TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage 1

Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

Yes sorry, I wasn't meaning to...

I'm glad she's around too mate :)

And yes, the style I'm kinda keen on in many ways....it's refreshing, challenging, a little naughty, well a lot naughy, but honest and sincere.


My wrist hurts...and it's not from that either..I'm left handed..and it's the right that hurts...oh ...did I say that...damn am I in my journal..yep, ok...

typing, I've done a lot the last week and the wrist is efkucked.
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

...beautifully describe...in scary detail :)

you should see it from this side of the ocular orbs.

Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

Tassie, you are like all 3 stooges linked together....I cannot stop laughing no, not at you, but the way you write...with you...you have a gift, I cannot stress enough yet you ignore me...I swear...audience..c'mon.....
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

oh now more to your point Shawnee...

LB has a unique perspective. She has and holds...well someone somewhat in many way's like me.

She has to put up with, and does so mostly :) unquestionably with someone who as times like me is very hard to understand.

And she, with much patience, love and compassion , and in her way with a very open (legs..ahem)...heart :) has the capacity to extend that same to others just as unquestioningly, so yep.... priceless :)


sorry LB, I could just have so much, well did have so much fun with that, hoping you know it all comes from the heart :).

Really shouldve shifted my shit to the other journal...anyways.

Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

:rofl::rofl: holy shit tassie, an epic share and a shout out to LB, my new hero....I am a feminist, I cannot tell a lie....but you have some 'sperience' girlfriend....do tell...your wicked NC southern ways beg to differ...and I'm all ears....
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

C'mon LB, bring it on :)

Hey thanks for that Shawnee.

I need someone to type for me, and sit with me for six months...there would be a couple of books...

nah nah not kidding...see I dunno if you've seen me write...I lived like this double life...like for 20 odd years....I could write two separate books...you read both, both me, both true, both...very different, and then the whole story comes together in you're head...and then...I dunno maybe you're head explodes or something :rofl:
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

I'm damn near smoking a q every 2 days...c'mon girls...daddy just caint afoords it...gotta pull myself together.

Got the mountain bike clean...for winter....dickhead.. :)

Bloody wrists can't take it.

I Want to go mountain bike riding with GD. That's what I want for christmas :)
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

well there you go...making mega millions who cares...you thought Fifty Shades was hot, watch out.....laughing all the way to the bank.....seriously folks...
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

I'm listening to Dave Mathews...we've had quite a day eh?......but still love each other...stumble....fall, get up, and go at it again...who loves you baby....?
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

I've managed to drill 5 holes, and file some rough edges...do you want me to 50 shades that up for you?

I've only managed to drill these holes 5 times today...I've been hard at it, sweat glistening off my arms, and I've got some more drilling to do yet. Don't worry though, I can go all night :)

I've also been using my hand tools, gently caressing the smoothe curves of the body that holds the light, the key to my babes fruition. You've got to take your time though, if you push too hard then you'll create problems that wont go away. But taken easy, slowly over time, you become one with that movement, that motion, until finally, my hands fall away, I'm done...and they lay there, perfect in this moment, shiny, at ease now, and complete of purpose...

or something :)


This was what I was talking about....or was it?
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

...and whilest Shawnee is having a rest break...

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Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage


Oh come on now, come and play with me or I'm taking my bat and ball(s) and going home.... :)

I KILL ME :rofl:
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

See....this is what happens when you leave someone with PTsD alone, who is having a terribly good day...starts off really low...goes really high....high...get it :0


:rofl: :rofl:

oh gosh I'm having a good time...almost got the mounts ready for the BM's.....mounts...hehe

NEWAY, damn I'm wwwhwhwwhhhhaacked :)

Oh damn....heavily medicated...

Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

Where to start:hmmmm: Thanks for the props it means a lot to me:circle-of-love::hug::hug: As Tassie says there really is no how to, to be done for the condition for it is even unpredictable to the sufferer. History of me is I grew up with a alcoholic, narcissist father with PTSD! It was HELL! I watched him to learn how to survive him but if you left the room for even a minute and he is decent, come back less minute later and he was evil. The last time I spoke with him we had spent several decent hours together and I said I'm heading home and I watched the man disappear and a demon emerge in the blink of a eye. From laughing to screaming at me and telling me what a sorry excuse of a person I was. GD made every effort to make sure I felt loved, wanted, needed, smart, pretty and a good person, starting at date one and still does offten. For him I have read a lot about the condition from every angle possible, joined chat groups of loved ones and sufferers, actually watched, looked and listened to him, got therapy to help me help him, I'm not a quitter (except father) and I have a natural gift of empathy, understanding and patience. Now his mom is still fooled by his cover but most time I can just look at him and tell ya what's wrong or at least if it is physical or mental. He helps me to help him and that is important. my one good quality is I don't judge instead I try to understand and help. Everybody but child molesters deserve to be loved, understood and helped when most needed, it feels great when I get to be that person for someone.
Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

Hey LB, well that shows a deeper level of understanding I'd like you to have :(

SO, ok I've said all my magic words today. Sorry.

Im glad GD and you got each other...that's the other thing I'll say too

Hugs my friend

Re: TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage

Yep...very....very....very...slowly...I got no idea what my problem is

:) smiley grimace
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