1ml per litre or water is the recommended dose. I made 5l and eight plants got 500ml each. Tomorrow morning I'll check again and we'll see if it's made a difference.

I've got a new plan with rescuing these girls, but honest havent got the motivation to go through the motions of doing it.

No pot for 3 days...oh that's right I'm not allowed to call it that... meds ontop of everything else and I'm not able to do much except sleep, well lie in bed with my eyes closed...and I find that very hard to do.

I fall apart everytime I'm back here, so probably need more than ever to get out.

I told my dad last night...the past 35 years he has no idea about. It was ok, I had to hold back getting angry, it wouldn't be fair to hit him with all of what I did, and then start getting angry and blaming on top...guess what, that is my protective side, I can't hurt someone else by telling them what I think or feel, it wouldn't be fair, so instead I take it on board...I'm big enough so it's of no consequence, it's just this big boy is now full of all of that, and it's spilling over.

So, he got years 3 to 12 last night, we have 12-15 then 16-18 then 21-27, 28-34, 35-40 to go on with. He's got the gist of where I am now.

I told him word for word memories from 3, 4 5 7 9.... he'd forgotten, he couldn't believe it.

He's offered to help in any way he can. I don't believe him. I don't need help, I doubt it's fixable now.

What I do need though, is to work out how to keep my kids from getting fucked up over all of this, that's what I need, not me, I don't care, it's not important, but those two, they ARE important, and they don't need to suffer because of me, so I think that's what I'll be agreeing to with him, he can help, but it's about ensureing I'm capable of being a reasonable father, it's not about me per se, I'm not interested.

I'm not a father of an adult child, so I guess I'm asking those who are...if your son or daughter said no, don't do it for me, do it for them, would you? or would you ignore that and continue to try to help in way's that haven't been asked of you. Would you think that it was a ridiculous request

I'm sorry but I'm trying to get the perspective of my father by proxy.

Hope your all well :)
:circle-of-love:I havent read through properly but it sounds like you got some stuff going on Tassie friend:smokin:
How has the grow been a growing :high-five:and great to see you finally got the power packs from BM :thumb:wait till ya check them out:bravo:
Do ya have a light metre? With that you can see how how much light all the girls are getting :thumb:Hope that your day goes very very well.
Hey mate, I'm hoping that's the case, it's probably all I've got to give them.

Ok, so the calmag is working a treat on the CFL girls...I picked one fully bleached but alive leaf on each plant to watch for changes from and the leaves within 2 hours started changing colour and for the most part are all on their way back to green.

LED girls, well I dunno, maybe there has been an improvement, but I need more time to see definite changes. None of the LED girls are drinking at all, which makes the absorbtion of nutrients impossible and the pots aren't drying out in between...don't tell me I over water it's been 10 days since those girls got anything....the pots were drying, but not as such ready for watering, but they needed the calmag so I have to run with it and see.

The calmag bottle says every 7-14 days for adding to water or nutrients. I'll have to wait until the pots dry some before the next round, but maybe they need another dose as they're so damn deficient, any thoughts?

Also, I reakon the peat moss is holding too much water. This soil mix just doesnt seem to dry out, which also makes me think the change in formula isn't working...they never picked up from the repot.

Best I can think of is cloning to go 12/12 plus seeds 12/12 and piss all these plants off.

Any thoughts?

Sorry I'm drilling you all for info, but haven't been around to your journals, and for that I'm sorry, I'm hoping I can change that this morning a little and show you all I'm still here and interested in you. :)

ANyone know of a journal here, I guess sweatleaf is the one I can think of, that has an organic soil based grow that is working well?

I think I need to model someone elses grow and get a result, as it's make or break time, I can't continue to invest time and money in this without even a cup of tea out of it...no wait I lie, I made 3 cups of tea out of leaves....so I'm at the wall like we all are, and unfortunately I have a habit of completely dropping things that don't work, we're at that point now, it seems to be no longer worth the effort.

Sorry negativity coming out again, I can' see through the fog at the moment to see the light house, and I'm just smashing against the rocks at every moment. It will get better, I just got to ride the swell and hope the ship doesn't get too broken up in the mean time.

Coming round now for a look at what you all been up to. :)
Buddy were all here with ya! We all have our moments when this hobby tests us. Unfortunately this is during a period whilst life is already testing you.This clearly sucks and must aamplify things etc. Just know were all here and happy to help with what we can!
Now as for your girls, glad the cfl girls are coming along. With the idea of scrapping the LED lot that's your call. If the mix with the peat moss ai t draining and your plants ai t drinking then root issues are a big bugger to come back from....
If you have other beans or can clone then get em going!!!! Just simple soil from any garden place and some perlite and your golden! (Cheap and easy) you already have calmag and have the led tech! Basically all you need to get your crop :)
Just simplify things my man!
If your set on soils etc then check PJ and his soil, I think BAR and Dennise are trying it!
Personally I'd honestly just go simple and get yourself some meds asap.
We need you with your garden to be in a better place. Your not aloud to chuck it in lol. We care to much to let you go anywhere ya big dope!!! :)

Much much love from me a K
Thanks LA, big tears, big hating on you for liking me. I can't stand it, it goes against everything I believe....

And that's ok, because I think that's what I need, I'm desperate for validation and for some reason I can't do that for myself at the moment. I still don't like it, it hit's me hard, but honest, I've just never heard it before like I hear it here and it knocks me about something shocking, you're all still behind me, and I don't understand why when in my experience everyone leaves and no-one is still standing beside me. I'm sorry I'm not used to it and I'm struggling to understand it

That's what I need too mate, there's too much going on, and I just need a break from it all...I need a win, something just one thing to go right.

Ok PJ, I'll check it out.

I got some advice on soil from somewhere, the past couple of days...look my memory for the past week is all over the show, I think it was the guy who's got hashies mother, and he told me the brand....very basic soil....He said he'll have something for me by lunchtime...I'll confirm with him them.

That's where I'm at LA, I think I'm over complicating something which I've never complicated before. Indoor is new, plus now I'm desperate, which means I'm making decisions and actions that may not be appropriate.

I dont know I'm convinced on soil for indoor. It has it's benefits, but considering the life cycle of the plant indoor is much shorter than out, and there maybe a buffer with soil, but its no where near the buffer of an outdoor plant in the ground.

I'm sorry I will be dependant on you all for a little. You all have been the only reason in the last 12 months I've smiled....I can't even look at my children without hideous amounts of guilt, shame and blame thrown my way, so I struggle to enjoy their company...which is plainly ridiculous....yesterday we just sat for an hour in the little sun their was, and I tought my daughter how to be a mother chicken.

They're now living is a cabin on a property where the owner lives. She's got chooks. One baby was being pecked to death, my daughter rescued it...daddy's girl....she's managed to keep a very sick little chicken alive and relatively happy for two weeks...good for her. So we made a dustbath, took our shoes off walked around and scratched up the ground a bit with our toes....that little 6" chicken is fast to get to the scratchings, I almost trod on her a couple of times.
But, at the end of the hour, Amelia, Cas and I were all being followed around by this little chicken, then she fell asleep in Amelia's hands.....it's a silly story, but I managed to stay calm, focussed and just with them for the whole time....it was a new experience for me just to sit and be without needing to do anything particular....balled like a little girl when I had to leave though...it's just the way of things....

Amelia started to tear up when she saw me, and I could only say to her I don't like leaving her and Cas, and I'd try to be happier for next time, I think she accepted it, but that little girl has got bigger things on her mind, and I believe that she believe's it's her responsibility to make me happy...and she blames herself when I'm not, that's my interpretation of the way we interact.
So this is what I'm talking about, just keep me here enough for long enough to ensure they're all ok, that's all I want. If something more or better than that happens, then it's a bonus, I just don't want them to take on what I should have or could have done something about a long time ago, they don't deserve it.

I'm sorry half of what I say is so bloody miserable, I say it cause I want another opinion, I can only see my own at the moment, and it's not very pretty, so I'm looking for a way to view things that keeps me here.

I'm working on it.

Keep talking to me like that LA, I take orders well, I just need someone loud enough and strong enough to bark them at me.

Keep it up.

miss you all terribly. :)


The plants you have that aren't drinking, pop them out of their pots so you can see the roots. As LA says, root issues can be impossible to pull back from. If the roots look fine then you have a lock out of something so you need to flush. To try & aid your roots, remove the pot, poke holes into your soil with a fork/knitting needle/welding rod, whatever you have to hand & leave out of the pot for a couple of days. Try & shield them from light but let oxygen get to them. Hopefully this will kick start some fluid uptake :)
Buddy! Hmmmm
Now I know personally how much it hurts letting your child go repeatedly. I myself have a boy that I haven't seen in in over 15yrs. (Not my choice!!!!)
I brought him up for the first part of his life solo as his mom had post natal depression BAD!! Then one day she got better and simply left. Then after being part time dad for a while, she found a new bloke. I was not aloud to see him anymore.
So I've been the dad who was fulltime, the part time weekend dad and then finally a farther without a child!

So your situation is simple! Your kids clearly adore you and you them! You seem set not to repeat the past and let your issues touch their lives where possible. As it sounds some of your distant history via family etc may have hit you hard in the long-term.

So you have more than some brother and you live in a sunny part of the world! Not drab Blighty lol. You have the best cheer squad around and one lot of people just rooting for you simply because you good people yourself Mr Tassie!

So as said get some light airy well draining soil mix sorted and then plant ya clones or beans!!!
Then wire them BMs up and use the better tech!!! Don't half ass it chuck it all in and go for gold buddy! Were here and have your back!
Hell its what makes 420 the place it is, your family and we look after our own! :) :)
Right skunny, no worries.

I always wondered if you could take em out of the pots...darkness with oxygen is going to be tricky, but ok, got a few idea's on that....damn how am I going to get 20 pounds of plant and soil outta the pot in one piece....

I've seen some root growing stuff....stupid explanation....nutrient mixes designed to aid root development. Will have a look at it all and give it a go...

Seeing as how I've bought a digital PH and tds meter...coming....and the CMX...do you see despite me saying I'll chuck it all in, I am still trying...it's the whingy bitchy angry part of me that wants to chuck it all in all the time...and it's all bull fluff words....it's frustration at everything stuffing around with my ability to do any bloody thing, and giving in is the easy solution, and frankly I'm tired of the hard solutions, I just want one easy thing to work,....

Wishful thinking.

Anyway's will give it a go.

I gotta drive home to make a bloody coffee. I've got about 5 hours of pacing and pain before the man calls....I'm tired of being subject to the will and timing of dealers and growers, let alone the ridiculous expense.

Thanks for hanging in there guys, you got no idea what it means to me.

When I cross the equator in the next couple of years, you all better look out, cause I'm planning on visiting and gunna hug the life outta ya's.

OH LA, I'm sorry, I knew some of it, we've talked about it before, but not quite the whole thing.

You've had to adjust to a lot of letting go mate...that feels very ugly to me.

I can think about all I've got all I like LA, and I do remind myself just how lucky I am to live in Australia, let alone anything else, and I do need to be happy with simpler pleasures...I'm trying mate.

I often miss the present, and the possibilities it holds because I'm so damn focussed on the future, and fending off future threats...its PTSD fear of the unknown coming out, I prepare for every future possibility, but forget to live in the present, for fear of the future....it's a hideous cycle I'm trying to stop, and for the most part had, it's just been stirred up with recent events.

I dunno that when I started with the little cab, now moved to a whole room with tents....I love going big LA, it's the only way! :)

So again, chuck it in...no I"m whinging...venting I guess...it's more a question....should I chuck it in or continue or what...i just can't think my way through it at the moment.

I'm still waiting for signs from the LED girls that they're recovering. I'll take on Skunny's suggestion to work on the roots.

THe current soil mix is going to be scrapped. I'd already decided this. I didn't mix the second batch, so still have 60L of base product in their respective bags.

But the seagreens may be too hot over all, I think the peat moss holds too much water to be terribly good in this situation...or my ratio is wrong...too much....I think the cloning and the seeds are possibly the way to go, whilst I attempt to recover the other ladies.

I don't want to put clones or seeds in this media and get the same result, so I will have to reconsider this before the next move.
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