TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage 1

Buddy rejoice in the now and the simple stuff , all else Is smoke my friend! Life can be fleeting and testing and a royal pain in the ass ! Yet we keep on truckin lol, we keep on a growin :)
You have the skills you have the ingredients and technology and a bunch of friends here for you anytime! :)

Check roots, agitate with something, leave a day or so , assess and then make the call! (Tassie has the ball) :)
Hey GD, glad you're up and about mate, no worries there's not much going on here :)

Alright, so as I can make it better or easier for you all to see where I'm at, I've been home to make a coffee (notice how that's the first time I said home, not...the new house...interesting) and have a look at the ladies.



This is LL1, the leaf in the shot is 24 hours after Calmag...no wait about 20 hours after calmag...the leaf was bleached white with a pale purple veins before the calmag. It along with the others are all filling with green :) :) :)






O3 from the LED tent


LED tent



I'm going to use this shot as the shot for noticing change in the LED tent. If I remember properly, most of the leaves that are now greening were bleached white yesterday, so I believe we have some sort of good thing going on in the LED tent.



She got the repot first as a test, exploded and then failed...I guess it was the lack of calcium and magnesium...we will see.


You're supposed to see roots here, damn hands, but already she's bottomed out, so that also may have something to do with it.


So folks, I've got a couple hours before meds.

I just had a visit from the family....who was it...ColorfulDayze....miss you mate...who loved blackberries...well the first are out and they were picking.

My son lost his gumboot at the beach the other day, it washed out to see so to speak. This morning he was very upset about it...he's got new ones, but wants the old ones back.

Unfortunately my dad was into teaching lessons, the hard way. It has lead me to do the same, and I started just a few words of what I always heard from my dad...well if you looked after your stuff and took responsibility for it, you wouldn't have lost it..... I'm sorry kiddies.

I saw the look on his face as I consoled him and tried to tell him it was all good cause he had new ones, and then I started to make it into a lesson.

I stopped and said, mate it doesn't matter what daddy thinks, it's what you think that matters. I'm sorry you lost you're boots and can't get them back. If you're angry mate, that's ok, you're allowed. If you're upset mate, that's ok, because you are allowed. Daddy will stop talking now. I put my hand on his knee. He didn't say anything, still his angry face..(my angry face) I then waited....I've never done this before, never had the presence of mind to not make it into a lesson, to just be there and sympathise...the opposite of my dad.

It worked well both for me and him. I wasn't angry or disappointed, he didn't get upset with me. In the end I said mate, if you're still angry when you get home, ask mummy to call me, and you can get angry with me and call me a poo head.....smiles, and giggles and many poo heads my way :)

I'm proud of myself....shit that's hard to say...I handle myself very well, I was honest sincere and just there for my little 3 year old, and it was obvious that was all he needed. Also, I took a new tact, not about lessons and seriousness...losing a boot is such a small thing to me, but a big thing to him...I didn't react or over react, I allowed him to be, gave him the opportunity to see he was allowed to feel upset about it, but then redirected his anger into humour and put it on me, instead of him...the opposite of my dad....it's a big change...really big change....I made my boy smile when he was angry....I've never been able to do that before now :)

Love you mate. :)
Ok, so just a little update,

Everyone is in growth mode. Some sort of recovery. I cleaned up all the dead foliage yesterday to allow more light to the new stuff.

There may still be signs of deficiencies or uptake issues so I will still go ahead with some sort of root recovery program....damn that sounds good :)

But today is my daughters first day of school, so it's that, and then a little job for some folding, and then maybe today I'll get the chance to play with un-potting some of the girls and seeing what's happening.

Some are in fact just starting to drink, so I'm a little hesitant to go in too quick or too hard, but I think I can at least have a look and get a feel for what's going on.

I'm soon to go and start my day so, I wish you all well, thanks for your support lately...I am feeling better and I'd have to say that's due in no small part to the people and their support here @ 420....you know who you are :)


Great story aobut your son and his boots bro.....way to go.....i never learned that with my boys.....dad was very strict with me and didnt put up with crying or pouting......like you everything was a lesson to me.....not in a bad way either......my dad was one hell of a man and taught me a lot....a shit ton......but he also had a harshness to him.....never lasted long but did come out fairly often......my boys caught some of that from me......the only difference between how i did it and my dad did it was i took the time to explain my position to them:).....in fact both of them will tell you that it was much worse listening to me lecture for an hoour then to just ground them for a week:)lol......i am proud of you for just being there for him....now that i am older and they are grown i look back and wish i had seen somme of the things that i dont agree with now:)....but that being said.....my boys and i and of course LB are tight as can be...in fact LB is thier step mother but they consider her thier real mother.......show them love and they will show love back whether it is tough love or not so much:)....sorry for the mini rant:)Lol
Hi Tassie, great story about your son, what a nice moment for the 2 of you and you were conscious enough to be in the moment at the time. Your new grow room looks great, I love those slotted wood benches, very horticultural and professional looking. You have really transitioned, I know change is hard, been there done that, but give yourself a slap on the back and I will give you a hug.
Good on ya mate :) every step helps.... Your still teaching, still giving lessons, just now there more personal, spiritual for lack of better word, than materialistic... What he can learn through this approach can only make him healthier in all aspects of his life. Knowing what he feels is real and life goes on... It seems like it's an approach to allow him to deal with it and not dwell on all the negatives associated with it...
Hope she enjoys her first day of school....
Look after your self mate.. Peace
Hey Tassie, hope the world looks beautiful through your eyes today.
Hey, hugs, kisses and misses to you all. :)

Just stuff, just lots of stuff as usual. Quick of quickness and hitnessess to you....god knows what all the alliteration and assonance is eh?

I'm putting the girls through their paces.

Prepping soil and additives and nutes.

All are progressing slowly, and maybe I've seen a slowdown just yesterday...it's only been 4 days since the calmag.

OMG....what have I done....


Base Mix - cheep non organic own brand soil mix 25L : 5L Compost : 5L Perlite


Base mix split in half to make a hot top dressing with Trace Elements and more Blood and bone
Same ratio, double the blood and bone, and double the trace elements. This will be spread...you'll see :) as a 1" layer on the recovering girls and watered in with the CalMag and also a Liquid Phosphorus.



That's you're lot for now...I'm still here ok, don't give up on me yet, I still need yous around :)

It's all good, got some good work going on in me brain box, so, just keep visiting eh, it lift's me spirits heaps when you've left a note despite me not being round your ways much.

Wow, Tassie, go big or go home, eh? You're rockin' it!
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