Does anyone know if infusing cannabis and soy a sauce works well?

First Grow For Me - So First Journal Also

Soy sauce has both hydrophilic (water loving) and lipophylic (fat loving) components. It is a balanced/emulsified combination of oil and water - like mayonnaise.

The cannabis trichomes one likes to extract are an essential oil, so I suspect adding cannabis will either:
A) not extract the oil very well (because the oil in soy sauce is already bound), or
B) throw the soy sauce out of balance and cause it to seperate into something unlike soy sauce.

I would not try soy sauce to extract cannabis unless I had excess cannabis I was willing to throw away.

Then again, the result doesn't sound appetising to me - too much soy sauce for the amount of cannabis oil.
I wll suggest it is better to mix the two in a recipe than have a pre-mix.

P.S. - I seems my opinion has been overturned by experimental results from the internet. :oops:
Soy sauce has both hydrophilic (water loving) and lipophylic (fat loving) components. It is a balanced/emulsified combination of oil and water - like mayonnaise.

The cannabis trichomes one likes to extract are an essential oil, so I suspect adding cannabis will either:
A) not extract the oil very well (because the oil in soy sauce is already bound), or
B) throw the soy sauce out of balance and cause it to seperate into something unlike soy sauce.

I would not try soy sauce to extract cannabis unless I had excess cannabis I was willing to throw away.

Then again, the result doesn't sound appetising to me - too much soy sauce for the amount of cannabis oil.
I wll suggest it is better to mix the two in a recipe than have a pre-mix.

P.S. - I seems my opinion has been overturned by experimental results from the internet. :oops:

Just because someone on the net says they had success, doesn't necessarily mean they did, :laugh: there were no pictures of the process that I could find. Your reasoning makes perfect sense and thank you.

So, yeah....a small amount for a test sounds better rather than wasting a bunch of bud.

Thanks for your input!

What I had read was in High Times, by someone named Chef Nugs. It doesn't say HOW he infused the soy sauce in his line of products. That's the unknown part...we don't know if he just added an already infused product to it or infused it with buds.

Geez, Canna you continue to slay me.....canna hollan daze very favorite Sunday brunch meal, eggs benedict....yum, yum, and totally yum....and now you got me going on the ketchup....I'm a ketchup freak.....possibilities are endless and I'm loving it!!!
Geez, Canna you continue to slay me.....canna hollan daze very favorite Sunday brunch meal....yum, yum, and totally yum....and now you got me going on the ketchup....I'm a ketchup freak.....possibilities are endless and I'm loving it!!!

Ziggy planted the idea for the Hollan-Daze sauce a while back. I just had to try it. :laugh: It's not the traditional "yellow" sauce....or taste. That's for sure. Kicked my butt 'fer a couple hours.... then I went to wandering around outside with the little animals...didn't do much, took a trip but didn't leave the to speak. :rofl: But the wandering was great in this beautiful sunshine and unusual temps.


EDIT: So, fair warning...if anyone makes the Hollan-Daze sauce, easy does it on how much you put on the foods. With 10 tablespoons of cannabutter in it, and you get a little over a cup of sauce...well that stuff is going to be potent. I'll probably only use half the amount of cannabutter, and the other half plain butter next time. :laugh:
well, any medibles I have tried so far have TOTALLY blown my head off, so I give you REPS for trying all of your I told you, I am swimming in cannabis and totally forget to indulge....usually after 8pm when my day is done, but I smoke it and rest at my limit....damn, I must be a lightweight....:rofl:
I had a late breakfast this morning because I was outside bright and early doing this and that. Got the barn halfway cleaned out!


Anyway, I needed to keep the infusion light because I have so much to do today. I made waffle hash browns and fried eggs, using some fried potatoes and onions in canna oil and butter, that I pulled out of the freezer last night.

I diced up the potatoes and added one beaten egg to help as a binder and then put them in the preheated waffle maker. Then I brushed veggie oil on the waffle plates and turned it on to preheat. The most important step in doing this is to be sure that thing is fully heated, I leave it a minute or so after the green light has come on to be sure the top part is heated as evenly as the bottom. If you hear a sizzle when you place the mixture on it, you're good. We like sizzle. :) My waffle maker is old, even completely heated up it has a cooler spot toward the back. I have a new one coming from scamazon today. Woot Woot!


Get as much moisture out of your potatoes as you can before mixing other stuff into them, if using fresh shredded potatoes squeeze them out to get rid of most of that. It will still steam for awhile, that's perfectly normal. After the green light comes back on, you should be good to go.


This was a perfect amount, should tide me over through late lunch too. The only thing I forgot was adding the cheese to the potatoes. Dang! :laugh:
Okay everyone, here's a challenge. (thanks Hashgirl, for the idea for this)

What do you do with your strained/left over cannabis material after making butter or other things for cooking? Do you use it in brownies, or any other food items after it's strained?

This is just for cooking, I know it can be used for poultices and other medical applications, but I'm looking more on the consumption side of it.


I use mine in brownies and carrot cake :circle-of-love:
You will have to learn to limit yourself when you eat cannabis infused foods. :laugh: Start Low and slow, small portion at first...wait for at least an hour for the effects and then wait to see how long the effects last.

The Ambrosia salad sounds awesome. If you had a cannabis tincture, you could incorporate that into the emulsion...I would think. Or maybe even marinate your fruits in a cannabis marinade before mixing into the salad? That might be interesting.

Also, some Ambrosia salads are made with creams or creamed cheese, you could infuse those as well.
Not sure how the butter will do, please let us know how this turns out for sure!

I do love Ambrosia Salad.


Sprinkle some kief on some of your favorite ambrosia salad.

I've used Fluff for marshmallows when using sour cream or vanilla yogurt :thumb: :circle-of-love:
High Protein, High Fat CannaThick Shake

Equipment needed:


2-3 Tbl CannaCoconut Oil melted
Cup of Ice
1/2 Cup Heavy Cream(Can use CannaCream)
12 Almonds (Raw if you have)
3 Tbl Favorite Whey Protein
2 Tbl Favorite High Protein Shake mix
1 Raw Egg- **make sure you use a FRESH healthy egg :Namaste:
Pinch of Sea Salt
1/2 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract (can use CannaVanilla)
Choice of flavoring- fruit, syrups, etc.

I used chocolate syrup

Combine in blender, and blend on high until smooth and frothy.

Good lord, Ziggs, that looks so delish.....REPS+

Look at you putting the sauce on the chef like.....:thumb:
My neighbor came by for 8 oz of sugar leaves yesterday to make more gummies. His wifey simply adores them....
My neighbor came by for 8 oz of sugar leaves yesterday to make more gummies. His wifey simply adores them....

It's nice to have the gummy molds, but it appears you have to work really quickly with the mixture before it gels up and gets tough to work with. Wondering if you couldn't just pour the mixture into a long pan or dish that is lightly sprayed with oil, let it set up and then just cut them up like we would our caramels. They wouldn't have a bear shape, but they would be infused gummies.

Great idea, Canna, never thought of it that neighbor has gum drop shaped molds but says the process is very easy peasy....I'm liking your idea, tho.....
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